Today I was laughing about ''God=Dog'' again. Behemoth after ''Grom'' isn't worth to pay attention but their last album has officially changed this band into a circus
''God=Dog'' is really laugh-making tnihg, but much more funny are words about
"Behemoth after ''Grom'' isn't worth to pay attention". Personally me don't like Behemoth in all their piostases, but, good God, if such distinctive and followers-inspiring albums as Satanica and Thelema are "not worth for attention", then, may be, nothing in Universe is worth for it.

P.S. And regarding
"after ''Grom'' words. It seems that You are joking. If 1997-... Behemoth is, in Your opinion, "not worth for attention", then 1995-1996 Behemoth is not worth for it in thousand times more, cause Grom-era Behemoth is absolutely generic and mediocre black.
P.P.S. Да, подгорело. А как иначе, когда такое пишут?