Довелось прослушать мне тут нечто, и я задаюсь вопросом:
Балладный Goat Black? =>
Satanic Torment - Submit To The Lord Of Darkness (2017)Или давайте откроем новую тему: Goat Black и козлокульт - не одно и тоже?
Ну, т.е. Goat Black подразумевает Культ Козлищща, но вот Культ Козлищща не Goat Black-ом единым проявляется. Так?
War Metal
Aggressive, chaotic, and heavily Death Metal-influenced, featuring muddy, bass-heavy production and often incorporating war-themed lyrics.
War Metal
AKA: Bestial Black Metal • 1,570 releases
War metal is an aggressive, chaotic, and heavily Death Metal-influenced style of Black Metal, differentiated from other styles of black metal in a few important ways. Firstly, war metal bands typically do not feature a trebly, tremolo-picked lead guitar, instead they rely heavily on downtuned power chords. War metal bands also feature abrupt and unpredictable guitar solos, more in the style of "first-wave" black metal than the melodic solos of the Norwegian "second-wave". The tempo of war metal songs is also markedly increased, often punctuated with abrupt, Grindcore-like bursts of speed. Song lengths are thus typically shortened to about three minutes. Also, whereas black metal is noted for its ghostly shrieks, war metal vocalists growl in a much lower register akin to death metal.
War metal is also known for its distinctive production style. Black metal in general is often associated with thin and trebly low-fidelity production, but war metal groups produce their albums in a muddy, bass-heavy fashion, producing a cacophonous and chaotic atmosphere in which individual riffs are often difficult to discern. Lyrical themes largely center around war and nuclear holocaust, often with a particularly over-the-top satanic bent.
Brazilian black metal pioneers Vulcano and Sarcófago and American death metal quartet Autopsy influenced a number of early war metal acts. Blasphemy, Beherit, and Archgoat all adopted these bands' intensity and deep timbres. After Blasphemy and Beherit ceased to produce war metal in the mid-1990s, a new wave of war metal bands surfaced, led by influential bands such as Bestial Warlust and Naked Whipper. Towards the end of the 1990s, Conqueror pioneered an even more intense style of war metal with their album War Cult Supremacy. Cult record label Nuclear War Now! Productions is known for releasing many records in this style.