есть неиллюзорное предположение что фотограф есть ни кто иной как
Генрих Гофман, личный фотограф Адольфа Гитлера. я собственно говоря и не удивляюсь, он очень много фотографий сделал.
первый источник
Book Adolf Hitler. книга-альбом о истории Третьего Рейха, с вклеенными фотографиями. я так понимаю, что по крайней мере большенство фотографий были именно фотоаппарата Гофмана. хотя судя по описанию так все.
Book Adolf Hitler
"This is the Cigaretten Bilderdienst book published by Alton Bahrenfeld. This means Cigarette Picture Service. It came in a variety of cover colors, but the usual is orange. The purpose of the book was to assemble and present pictures that were glued on the pages to tell the story of the German Fьhrer’s life and ascension to power in the Third Reich. the pictures were offered by the cigarette company and to get a packet of them for your album or book you would find coupons in your pack of cigarettes and you would send them in and the company would provide you-free of charge-a very nicely packaged envelope of these pictures and then you would glue them into the book. At least these cigarette companies provided you with something more than cancer and emphysema. The books, when found by the unknowing, are often thought to be Adolf Hitler’s personal album and I have seen people asking as much as $10,000 for a copy and one Mr. M. Silverstein in N.Y. thought he should get $25,000 for his book. Such a deal! The books are quite nice, but they were issued by the millions in the 1930’s. It consists of 133 pages with hundreds of glossy black-and-white pictures by Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s personal photographer. There are wonderful pictorials depicting the NSDAP, SS, SA, many Nazi personalities, ceremonies, architecture, Wehrmacht, etc. It really is the all-around best book on the era for general information and photographic clarity. It is masterpiece of literary and photographic history. It was a series, but the others that followed did not have the same cover or look. This was numbered “13,” while others in the cigarette-card series usually did not have numbers. Deutschland Erwache is the other most common one, but also very nicely done. This is considered the ultimate Nazi volume of history."
вот тут о Гофмане не упоминается
второй источникклац
"Nice original Hoffman photo. Note this is not a real-photo but the Hoffman photos of the 1930s were near real-photo in quality. It is on very thin paper stock and the back has a description of the scene in German. A nice historical photo."
тут уже на прямую утверждается что фото Гофмана. думаю что им там виднее, в прямом смысле, потому что могут прочитать что с обратной стороны написано. я лично ничего не могу разобрать кроме этого:
тут действительно есть строчка "Heinrich Hoffmann", но все остальное разобрать не могу.
жаль что не смог найти эту фотографию на
glowimages.com, а она должна там быть. на ресурсе много фотографий времен 30-40-х годов с описанием.