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  1. Trial Of The Bow - Rite Of Passage (1997) (8 replies)
  2. Trial Of The Bow - Ornamentation [ep] (1995) (0 replies)
  3. Three Days Grace - Outsider (2018) (0 replies)
  4. Infest - Mankind [ep] (1991) (0 replies)
  5. Bròn - White City, Black Faith (2018) (0 replies)
  6. Rhodian - Too High (2002) (1 reply)
  7. Elend - Lecons De Tenebres (1994) (16 replies)
  8. Brutto - Underdog (2014) (1 reply)
  9. Raison D'être - Tales From The Tabula Rasa (Early Works 1988-1991) (2014) (7 replies)
  10. Raison D'être - Mise En Abyme (2014) (10 replies)
  11. Beckett - Beckett (1974) (1 reply)
  12. Оргазм Нострадамуса - Восхождение К Безумию (1997) (3 replies)
  13. Оргазм Нострадамуса - Убей Тинейджера (2000) (2 replies)
  14. Оргазм Нострадамуса - Лихорадка Неясного Генеза (1998) (1 reply)
  15. Оргазм Нострадамуса - Смерть Аморала (1999) (6 replies)
  16. Ildjarn - Landscapes (1996) (29 replies)
  17. Qntal - VII (2014) (16 replies)
  18. Qntal - Ozymandias (2005) (10 replies)
  19. Long Distance Calling - Trips (2016) (4 replies)
  20. Fu Manchu - Clone Of The Universe (2018) (7 replies)
  21. Raison D'être - Live Archive [live] (2010) (1 reply)
  22. Cleansing The Damned - Human Pestilence (2013) (1 reply)
  23. Der Blutharsch - Everything Is Alright [best of/compilation] (2008) (2 replies)
  24. Der Blutharsch - When Did Wonderland End? (2006) (2 replies)
  25. Current 93 - Earth Covers Earth (1988) (4 replies)
  26. Death In June - But, What Ends When The Symbols Shatter? (1992) (2 replies)
  27. Death In June - Brown Book (2000 Reissue) (1987) (2 replies)
  28. Death In June - The Rule Of Thirds (2008) (11 replies)
  29. Death In June - The World That Summer (1986) (2 replies)
  30. Death In June - Nada! (1990 Reissue) (1985) (2 replies)
  31. Death In June - Burial (1984) (3 replies)
  32. Death In June - The Snow Bunker Tapes (2013) (11 replies)
  33. Death In June - Rose Clouds Of Holocaust (1995) (4 replies)
  34. Death In June - Take Care And Control (1998) (10 replies)
  35. Death In June - The Wall Of Sacrifice (1989) (2 replies)
  36. Der Blutharsch - The Philosopher’s Stone (2007) (4 replies)
  37. Love Is Colder Than Death - Inside The Bell (2004) (2 replies)
  38. Rhodian - Schizzover (2009) (2 replies)
  39. Rhodian - Fact-Or-Your Fiction? (2000) (1 reply)
  40. Rhodian - Structure Of Convergency [demo] (1998) (0 replies)
  41. The Cranberries - Something Else (2017) (33 replies)
  42. E123 & Axidance & Ground Zero - Axidance/E123/Ground Zero [split] (2009) (3 replies)
  43. Love Is Colder Than Death - Eclipse (2003) (2 replies)
  44. Death In Rome - V2 (2018) (9 replies)
  45. Love Is Colder Than Death - Atopos (1999) (3 replies)
  46. Der Blutharsch - Der Blutharsch (1996) (7 replies)
  47. Ramones - Ramones (1976) (6 replies)
  48. Ulf Söderberg - Inland (2016) (4 replies)
  49. Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It (2018) (2 replies)
  50. Black Veil Brides - We Stitch These Wounds (2010) (15 replies)
  51. Raison D'être - Collective Archives [best of/compilation] (1999) (4 replies)
  52. Fogland - Znaman (2002) (4 replies)
  53. Ab Ovo - Mouvements (2007) (5 replies)
  54. De Hominis Dignitate - Au Vide D'Hiver [demo] (2009) (2 replies)
  55. Raison D'être - Within The Depths Of Silence And Phormations (2009) (8 replies)
  56. Sombra Oscura - Is (2018) (3 replies)
  57. F I N (Funeral Inconscientemente Natural) - Tierra De Olvido [demo] (2006) (3 replies)
  58. Corvus Corax - Kaltenberg Anno Mmvii [best of/compilation] (2007) (1 reply)
  59. Various Artists - Sonic Seducer: Cold Hands Seduction 196 [compilation] (2018) (0 replies)
  60. Joe Satriani - What Happens Next (2018) (24 replies)
  61. The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - Amara Tanta Tyri (1994) (6 replies)
  62. The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - Were You Of Silver, Were You Of Gold (1996) (16 replies)
  63. The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - A Night In Fear (with Deutsch Nepal) (1996) (10 replies)
  64. The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - The Smell Of Blood But Victory (1997) (9 replies)
  65. The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud (1993) (10 replies)
  66. Symbiosis - Stabat Nvda Aestas (2007) (1 reply)
  67. Ministry - AmeriKKKant (2018) (10 replies)
  68. Anathema - Alternative Future [ep] (1998) (3 replies)
  69. L'Ira Del Baccano - Terra 42 (2014) (3 replies)
  70. Dirty Deville - Come All Lunatics (2018) (1 reply)
  71. Siekiera - Nowa Aleksandria (1986) (1 reply)
  72. Damnable Excite Zombies! - Discography 1990-1996 [best of/compilation] (2011) (0 replies)
  73. Various Artists - Sonic Seducer: Cold Hands Seduction 195 [compilation] (2018) (0 replies)
  74. Pruneface - Mystery Machine [demo] (2005) (2 replies)
  75. Tony Tears - The Reality Before All [ep] (2004) (0 replies)
  76. Dishit - Dishit [ep] (2012) (0 replies)
  77. Сруб - Хтонь (2015) (22 replies)
  78. Visual Cliff - Refuge (2018) (0 replies)
  79. The Samurai Of Prog - Archiviarum (2018) (0 replies)
  80. Carcereduro - A Chaque Epoque Ses Heros (2010) (5 replies)
  81. MZ.412 & Trepaneringsritualen - X Post Industriale/Rituals 2015 E.V. [split] (2017) (0 replies)
  82. Children Of Nova - Impossible Landscape (2012) (1 reply)
  83. David Gilmour - Rattle That Lock (2015) (14 replies)
  84. Nemesea - Pure: Live @ P3 [live] (2009) (3 replies)
  85. Protomartyr - Relatives In Descent (2017) (2 replies)
  86. Dub Buk - Under The Solar Sign [ep] (2012) (19 replies)
  87. Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme (2012) (99 replies)
  88. Dead Meadow - The Nothing They Need (2018) (0 replies)
  89. The Winery Dogs - Hot Streak (2015) (2 replies)
  90. Joe Lynn Turner - Rescue You (1985) (4 replies)
  91. Michael Bormann - Capture The Moment (2008) (4 replies)
  92. Pop Evil - Pop Evil (2018) (0 replies)
  93. Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - Strangers In Us All (1995) (27 replies)
  94. Various Artists - Concert For George Harrison (2002) (4 replies)
  95. James Plotkin - The Joy Of Disease (1998) (9 replies)
  96. Anna Von Hausswolff - Ceremony (2012) (1 reply)
  97. Anna Von Hausswolff - The Miraculous (2015) (5 replies)
  98. Subheim - Foray (2015) (1 reply)
  99. Tragedy - Darker Days Ahead (2012) (6 replies)
  100. Tragedy - Vengeance (2002) (6 replies)
  101. Clutch - Psychic Warfare (2015) (8 replies)
  102. Arcana - As Bright As A Thousand Suns (2012) (12 replies)
  103. Clutch - Mad Sidewinder/Outland Special Clearance [single] (2016) (0 replies)
  104. Charged GBH - City Baby Attacked By Rats (1982) (4 replies)
  105. Salem - Attrition (2018) (0 replies)
  106. Rob Zombie - The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration (2016) (27 replies)
  107. Black Ice - Myopia (2006) (3 replies)
  108. Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols (1977) (36 replies)
  109. Tequilajazzz - Целлулоид (1998) (8 replies)
  110. Trepaneringsritualen - Kainskult (2017) (4 replies)
  111. Trepaneringsritualen - Deathward, To The Womb (2017) (4 replies)
  112. Arktau Eos - Catacomb Resonator (2017) (3 replies)
  113. Naxatras - III (2018) (2 replies)
  114. Arda - Не угаснет надежда [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  115. Коло - Promo [demo] (2003) (13 replies)
  116. Code - Mut (2015) (59 replies)
  117. Incredible Expanding Mindfuck - I.E.M (1996) (1 reply)
  118. Король И Шут - Продавец Кошмаров (2006) (21 replies)
  119. Bruised Ego - Roman Numeral One (2017) (0 replies)
  120. XCIII - Press Repeat (2018) (0 replies)
  121. Frank Zappa - Orchestral Favorites (1979) (2 replies)
  122. Княжая Пустынь - Дым Прощальных Костров [single] (2014) (1 reply)
  123. Scream Silence - Scream Silence (2012) (6 replies)
  124. Incredible Expanding Mindfuck - Arcadia Son (2002) (0 replies)
  125. Incredible Expanding Mindfuck - An Escalator To Christmas [ep] (1999) (0 replies)
  126. Incredible Expanding Mindfuck - Have Come For Your Children (2001) (16 replies)
  127. Tyrant Of Death - Parasite (2011) (19 replies)
  128. Def Leppard - Def Leppard (2015) (70 replies)
  129. Deep Purple - Made In Japan [remastered] [live] (1972) (12 replies)
  130. Frank Zappa - Sheik Yerbouti [live] (1979) (1 reply)
  131. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool (2016) (2 replies)
  132. Truemurrdoom - Half-Moon Catatonia (2013) (1 reply)
  133. Circle Of Ouroborus - Hiljaiset Sanat (2010) (10 replies)
  134. Circle Of Ouroborus - Cast To The Pits (2010) (60 replies)
  135. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) (32 replies)
  136. David Bowie - Let's Dance (1983) (11 replies)
  137. Sol Invictus - Against The Modern World (reissue 2011) (1987) (1 reply)
  138. Muse - The 2nd Law (2012) (20 replies)
  139. Muse - The Resistance (2009) (19 replies)
  140. Muse - Black Holes And Revelations (2006) (9 replies)
  141. Muse - Absolution (2003) (1 reply)
  142. Muse - Origin of Symmetry (2001) (31 replies)
  143. Muse - Showbiz (1999) (12 replies)
  144. Radiohead - The King Of Limbs (2011) (6 replies)
  145. Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007) (1 reply)
  146. Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) (1 reply)
  147. Radiohead - Amnesiac (2001) (2 replies)
  148. Северный Флот - Всё Внутри (2014) (6 replies)
  149. Radiohead - The Bends (1995) (1 reply)
  150. Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) (5 replies)
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