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  1. Ad Cinerem - Once Mourned...Now Forgotten [demo] (2015) (1 reply)
  2. STS 8 Mission - Slippin' Into Fiction (1992) (2 replies)
  3. STS 8 Mission - Blind (1995) (2 replies)
  4. Regurgitación - Malformación Genética Introfetal [demo] (2013) (1 reply)
  5. All Its Grace - Moloch [ep] (2010) (1 reply)
  6. Lifeproof - Beauty Of The End [demo] (2014) (1 reply)
  7. Broken Glazz - Divine + Broken Glazz [compilation] (1991) (1 reply)
  8. Behemoth - Slaves Shall Serve (ep) (2005) (15 replies)
  9. Behemoth - Conjuration (ep, 2003) (9 replies)
  10. Suffocation - The Best Of Suffocation [best of/compilation] (2008) (9 replies)
  11. Megadeth - Trust [single] (1997) (7 replies)
  12. Megadeth - Anarchy In The U.K. [single] (1988) (7 replies)
  13. Saturnian Mist - Gnostikoi Ha-Shaitan (2011) (37 replies)
  14. Agamenon Project - K7 Songs! Comp. [best of/compilation] (2010) (5 replies)
  15. Agamenon Project - Obsession [ep] (2011) (2 replies)
  16. Mortuus - Grape Of The Vine (2014) (30 replies)
  17. Barathrum - Jetblack Warmetal [compilation] (2014) (14 replies)
  18. Bathory - Blood On Ice (1996) (36 replies)
  19. The Arrival Of Satan - Darkness Dealer (2003) (10 replies)
  20. Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats - Blood Lust (2011) (18 replies)
  21. Destruction - D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. (2008) (59 replies)
  22. 1349 - Revelations Of The Black Flame (2009) (79 replies)
  23. Славия - Песне Воли Калёной (2012) (13 replies)
  24. Vargheim - II [demo] (2013) (1 reply)
  25. Vargheim - I [demo] (2012) (2 replies)
  26. Abaddon - Slaughter To The Thousands [single] (2011) (1 reply)
  27. Hatebeak - The Number Of The Beak (2015) (4 replies)
  28. Maxmillion - Maxmillion (2002) (5 replies)
  29. Инталия (intaglio) - Intaglio (2005) (24 replies)
  30. Unleashed - As Yggdrasil Trembles (2010) (26 replies)
  31. Sorin - The Fire Within (2015) (2 replies)
  32. Kryptcest - Cemetery Pervert (2015) (0 replies)
  33. Menahem - Illusions [single] (2011) (2 replies)
  34. Anusburger - All Hallows [ep] (2014) (0 replies)
  35. Poisonblack - Drive (2011) (71 replies)
  36. Regurgitate - Effortless Regurgitation...The Torture Sessions (1999) (8 replies)
  37. Grudom - Demo 12 [demo] (2012) (3 replies)
  38. Rodent Blowjob Holocaust - Eating Out Shit From A Gaping Ass [demo] (2015) (0 replies)
  39. Graveland - Resharpening Thousand Swords [demo] (2014) (16 replies)
  40. Sledgehammer - (We Don't Like) Porno Peat [single] (1988) (1 reply)
  41. Вертикаль - Запретные Книги (2015) (0 replies)
  42. Skeið - Skeið [demo] (2015) (0 replies)
  43. Psychotic Waltz - Dark Millenium [best of/compilation] (1999) (9 replies)
  44. Xandria - Fire & Ashes [ep] (2015) (4 replies)
  45. Arckanum - Kampen (1998) (19 replies)
  46. Alraune - The Process Of Self-Immolation (2014) (13 replies)
  47. Hipermenorrea & Disgorgement Of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration - Clinicopathologic Correlation In Thrombeombolism [split] (2013) (0 replies)
  48. Scatologic Madness Possession & Endoscopyc Hemorrhage & Lethal Sense - Scatologic Madness Possession/Endoscopyc Hemorrhage/Lethal Sense [split] (2014) (0 replies)
  49. Grannyfist - Double Penetration (2010) (0 replies)
  50. Houwitser - Bestial Atrocity (2010) (57 replies)
  51. Ravager - Storm Of Sin (2002) (14 replies)
  52. Kólga - Demo [demo] (2012) (4 replies)
  53. Emperor & Thorns - Thorns vs Emperor [split] (1999) (24 replies)
  54. Fleischwald & Ingrown & Vomit Gore & N.C.P.Z.C.I. & Putrefaction Pestilence - Happy Crushed: 5 Ways Goregrind [split] (2009) (1 reply)
  55. Wort & Nomad - Wort/Nomad [split] (2015) (1 reply)
  56. Gore Sanctum - Flesh And Organ Consumption (2009) (0 replies)
  57. Carnal Rapture - Promo'94 [demo] (1994) (7 replies)
  58. Gorrendous Whoreplasmia - Manic Insertions [ep] (2015) (0 replies)
  59. Proletar & Analdicktion - Proletar/Analdicktion [split] (2012) (1 reply)
  60. Gorefilia - Regurgitando Leite Materno Na Face Paterna [demo] (2008) (1 reply)
  61. Sabel - The Key (2014) (0 replies)
  62. Céphée Lyra - Privati Honoris Causa [ep] (2012) (2 replies)
  63. Away - To The Lights [demo] (2013) (2 replies)
  64. Behated - Stone Angels [demo] (2015) (1 reply)
  65. Mütiilation - Hail Satanas We Are The Black Legions [ep] (1994) (19 replies)
  66. Bringer Of Chaos & Oluparún - You Deserve To Die/Inner Will Unleashed [split] (2010) (4 replies)
  67. Oluparún - 44 Tracks! [demo] (2007) (5 replies)
  68. Beer Mosh - Pesadilla [ep] (1992) (4 replies)
  69. Animetal USA - Animetal USA W (2012) (4 replies)
  70. Baptized In Blood - Gutterbound (2009) (26 replies)
  71. Woman Is The Earth - Of Dirt (2009) (7 replies)
  72. Gräuen Pestanz & Miasma - Into The Fire Of Isolation [split] (2007) (6 replies)
  73. Mora - Hmlisté Obdobie [demo] (2015) (1 reply)
  74. Skyforger - Kauja Pie Saules (1998) (15 replies)
  75. Winterblut - Sensenklaenge [demo] (2005) (5 replies)
  76. Witchrist & Antediluvian - Witchrist/Antediluvian [split] (2014) (1 reply)
  77. Frostland Tales - Paths Of Life [ep] (2014) (1 reply)
  78. Ancient Wind - Blackened Battle Metal [ep] (2012) (2 replies)
  79. Voltax - Hiding Into Flames (2013) (3 replies)
  80. Infinite Horizon - Dominion (2009) (1 reply)
  81. Secret Sphere - A Time Never Come (2001) (6 replies)
  82. Various Artists - Suicide Reflections [split] (2009) (16 replies)
  83. Vomepotro - Liturgy Of Dissection (2009) (10 replies)
  84. Olocausto - Sadistic Violation Of Human Rights (2010) (2 replies)
  85. Diapsiquir - Lubie Satanique Dépravée (L.S.D.) (2003) (22 replies)
  86. Nachtmystium - Doomsday Derelicts [ep] (2009) (13 replies)
  87. Major Capture - Deep Inside (2008) (1 reply)
  88. Turdus Merula - Herbarium (2010) (24 replies)
  89. Ritual Necromancy - Void Manifest [ep] (2014) (5 replies)
  90. Carnival Of Carnage & Biocyst - They Keep Coming Back In A Bloodthursty Lust For Human Flesh!/Pathologic Goregrind [split] (2002) (2 replies)
  91. Irae - To Those Who Stand... Evil Prevails [compilation] (2012) (10 replies)
  92. Cathedral - A New Ice Age [ep] (2011) (2 replies)
  93. Heino - Schwarz Blüht Der Enzian (2014) (3 replies)
  94. Annúlond - Battles, Singing And Ale Drinking (2007) (0 replies)
  95. Angelica - Time Is All It Takes (1992) (1 reply)
  96. Corrosive Gastric Hemorrhage - Extracting The Bowels [demo] (2009) (3 replies)
  97. Australes Tenebris - Rituum Satanae [demo] (2014) (0 replies)
  98. Willow Mount - Vanitas (2009) (0 replies)
  99. Widow And The Son - Negation [demo] (2010) (0 replies)
  100. Exit-13 - Don't Spare The Green Love [best of/compilation] (1993) (1 reply)
  101. All The Cold - One Year Of Cold [best of/compilation] (2009) (25 replies)
  102. Deepthroat Tracheotomy - Demo [demo] (2009) (2 replies)
  103. Plague Rages - Subordinados Pela Peste (2008) (1 reply)
  104. Geasa - Angel's Cry (1999) (15 replies)
  105. Decomposed Cranium - Death Roulette (2006) (1 reply)
  106. Krohm - The Haunting Presence (2007) (31 replies)
  107. Duobetic Homunkulus - Části A Mechanismy Strojů [demo] (2006) (0 replies)
  108. Ovaryrot - Licentious Hysterectomy (2009) (1 reply)
  109. Gestalte - Ashes Of The Soul (2013) (5 replies)
  110. Fornicatus - Omnium Animalis Terminus (2009) (14 replies)
  111. Pan.Thy.Monium - Khaooohs & Kon-Fus-Ion (1996) (21 replies)
  112. Zwavelstorm - Verdwijn... [demo] (2010) (1 reply)
  113. Sortilegia - Arcane Death Ritual (2014) (17 replies)
  114. Various Artists - Deathrare's - Winter Of Destruction [best of/compilation] (2012) (2 replies)
  115. Kawaii Guts - No Balls - No Wars! (2013) (2 replies)
  116. Warmaster - The End Of Humanity (2013) (2 replies)
  117. Rahu - The Quest For The Vajra Of Shadows (2012) (38 replies)
  118. Bloody Obstetric Technology - Chainsawgasm [ep] (2014) (0 replies)
  119. An Norvys - One And All [demo] (2011) (4 replies)
  120. Cannibe - Hideous Human Vintage (2011) (4 replies)
  121. Tumour - Too Large For Digestive Capacity [best of/compilation] (2006) (1 reply)
  122. Blóðtrú - Sunwolf (2013) (5 replies)
  123. No One Gets Out Alive & Fleischwald & Severe Metastasis & Gore Obsessed & Gorepot - Grotesque Display Of Mutilations [split] (2010) (3 replies)
  124. Rottencrotch & Antro & Impaled Cunts & Miserable Absence Of Harmony - The Infection Continue... [split] (2010) (1 reply)
  125. Prrot & Orifice - Anal Compressor/Spermbubbles [split] (2007) (3 replies)
  126. Felsenfeste - Felsenfeste [demo] (2014) (0 replies)
  127. Orifice & Repulsive Human Grinder & Rectal Cumshot & Extreme Rectal Avantgarde - 4 Way To Fill A Cunt! [split] (2006) (2 replies)
  128. God Seed - I Begin (2012) (44 replies)
  129. Hvemod - Fast [ep] (2013) (0 replies)
  130. Hvemod - Slow (2014) (0 replies)
  131. Deities Of Darkness - Enslaved By Time (2010) (0 replies)
  132. Acoustic Grinder & Turmoil - If You Feel Right You Have To Do It: Suicide/Untitled [split] (1994) (1 reply)
  133. Reusmarkt - Эхо (2006) (37 replies)
  134. Warthog - Rest In Piss [demo] (2014) (0 replies)
  135. Avsmaak - Sensus Vanitatum [demo] (2014) (0 replies)
  136. Fear Of God - As Statues Fell [ep] (1988) (4 replies)
  137. Blackcircle - Requiem In Silence (2011) (3 replies)
  138. Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy - Cannibal Anatomy [ep] (2012) (2 replies)
  139. Samskaras - Consecrate [single] (2014) (0 replies)
  140. Samskaras - Red Hill [single] (2014) (0 replies)
  141. Horn Of The Rhino - Summoning Deliverance (2014) (1 reply)
  142. Infested Blood - Interplanar Decimation (2009) (15 replies)
  143. Among The Rotting Trees - The Cold, Misty Morning (2014) (0 replies)
  144. Anger - Anger (1997) (1 reply)
  145. Tumour & Cannibe - Diary Of The Dranged/Files Of A Mental Disturbed [split] (2011) (4 replies)
  146. Adhur & Aiumeen Basoa & Ilbeltz - Triarchy Of Vasconia [split] (2001) (11 replies)
  147. Scatologic Madness Possession - Devotes Of Insalubrity (2008) (3 replies)
  148. Deadlife - Scars [ep] (2014) (3 replies)
  149. Ancestral Awakening - Ancestral Awakening [demo] (2013) (0 replies)
  150. Naakhum - Backward In The Times: Part I (2010) (3 replies)
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