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Metal Area - Extreme Music Portal > Releases Area / Релизы > Requests
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  1. Amuzia (0 replies)
  2. T.O.M.B. - "Total Occultic Mechanical Blasphemy" (0 replies)
  3. Древедь - Оскопление памяти (1999) (2 replies)
  4. Dawn of Demise - Rejoice in Vengeance (2012) (2 replies)
  5. Creation Undone - “Misanthropic Reflections” (2012) (2 replies)
  6. Menegroth - Das Rote Werk (2012) (1 reply)
  7. Looking for bands like Diablo or Dagoba (0 replies)
  8. Gorath Discography (0 replies)
  9. Demonic Slaughter ''Revelations of Death'' (5 replies)
  10. Vader - The Ultimate Incantation (Swedish Version - Sunlight Studio) (0 replies)
  11. Russian death metal (3 replies)
  12. Reveal (Swe) - Nocturne of Eyes and Teeth (2011) (5 replies)
  13. Voodoo Gods (1 reply)
  14. Witchrist - The Grand Tormentor (2012) (0 replies)
  15. Stworz - Blask nad Wiecznymi Lasami [Demo][2008] (2 replies)
  16. Verdunkeln - Weder Licht Noch Schatten (2012) (5 replies)
  17. Sale Freux "L'Exil" (4 replies)
  18. Elysian Blaze - Blood Geometry (2008) (42 replies)
  19. Soul of Honor - Ancient Blood (0 replies)
  20. Risen to Reclaim - Explicit Imagination (2011) (0 replies)
  21. Gothic Spirits 13 (5 replies)
  22. Backyard Mortuary - Lure of the Occult (2012) (0 replies)
  23. Sleeping Majesty - Serpens Callidus, The Bloodline of the Fallen Angels (2006) (0 replies)
  24. Gravemaster - Blood of the Witches (Demo 2011) (0 replies)
  25. Mythopoeia - Haaramonia in Microcosmos (1996) & Scheps Ankh, Aesch Mezareph, Atropopaia, Michani (1999) (5 replies)
  26. Nü World Disorder (0 replies)
  27. ReinXeed - Welcome to the Theater (1 reply)
  28. Каменный Пояс - По Северным Тропам (1 reply)
  29. Zuckuss - Titfucked By Tauntaun (2000) (1 reply)
  30. Hoax (1 reply)
  31. Atrium Noctis (6 replies)
  32. Gorelust - Reign Of Lunacy (1995) (1 reply)
  33. Asgaard (5 replies)
  34. Imprecation - Jehovah Denied (1 reply)
  35. Anwynn - Voices Of Perdition 320CBR (1 reply)
  36. Taakeferd - Når Sirkelen Brytes (2012) (0 replies)
  37. Sathanas / Nominon split (0 replies)
  38. At The Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness (2010 remastered) (0 replies)
  39. Oddland - The treachery of senses - Progressive metal (0 replies)
  40. Besatt - Unholy Trinity Part 2 - Unspirit (2012) (1 reply)
  41. Besatt - Unholy Trinity part 3 - Unson (2012) (1 reply)
  42. Besatt - Unholy Trinity Part 1 - Unfather (2012) (4 replies)
  43. Woods of Infinity - Snart (2012) (0 replies)
  44. Eternity - Pestiferous Hymns – Rev. I-I-XXXIII (2012) (0 replies)
  45. Gothic Spirits Presents: Dark Ladies (2011) (1 reply)
  46. Gothic Romance 5 (2012) (0 replies)
  47. Gothic Romance 4 (2011) (1 reply)
  48. Gothic Romance 2 (2010) (1 reply)
  49. Gothic Spirits 15 (2012) (0 replies)
  50. Gothic Spirits 14 (1 reply)
  51. Gothic Spirits 12 (1 reply)
  52. Gothic Spirits 11 (1 reply)
  53. Gothic Spirits 10 (1 reply)
  54. Anal Grind- Chronic Pornoholic (2012) (10 replies)
  55. Vagrant God - Vagrant God (2008) (12 replies)
  56. Laberinto – Mask of a Thousand Faces (2010) (1 reply)
  57. Lönndom - Till Trevaren (2011) [EP] (10 replies)
  58. Nachtmystium - As Made (3 replies)
  59. Кто узнает тему? Рвет она конкретно! (1 reply)
  60. Sin7sinS - Carnival Of No Tomorrow (0 replies)
  61. Carnivore - 2008 Remasters (0 replies)
  62. Chariot (U.K.)-IN THE BLOOD 2012 (0 replies)
  63. Domgård - Myrkviðr (3 replies)
  64. Nebelwerfer (rus) - The Aeon Of Filth (1 reply)
  65. Chicago Thrash Ensemble (2010/2011/2012) (0 replies)
  66. Akphaezya - Anthology IV : The Tragedy of Nerak (2012) (2 replies)
  67. 2012 - Autarcie - Epoque Révolue (0 replies)
  68. Deadfall - Antichristmass (1 reply)
  69. Daudehaud - Når Naturen Kaller (2011) (1 reply)
  70. KORPBLOD 2012 - Vardens Fard (1 reply)
  71. P.H.O.B.O.S. - Atonal Hypermnesia (2012) (1 reply)
  72. Degial (1 reply)
  73. Pusyslovers (0 replies)
  74. И снова Bloodrain... (20 replies)
  75. The Privateer - Facing The Tempest (3 replies)
  76. Skin The Pig (2 replies)
  77. Помогите опознать блэцк (0 replies)
  78. Walpurgi - Untersberg - Gegenschlag aus dem Alpenreich (2 replies)
  79. LvxCælis - Nigredo - The Dead Head (3 replies)
  80. Vonn - Victim One: Ecstasy (2 replies)
  81. TERAMAZE - ANTHOLOGY (2008) (5 replies)
  83. Your Shapeless Beauty - 2010 - Phoinike (1 reply)
  84. Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis (2012) (12 replies)
  85. Deadlands - Evilution (2012) (1 reply)
  86. Godless Cruelty Demos (0 replies)
  87. Now It's Dark - Now It's Dark (1996) (5 replies)
  88. The Foreshadowing - Second World (8 replies)
  89. Final Cry - Neptune's Relief (2006) - Germany (1 reply)
  90. Panchrysia - Massa Damnata (2011) (0 replies)
  91. Affliction Gate - Shattered Ante Mortem Illusions EP (2011) (0 replies)
  92. Helstar - Demolition (1 reply)
  93. Dark Tranquillity - Zero Distance EP (1 reply)
  94. Nar Mattaru - Enuma Elish / In the Black Spheres Of Time (2011) (1 reply)
  95. Exilia (1 reply)
  96. Does anyone have these demos ?!?!?!? (11 replies)
  97. Vardlokkur - Articulo Mortis (2012) (0 replies)
  98. NeverDream - Said (2010) (5 replies)
  99. Rostorchester - Verschrobenheit CD 2011 (2 replies)
  100. Serpent Saints - All Things Metal - 2012 (1 reply)
  101. Adavänt - Tale Untold (2011) (2 replies)
  102. Psychomantum || Nachtmahr - {Minas / Morgul} Split [2010] (0 replies)
  103. DreamCatcher - Souldesign (2 replies)
  104. Diskord - Dystopics (2012) (0 replies)
  105. Limited Mutanter (Ukraine) (2 replies)
  106. Chthonic-Mirror of Retribution 2009 (Japanese version) (0 replies)
  107. Obsidian Throne - Behind the Veil EP (0 replies)
  108. Warlord U.K. - Evil Within - 2010 (2 replies)
  109. Eclipse Eternal - The Essence of Hopelessness {2012} (1 reply)
  110. Theudho - When Ice Crowns the Earth {2012} (3 replies)
  111. Goguryeo Band - 光夫 (2008) (0 replies)
  112. Atoma - Skylight (2012) (14 replies)
  113. ищется вот эта группа Midwinter Storm (1 reply)
  114. Dark End - {Grand Guignol - Book I} (2012) (1 reply)
  115. Fastkill - Bestial Thrashing Bulldozer - 2011 (0 replies)
  116. Kaevum - Natur (2012) (2 replies)
  117. Teodasia - Upwards (0 replies)
  118. PERDITION / SVARTIDAUÐI (13 replies)
  119. Burzum 2012 (8 replies)
  120. Fjeldgænger & Molok (2 replies)
  121. Luciferian - I am Perverse (2011) (2 replies)
  122. Dark Suns - Below Dark Illusion (2 replies)
  123. DarkRise (4 replies)
  124. Nocternity - Nocternity (2012) (0 replies)
  125. Evereve - On the Verge of Tears ( demo) 1995 (0 replies)
  126. ENTHRAL - Obtenebrate (0 replies)
  127. Domgård - Blodskald (2 replies)
  128. Aamunkajo - Avaruuden tyhjyydessä (6 replies)
  129. Ищу новый DVD группы CHTHONIC (0 replies)
  130. Desultor - Masters of Hate (2012) (0 replies)
  131. Apathy - Ghost Light (2012, EP) (0 replies)
  132. Ominous Resurrection - S/t (demo) (2011) (0 replies)
  133. A.R.G. (1 reply)
  134. Dagon - Vindication (EP) (2011) (1 reply)
  135. Ab Imo Pectore - The Dissociative Path (demo 2012) (7 replies)
  136. Black Flame - Septem (2011) (1 reply)
  137. Impiety - Ravage and Conquer (2012) (2 replies)
  138. Железный поток (2 replies)
  139. Blüdwülf / Parasite split (2010) (2 replies)
  140. Nunslaughter: 2012 Releases (0 replies)
  141. The Ziggurat (1 reply)
  142. Desaster - The Arts of Destruction (15 replies)
  143. Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma (2012) (0 replies)
  144. Testor - Animal Killstinct (2010) (1 reply)
  145. Sammath Naur - Anhedonia(2011) (1 reply)
  146. DreamScar - Stories of the Beautiful and Violent (2007) (2 replies)
  147. Medulla Nocte (1 reply)
  148. Изморозь - Зигомёд (2012) (7 replies)
  149. Soen - Cognitive (0 replies)
  150. Mistress of the Dead - Henriette's Message from the Other Shore (2011) (3 replies)
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