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  1. Casket - Upright Decay (2008) (5 replies)
  2. False - Untitled (2015) (6 replies)
  3. Dark Castle - Spirited Migration (2009) (8 replies)
  4. Turisas - Battle Metal (2004) (29 replies)
  5. Eïs - Wetterkreuz (2012) (17 replies)
  6. Eïs - Kainsmal (2011) (9 replies)
  7. Grium - Smrti Vánok [demo] (2020) (1 reply)
  8. David Ellefson - Sleeping Giants [compilation] (2019) (2 replies)
  9. Pharaoh Overlörd - Out Of Darkness (2011) (2 replies)
  10. Machine Head - The More Things Change (1997) (39 replies)
  11. Longing For Dawn - One Lonely Path (2005) (19 replies)
  12. Amoxet - The Unfathomable Abstract [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  13. Estuary - The Craft Of Contradiction (2007) (17 replies)
  14. Rellik - Spiraling Infinite Chaos (2015) (13 replies)
  15. Spirit Adrift - Chained To Oblivion (2016) (3 replies)
  16. Spirit Adrift - Divided By Darkness (2019) (5 replies)
  17. Winterblut - Grund: Gelenkkunst (2003) (2 replies)
  18. Deathless - The Sounds Of The New World [ep] (2003) (4 replies)
  19. Animated Dead - Tombs Of Carnage (2013) (3 replies)
  20. Rotten Brain & Casket Slime - Rotten Brain/Casket Slime [split] (2020) (1 reply)
  21. Blood Red Fog - Thanatotic Supremacy (2018) (14 replies)
  22. Jon Oliva's Pain - Festival (2010) (18 replies)
  23. Gooseflesh - Chemical Garden (1999) (6 replies)
  24. Parricide - Crude (1999) (6 replies)
  25. Akira Takasaki - Ki (1994) (1 reply)
  26. Akira Takasaki - Tusk Of Jaguar (1982) (2 replies)
  27. Apotheosis - A Shroud Of Belief (1996) (22 replies)
  28. Decreto K - Che Il Viale Sia Nero [demo] (2006) (7 replies)
  29. Decreto K - La Tomba Reclama La Tua Carne [demo] (2006) (6 replies)
  30. Darkmoon - Apocalyptic Syndrome (2007) (25 replies)
  31. Ethel Hunter - Consciousness Awakening (2020) (2 replies)
  32. Abortion Survivor - The Back Alley: Chapter 1 [ep] (2020) (1 reply)
  33. Oxalate - Infatuating Sickness [ep] (2019) (1 reply)
  34. Shrapnel Storm - Mother War (2015) (3 replies)
  35. Deathwhite - For A Black Tomorrow (2018) (6 replies)
  36. Odraza - Esperalem Tkane (2014) (14 replies)
  37. Deathspell Omega - Picture Vinyl Box [best of/compilation] (2012) (7 replies)
  38. Mephistophelian - Anotos (2020) (2 replies)
  39. Hyperborea - Cryogenic Somnia (2008) (26 replies)
  40. Alogia - Secret Spheres Of Art (2005) (6 replies)
  41. Venom - Metal Black (2006) (31 replies)
  42. Venom - In Nomine Satanas [compilation] (2019) (5 replies)
  43. Wilderun - Olden Tales & Deathly Trails (2012) (8 replies)
  44. Sumac - What One Becomes (2016) (5 replies)
  45. Neurosis - Given To The Rising (2007) (16 replies)
  46. Mirrorthrone - Of Wind And Weeping (2003) (12 replies)
  47. Isis - In The Fishtank 14 [ep] (2006) (3 replies)
  48. Sorrow Of Tranquility - Empire From Darkness (2002) (14 replies)
  49. Folklorica - Warhero (2020) (7 replies)
  50. Repulsive Vision - Look Past The Gore And See The Art (2017) (3 replies)
  51. Diamatregon - Vinbär Frost [demo] (2001) (7 replies)
  52. Woe - Withdrawal (2013) (17 replies)
  53. Woe - A Spell For The Death Of Man (2008) (13 replies)
  54. Supuration - 9092 [best of/compilation] (1995) (7 replies)
  55. Dawn Ov Hate - Death D'Hivern [ep] (2010) (7 replies)
  56. Kontinuum - No Need To Reason (2018) (10 replies)
  57. Sumac - Love In Shadow (2018) (2 replies)
  58. Ragor - За Гранью Света (2009) (21 replies)
  59. Sumac - WFMU [live] (2018) (5 replies)
  60. Sumac - The Deal (2015) (2 replies)
  61. Drastus - Roars From The Old Serpent's Paradise (2005) (18 replies)
  62. Ancient Existence - Night Eternal (2003) (6 replies)
  63. The Lurking Fear - Out Of The Voiceless Grave (2017) (33 replies)
  64. Wooden Stake - Dungeon Prayers & Tombyard Serenades (2011) (12 replies)
  65. Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis (2012) (153 replies)
  66. Ominous Resurrection - Omniscient (2014) (6 replies)
  67. Carpathian Forest - Bloodlust & Perversion [compilation] (1997) (20 replies)
  68. Druid Lord - Hymns For The Wicked (2010) (20 replies)
  69. Gothic Sky - Тени Прошлого (2019) (24 replies)
  70. Deathhammer - Phantom Knights (2010) (24 replies)
  71. Living Death - Vengeance Of Hell (1984) (36 replies)
  72. Discard - Carrion (2007) (7 replies)
  73. Torture Killer - Sewers (2009) (42 replies)
  74. Pestilence - Hadeon (2018) (48 replies)
  75. Haunter - Sacramental Death Qualia (2019) (8 replies)
  76. Sleep - The Sciences (2018) (24 replies)
  77. Coltsblood - Into The Unfathomable Abyss (2014) (4 replies)
  78. Coltsblood - Ascending Into Shimmering Darkness (2017) (3 replies)
  79. Bizarre Bondage & Anal Grind & Whoreruption - 3 Way Torture [split] (2010) (5 replies)
  80. Livores Mortis - Imperium Equilibrium (2000) (3 replies)
  81. Boal - Infinite Deprivation (2013) (5 replies)
  82. The Jasser Arafats - The Aftermath [ep] (2013) (2 replies)
  83. Antediluvian - Through The Cervix Of Hawwah (2011) (18 replies)
  84. S.U.P. - Hegemony (2008) (15 replies)
  85. Heavy Temple & Wolf Blood - Split From The Black Hole [split] (2020) (0 replies)
  86. Triumvir Foul - Urine Of Abomination [ep] (2019) (10 replies)
  87. Deviant Process - Paroxysm (2016) (28 replies)
  88. Nocte Obducta - GalgendäMmerung - Von Nebel, Blut Und Totgeburten (2002) (8 replies)
  89. Nocte Obducta - Totholz (Ein Raunen Aus Dem Klammwald) (2017) (24 replies)
  90. Odal - Geistes Unruh (2016) (6 replies)
  91. Disevared - Inherit The Period Of Suffering (2020) (2 replies)
  92. Alone In The Mist - See Them Dying (2018) (1 reply)
  93. Lilitu - The Delores Lesion (2004) (14 replies)
  94. Hatefulmurder - Reborn (2019) (4 replies)
  95. Deals Death - Internal Demons (2009) (20 replies)
  96. Demolish - Remembering The Cabalisticae Laments [compilation] (2005) (8 replies)
  97. Spiritual Holocaust - Kingdom Of Cadavers [ep] (2013) (2 replies)
  98. Iniquitous Deeds - Incessant Hallucinations (2015) (6 replies)
  99. Vanhelga - Sommar [ep] (2013) (4 replies)
  100. Vanhelga - Ode & Elegy (2016) (4 replies)
  101. Vanhelga - Mortem Illuminate Mea (2010) (14 replies)
  102. Emptiness - Error (2012) (18 replies)
  103. Torture Squad - Return Of Evil [ep] (2016) (3 replies)
  104. Nonexist - From My Cold Dead Hands (2012) (19 replies)
  105. Проект Хаос - Акт Агрессии (2005) (2 replies)
  106. Lashblood - Philosophy Of Self-Flagellation: Being And Nothing (2012) (40 replies)
  107. Bloody Hammers - Lovely Sort Of Death (2016) (15 replies)
  108. Skanners - Dirty Armada (1986) (2 replies)
  109. Goatmoon - Hard Evidence - Illegal Live Activities 2009 [live] (2010) (7 replies)
  110. Necromorph - Grinding Black Zero (2011) (6 replies)
  111. Hell-Born - Hell / Born [ep] (1996) (6 replies)
  112. Minotaur - God May Show You Mercy... We Will Not (2009) (10 replies)
  113. Hell-born - The Call Of Megiddo (2002) (9 replies)
  114. Holy Moses - Terminal Terror (1991) (33 replies)
  115. Sanctum Of Solitude - Devious Depths Of Witchcraft [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  116. Unholy Monarch - Inception Of Deception (2020) (1 reply)
  117. Holy Moses - World Chaos (1990) (32 replies)
  118. Deliberate Miscarriage - Demo [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  119. Eliwagar - Gryningen (2013) (1 reply)
  120. Bear Mace - Butchering The Colossus (2017) (10 replies)
  121. Remorseless Winter - Letters From Iceland [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  122. Acts Of Swine - Sadistically Speaking (2018) (4 replies)
  123. Parthak - Witness To Horror [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  124. Slave Agent - Slave Agent [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  125. Adversary - Forgotten Remains Of Death - Demo Collection 1990-1991 [best of/compilation] (2016) (4 replies)
  126. Damnation - Resurrection Of Azarath [best of/compilation] (2003) (8 replies)
  127. Casket - Undead Soil (2013) (7 replies)
  128. Ripped To Shreds - 埋葬 (2018) (5 replies)
  129. Delirium X Tremens - Crehated From No_Thing (2007) (2 replies)
  130. Сварга & Дрыгва - В пасти новой войны [single] (2010) (37 replies)
  131. До Скону - Чрево Первобытной Тьмы (2011) (25 replies)
  132. До Скону - Ад (2016) (41 replies)
  133. S.C.A.L.P. - In Memory Of Madness - The Early Years: 1994-1995 [best of/compilation] (2007) (9 replies)
  134. S.C.A.L.P. - Чужая Война (2009) (17 replies)
  135. S.c.a.l.p. - Tears And Blood (2004) (18 replies)
  136. Dig Me No Grave - Cosmic Cult (2014) (8 replies)
  137. Mora Prokaza - Bringer Of Plague (2015) (7 replies)
  138. Tortharry - Reborn (2006) (7 replies)
  139. Birdflesh - Killing Rosenkeller [demo] (2004) (1 reply)
  140. Gash Blood - Live At The Uptown [bootleg] (2008) (0 replies)
  141. Various Artists - The Holy Bible Vol. II-III [compilation] (1999) (1 reply)
  142. Oz - Fire In The Brain (1983) (8 replies)
  143. Vociferor - Fall Of Man [demo] (2009) (0 replies)
  144. Nebula Orionis - Riftgate [ep] (2020) (2 replies)
  145. Void Collapse - Fever Dream [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  146. Shaarimoth - Current 11 (2005) (18 replies)
  147. Grausamkeit - Fucking Goat Horness! [demo] (1996) (12 replies)
  148. Grausamkeit & Old Pagan - Old Pagan/Grausamkeit [split] (2000) (6 replies)
  149. Harsgathyr & Ysorex - Nordlandkrieger [split] (2006) (13 replies)
  150. Cultus - A Seat In Valhalla (2004) (10 replies)
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