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  1. Decapitated - Carnival Is Forever (2011) (179 replies)
  2. Thyrfing - Hels Vite (2008) (109 replies)
  3. Code - Resplendent Grotesque (2009) (46 replies)
  4. Artillery - Terror Squad (1987) (28 replies)
  5. Architect Of Dissonance - Totenkvlt [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  6. Dark Sky - Signs Of The Time (2023) (0 replies)
  7. Mortjuri - ....Desoulate (2008) (14 replies)
  8. Malevolent Creation - Dead Man's Path (2015) (99 replies)
  9. Behexen - By The Blessing Of Satan (2004) (24 replies)
  10. ZubZero - Lost Sun [demo] (2022) (1 reply)
  11. Noctum - The Seance (2010) (17 replies)
  12. Napalm Death - Fear, Emptiness, Despair (1994) (92 replies)
  13. Woe - Quietly, Undramatically (2010) (25 replies)
  14. Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered (1996) (91 replies)
  15. Ephel Duath - Through My Dog's Eyes (2009) (49 replies)
  16. Dr. Shrinker - Grotesque Wedlock [best of/compilation] (2004) (11 replies)
  17. Hieronymus Bosch - The Human Abstract (1995) (52 replies)
  18. Flight - Echoes Of Journeys Past (2023) (1 reply)
  19. Warskull - Colors Of Fall [ep] (2019) (1 reply)
  20. Warskull - Songs From A Shattered Soul [ep] (2019) (1 reply)
  21. Wallachia - Carpathia Symphonia [ep] (2015) (7 replies)
  22. Eave - Banners To The Moonswept [ep] (2018) (3 replies)
  23. Protrusion - Protrusion [demo] (2023) (1 reply)
  24. Horrorborn - Lit [ep] (2022) (1 reply)
  25. Amsvartner - The Trollish Mirror (1997) (19 replies)
  26. Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom (1990) (39 replies)
  27. Thra - Mourn [demo] (2017) (1 reply)
  28. Thou Art Lord - The Regal Pulse Of Lucifer (2013) (55 replies)
  29. Beherit - Celebrate The Dead [ep] (2012) (49 replies)
  30. Aeonian Sorrow - A Life Without [ep] (2020) (16 replies)
  31. PeelingFlesh & Putrid Stu - Ghetto As Hell [split] (2023) (0 replies)
  32. Eternal Grieve - Dark Side Of Life (1998) (9 replies)
  33. Voivod - Ultraman [ep] (2022) (3 replies)
  34. Unspeakable Carnage - A Scene Of Unspeakable Carnage [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  35. Arch/Matheos - Winter Ethereal (2019) (26 replies)
  36. Cult Of Lilith - Mara (2020) (13 replies)
  37. Dew-Scented - Intermination (2015) (9 replies)
  38. Dew-scented - Ill-Natured (1999) (12 replies)
  39. Bolt Thrower - Realm Of Chaos (Slaves To Darkness) (1989) (43 replies)
  40. Decayed - Oath Of The Plague [compilation] (2022) (3 replies)
  41. Worm Shepherd - The Frozen Lake, Pt. II (The Ruined) [single] (2023) (1 reply)
  42. Thyrfing - Thyrfing (1998) (15 replies)
  43. Nervosa - Perpetual Chaos (2021) (23 replies)
  44. Marduk - Rom 5:12 (2007) (140 replies)
  45. General Fibrosis - Promo 2023 [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  46. Wolvesrot - Demo [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  47. Mental Crypt - Extreme Unction (1998) (12 replies)
  48. Acheron - The Final Conflict: Last Days Of God (2009) (51 replies)
  49. Grant The Sun - Sylvain [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  50. Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk (1999) (42 replies)
  51. Diaboli - Awakening Of Nordic Storm (2021) (16 replies)
  52. Ishjerte - Fall Of The Hill Giants [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  53. Sankaku - Tai Otoshi [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  54. :tremor - Chantera Pas (2013) (16 replies)
  55. Toxik - World Circus (1987) (18 replies)
  56. 10 To The Chest - Split The Fuck Open [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  57. Tarabas - Aus Alter Zeit (2007) (18 replies)
  58. Misotheist - For The Glory Of Your Redeemer (2021) (24 replies)
  59. Machinegun The Poor - Splet (2023) (0 replies)
  60. Ragnarok - Collectors Of The King (2010) (21 replies)
  61. Wodensthrone - Loss (2009) (63 replies)
  62. Paradise Lost - One Second (1997) (122 replies)
  63. Ragnarok - Psychopathology (2016) (37 replies)
  64. Opeth - Still Life (1999) (19 replies)
  65. Paysage D'Hiver - Einsamkeit [demo] (2007) (19 replies)
  66. Outre-Tombe - Nécrovortex (2018) (11 replies)
  67. Savage - Demo 1 [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  68. Bathory - Requiem (1994) (25 replies)
  69. Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted (2008) (56 replies)
  70. Second To Sun - Leviathan (2020) (7 replies)
  71. Sundowner - Crossed Out Of Society [ep] (2023) (2 replies)
  72. Mass Produced Human - Mass Produced Human [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  73. Maleficium - This Illusion Of Humanity (1995) (21 replies)
  74. Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos (2008) (62 replies)
  75. Virologist - Promo 2023 [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  76. Sarvsfos - Crown Of The Forest [demo] (2021) (1 reply)
  77. Blood Wraith - Ratas [ep] (2023) (1 reply)
  78. For Ruin - Relapse [ep] (2021) (1 reply)
  79. Chthe'ilist - Le Dernier Crépuscule (2016) (27 replies)
  80. Gnot - Свет [ep] (2023) (1 reply)
  81. Tongues - Hreilia (2017) (3 replies)
  82. Forgeus - Where Dead Angels Lie... [single] (2023) (0 replies)
  83. Trascëndental - Nothingness [best of/compilation] (2014) (7 replies)
  84. Freddo Cosmo - La Montagna [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  85. Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike (1995) (55 replies)
  86. Anal Cunt - Fuckin' A (2010) (6 replies)
  87. Your End - Deathcamp [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  88. Dread - Excuse Mercy For Punishment [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  89. Teitanblood - The Baneful Choir (2019) (68 replies)
  90. Antαres - Portal [ep] (2020) (1 reply)
  91. Eternity - To Become The Great Beast (2019) (12 replies)
  92. Deafness - Oppressing The Silence (1996) (9 replies)
  93. Deathcult - Cult Of The Dragon (2007) (17 replies)
  94. Burshtyn - Апокриф (2023) (29 replies)
  95. Temple Of Baal - Verses Of Fire (2013) (28 replies)
  96. Eeviomorfia - Mortal Lacuna [ep] (2017) (5 replies)
  97. Eeviomorfia - Sublime Saudade [ep] (2018) (5 replies)
  98. Hats Barn - Primitive Humans Desecration (2010) (15 replies)
  99. Blind Hatred - Satan's Bell [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  100. Pyramaze - Immortal (2008) (20 replies)
  101. Djevelkult - I Djevelens Tegn (2014) (13 replies)
  102. Titan Arum - The Huntress [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  103. Thrudvangar - Ahnenthron (2004) (19 replies)
  104. Thrudvangar - Walhall (2006) (16 replies)
  105. End It With A Shotgun - 2011 Demo [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  106. Disharmonic Orchestra - Not To Be Undimensional Conscious (1992) (20 replies)
  107. Pictura Poesis - Miseriae Mundi (2017) (10 replies)
  108. Atom Seed - Dead Happy [ep] (1992) (0 replies)
  109. Celestial Season - Solar Lovers (1995) (52 replies)
  110. Pirosaint - Second Hand Blood [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  111. Pyöveli - Still Underground (2014) (12 replies)
  112. Eisregen - Hexenhaus [ep] (2005) (13 replies)
  113. A Canorous Quintet - Silence Of The World Beyond (1996) (20 replies)
  114. Disastrous Murmur - Skinning Beginning (1989-1991) [compilation] (2018) (5 replies)
  115. Folkvang - Six Stories Without Keys (2011) (17 replies)
  116. Nightwish - The Crow, The Owl And The Dove [single] (2012) (2 replies)
  117. Nightwish - The Phantom Of The Opera (Live) [single] (2023) (46 replies)
  118. Red Dead - Forest Of Chaos (2020) (6 replies)
  119. Aurora - Eos (1998) (16 replies)
  120. Seið - Demo 2022 [demo] (2022) (0 replies)
  121. Kamaedzitca - Дзецi Леса (2004) (32 replies)
  122. Necrophobic - Satanic Blasphemies [best of/compilation] (2009) (15 replies)
  123. Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus (2005) (40 replies)
  124. Iron Savior - Firestar [single] (2023) (1 reply)
  125. Invidium - Thou Art, Catalyst Ever​.​.​. [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  126. Invidium - King's Heart [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  127. Deathchain - Ritual Death Metal (2013) (17 replies)
  128. Invidium - Betrayal Prince [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  129. Invidium - Guilty Solace [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  130. Kalisia - Cybion (2009) (87 replies)
  131. Sawed Off - Forced Blunt Trauma [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  132. Abhorrent Execration - Death​.​.​. Doom​.​.​. Despair​.​.​. [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  133. Invidium - If I Ever Wither​.​.​. [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  134. The Kryptik - Through Infinity Of Darkness (2017) (2 replies)
  135. Rainer Landfermann - Mein Wort In Deiner Dunkelheit (2019) (5 replies)
  136. Fatal Embrace - Shadowsouls' Garden (1997) (22 replies)
  137. Nauseating - Promo 2023 [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  138. Nocturnal Mischief - Source Of Malevolence [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  139. Ethereal Blight - Demo One [demo] (2023) (0 replies)
  140. Omega Sun - The One [single] (2023) (0 replies)
  141. Crystal Lake - Denial//Rebirth [single] (2023) (0 replies)
  142. Throne Of Nails - Acts Of War (2002) (9 replies)
  143. Kampfar - Mellom Skogkledde Aaser (1997) (16 replies)
  144. Svartsyn - Bloodline (2005) (12 replies)
  145. Svartidauði - The Synthesis Of Whore And Beast [ep] (2014) (27 replies)
  146. Archagathus & Foible Instinct - Archagathus/Foible Instinct [split] (2010) (1 reply)
  147. Tryzna - Kult Falešného Mučednictví [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  148. Pitiful Reign - Visual Violence (2008) (13 replies)
  149. Unharrowed - Live In Lowell [ep] (2023) (0 replies)
  150. Drowning The Light - Abyssic Tides [demo] (2022) (3 replies)
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