Я про Mabuse. Примитив олдскул норвэгиан блаблабла. Доктор Мабузэ - это же культ оф синематографикъ
Ясно. Вот, держи тогда альбомчик, раз понравилось -
Mabuse - Stench Of Death Tape [ep] (2012)А команда с таким названием действительно одна.
Рецензия на эту работу:
Old school death metal with hysteric vocalsDoom metal? One of the guys behind 'Mabuse' is heavily into doom metal? Is this latest instalment some kind of compensation, then? Mabuse, commonly associated with the literary figure of a super villain created by the Luxembourgian writer Norbert Jacques, seems to be a proper choice for the music, because what else than some noisy, sickish, raw and at times furious thrash death could be associated with the terror such a villain can or is expected unleash upon society?
The vibe of the music is generally that of the old-school branch, while the rather subpar production adds a certain underground nuance to it all. It should be of no surprise to see the guitars dominating the tracks, while the drums as well as the vocals suffer from this at times. Even though the song-writing offers nothing too spectacular in any kind of way, the voices – it is unclear whether both members are involved in this part over the entire course of the demo – with their (at times hysterical) screams add a nice touch to the overall performance.
References are rather obvious: very old Sepultura, Possessed and the like … nothing modern, nothing nice, nothing too polished.