Avantasia - The Metal Opera I & II
Helloween - Master of the Rings
Helloween - The Time of the Oath
Stratovarius - Nemesis
Nightmare - Cosmovision
Lost Horizon - A Flame to the Ground Beneath
Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands II: The Dark Secret
Gamma Ray - Land of the Free
Running Wild - The Rivalry
Running Wild - Death or Glory
Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle-Earth
Dragonland - Starfall
Firewind - Burning Earth
Freedom Call - Eternity
Hammerfall - Threshold
Grave Digger - Knights of the Cross
Heavenly - Dust to Dust
Iron Savior - Condition Red
Kamelot - Epica
Masterplan - Masterplan
Mob Rules - Hollowed be thy Name
Orden Ogan - Easton Hope
Pagan's Mind - Enigmatic/Calling
Powerwolf - Bible of the Beast
Sabaton - Art of War
Sabaton - Attero Dominatus
Scanner - Hypertrace
Seventh Avenue - Terium
Skylark - Divine Gates Part I: Gate Of Hell
Timeless Miracle - Into The Enchanted Chamber
Squealer - Under The Cross
Six Magics - The Secrets Of An Island
Messiah's Kiss - Prayer for the Dying
Civil War - Gods & Generals
Edguy - Hellfire Club
Что-то я разогнался, но удалять ничего не буду