Это же Abigor ! Из невошедшего в "Fractal..."/"Time...", похоже.
Dec 5 2019, 19:07:57
Флаер к релизу, который шел от промоутера лейбла.
Dec 5 2019, 19:12:19
Помнится, где-то когда-то ТТ из помянутых выше Abigor вскользь упоминал о каком-то проекте, над которым работает - очень может быть, что это он и есть.
Reverence (Fra): It's a long time with no news from us... So, here is a great announce about the future : The recording of the new album will start the 21 of december at the Drudenhaus Studio.
Have this one. PTF don't send Full-Length (Nordarikets Strid)
Hope he will put it on Ancient Records bandcamp.
Dec 20 2019, 18:51:34
Dark Fortress - Spectres Of The Old World (28 Feb 2020)
Dec 21 2019, 21:15:20
A new album by Russian black metal lone-star Sivyj Yar Again a grievious and melancholic passage to the rural past of Russia, the poor people, the invisible ones.......... Official release date February,7: preorders to be shipped since January, 24th
Dec 22 2019, 07:12:48
Немножко Исландии от терратвр!
Dauðadagur of Misþyrming and Sturla Viðar of Svartidauði decided to create something more sinister and foul, spewing forth a new abomination of filth and fury called DROTTINN
Dauðadagur of Misþyrming and Sturla Viðar of Svartidauði decided to create something more sinister and foul, spewing forth a new abomination of filth and fury called DROTTINN
Ощенама крута!
Soft black heavy metal. Not bad but nothing "more sinister and foul", just the opposite. Ah the magic of marketing...
Dec 22 2019, 12:15:58
Новости от греков Dødsferd
I have started working on my new full album. I am returning back to my roots, stronger and more disgusted with this worthless kind!!! Expect only pure hate and misanthropic propaganda against all!!! Drums will be recorded in the beginning of 2020.
Till then a new EP, called "SKOTOS" has been recorded and will be released by Transcending Obscurity Records in the beginning of 2020, a song of which you will be able to listen soon on the new compilation album of the label!
Dec 22 2019, 14:07:35
Abhomine - Proselyte Parasite Plague (28 February 2020)
Black/Death Metal
Pete Helmkamp – Guitar/Bass/Vocals Cazz Grant “The Black Lourde of Crucifixion” – Drums/Vocals
Шатрауг со своим проектом Black Stench анонсировал выход нового альбома "Seven Spears of Necromancy"
Это компиляция 2 приватных демо из середины нулевых.
Dec 23 2019, 21:07:51
Legendary Norwegian band, VULTURE LORD returns after 17 years with their second album “Desecration Rite” – material once composed by Nefas from Urgehal. The new line-up consists of musicians from Urgehal, Carpathian Forest, Beastcraft, Endezzma and Thornspawn as announced by Odium Records.
The album should be out around May 2020 on CD and deluxe vinyl. Cover art was prepared by Jorge Vimendy from Sick Graphic. From our past experience, do not expect more than blasphemous rituals, necromancy, stench of death and devil worship!
Tracklist of “Desecration Rite”:
01. Perverting the Bible 02. Burning the Kingdom of God 03. Stillborn Messiah 04. Bestial Rape of Sacred Flesh 05. Prepare the Coffin 06. Beneficial Martyrdom 07. Vulture Lord 08. Bloodbound Militia 09. Hark! The Hymns of War
Благодаря гибкой системе преордера времени собрать финансы на такой шикарный релиз более чем достаточно.
Dec 26 2019, 11:15:48
HELLS HEADBANGERS is proud to present NYOGTHAEBLISZ's massively anticipated debut album, "Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation," on CD, vinyl LP, cassette tape and various digital formats.
One of the most talked-about and divisive bands currently going in the metal underground, NYOGTHAEBLISZ patiently built a discography of incendiary short-length releases, each one bolder and more savage than its predecessor. Truly, there are few other sounds around as unique and illuminating as theirs - an endless vortex of chaos magick, in-the-red frequencies, ritualistic fervor and righteous fury. Now, some 17 years since their formation, NYOGTHAEBLISZ will finally unleash their first full-length work, "Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation," which is being hailed in the underground (and above) as one of the most anticipated albums of the past decade.
Few human words can accurately do this work justice. Unremittingly violent, deliriously feral, hypnotically dense, overwhelming in every sense and against all senses: NYOGTHAEBLISZ's "Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation" wields sound as a very literal weapon, and proceeds to desecrate and... more
releases December 27, 2019
Dec 26 2019, 11:45:53
Totenburg, к слову, вышел вчера. 10 лет с прошлого альбома минуло.
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