Manzer Угарный французский блэк/трэш от Shaxul'a с товарищами. Судя по треку Hell Zheimer с их сайта, просто охренительно.
Информация по новому альбому коллектива Twilight с сайта Southern Lord.
На майспейсе Bahimiron доступна для прослушивания немикшированная версия песни Goathorned Messiah of the 7 Gates с грядущего полноформатника "Rebel Hymns of Left Handed Terror"
И новости от Энди из Caina.
2 ‘cultsettes’ coming soon.
Two new cassette releases on Darkness Shade Records (UK)
First up is a cassette reissue of the I, Mountain EP, originally released by God Is Myth Records in February 2007 on 100x 3” CDs which sold out extremely quickly and have been out of print ever since. Various incarnations of this reissue have been in the pipeline for at least a year, and now it’s finally emerging on ....Britain....’s Darkness Shade records, who have put out the excellent demos by Desolate One (USA), amongst others. For those unfamiliar with the original release, I, Mountain is a single 21 minute sound-scape (rather than ‘song’) designed to follow the narrative path of H.P Lovecraft’s novella At the Mountains of Madness. It was the first release in God Is Myth’s popular ‘Lovecraft series’ of 3” CDs, and is probably the most sought-after Caпna release, fetching high prices on eBay. This tape will feature bonus audio material and new artwork, and, though it is not unlimited, it’s designed to make the EP available to many of those who missed it the first time around.
The second release will be a very limited-run cassette of dark ambient/drone/noise/sound-scape work, the bulk of which was commissioned for gallery/short film projects and re-edited for this release. The music on this cassette will not inhabit the typical Caпna universe – the closest comparison with previous work is some segments of The Heart of the Master EP and Mourner album.
Expect both of these in the next few months via
As a follow-up to my previous blog about the upcoming tape releases, here’s a more general overview of what’s going down in the Caпnaverse in the next 18 months or so. Aside from the 2 tapes on Darkness Shade records, there will be a limited EP released on Profound Lore in the late Summer/Autumn, then the new full-length album Hands that Pluck in early (probably the first 2 months of) 2011.
The EP, provisionally titled Old Songs New Chords will feature re-recordings and reinterpretations of a select few ‘signature’ Caпna songs including ‘The Validity of Hate in an Emotional Vacuum’ and ‘Permaneo Carmen’. This isn’t a project in the same vein of the Sodom In the Final Sign of Evil or whatever that Exodus one was called – these songs will almost all sound radically different from the originals. The idea was born firstly out of a suggestion by Chris from Profound Lore, and then the preparation for the last live show, the most rewarding aspect of which was the way in which I had to reinterpret my own material. Since I don’t want to play live again, I thought this would be a cool way of showing you how I can re-approach my own songs. It’s basically ‘for ‘fans’’ and would be a bad introduction to Caпna, but I hope you’ll enjoy it. The first song on my myspace player is a demo of the first track, which features riffs and parts from a number of songs on my first album Some People Fall, structured around the key chord sequence of the title track. I’ll be posting something else up from this EP soon.
Now that some things have been confirmed, I feel proud to announce the grand plan for Hands that Pluck. The album is highly conceptual in nature, and will feature four guest artists providing guest vocals (and some lyrics) to four of the five key tracks on the album. The five fingers of the Hand that Plucks are:
Imperial (Krieg)
Phil McSorley (Cobalt)
Rennie Resmini (Starkweather)
Vermin (Axis of Advance/Sacramentary Abolishment/Revenge/Blood Revolt etc)
To say that I’m honoured by the agreed participation of these artists would be a gross understatement. Each will be an integral part of the whole song sequence, which as said above will feature five ‘main’ tracks and a number of ‘satellite’ songs. As hinted at in my recent Terrorizer interview, expect a harder, weirder, more repellent album than Temporary Antennae. The music on this album will continue building the road that was started by 2009’s self titled EP. If that disappoints you, then I can only say that I’ve never made the same album (demo/ep/whatever) twice, and I knew that I never intended to return to those themes even when I was making that record. If that creates some listener casualties on the way, so be it. Stagnation=death.
Under will,