Они как бы раньше угорали по нс и даже входили в TTF.
Early Thunderbolt was NS but they weren't members of TTF.
Thunderbolt split-up in 2007 shortly after the release of ''Apocalyptic Doom'' if you don't know.
>Infernal War
Однако им не мешает заигрывать с тематикой нацизма, а барабанщик Stormblast играл в НС бандах типа Warhead и Honor.
Now even Rob Darken denies having connections with neo-Nazi, but we know that this is a lie. In fact, it is now very dangerous to openly say that you are sympathizing with Nazism.
Hmm, you don't have to search where Stormblast played. You can check the first album of Infernal War and tell me if it's politically correct.
BTW isn't Stormblast one of the best BM drummers?
You can even check lyrics of Watain ''On Horns Impaled'' and you will be surprised

Oh, I forgot that Set Teitan was ''saluting'', so they expelled him from Watain. Yeah, gigs and money are more important for them than their friend

That's how business satanic misantropic metal works.
Do you deal with hunting NS people in BM?
Man we live in a world where money make it go round.
So if back then all this ideas mattered then now when black metal is sold in a nearby supermarket along with sausages and beer all this ultra satanic and misanthropic bands are nothing more than an entertainment (in general). In the world of consumption the main thing is to distinguish oneself from others and black metal warriors are the first among others

I'm aware of that. There are a lot of people and bands which were into undeground and NS in the past, but when they had an opportunity to make money, they left the ideas and chose the way of making money. It's a simplier way of course and nowadays most of people are very greedy.
It seems that many ''misanthropes'' don't realize this fact. Is it misanthropic to sell BM nearby supermarket or in commercial shops and advertise new albums everywhere? Is it misanthrophic to take part in gigs with hundreds or thousands of people? This is where their ''satanism'' and ''misathrophy'' end. It's good in music, but it doesn't work in real life. Even if they claim to be ''satanic, nihilistic misantrophes'', they still participate in this rotten society.