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Ploughshare - Tellurian Insurgency (2019)

Requiem by Belgarath 2019
Trajeto de Cabra - Supreme Command of Satanic Will (2019)

Purpose (FIN) - Dying Existence

I`m looking for below:

1) Sznur Zabić się będąc martwym

Sznur "Zabic sie będac martwym"

2) Trup Szmula

Trup "Szmula"

Anyone, anything?
Лоси обоих Chaos Inception очень ищутся ...

Chaos Inception - Collision With Oblivion (2009)

Chaos Inception - The Abrogation (2012)
Manilla Road - Metal / Invasion DCD от 2019 года ... Второй диск интересует, в принципе
Leif Edling - Songs Of Torment-Songs Of Joy (2008) [post #1362658] <-- reuploaded by paganheart (thanks!!!)
She Cries - Constancy Of Misery Or Mirrors Scared To Show Exhausted Ones [demo] (1995) <-- reuploaded by paganheart (thanks!!!)
The Psyke Project - Guillotine (2013)
The Royal Arch Blaspheme - The Royal Arch Blaspheme (2010) <--- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
The Royal Arch Blaspheme - II (2012) <--- reuploaded by VLADISLAV_V_K (thanks!)
Requested flac please:

Necroblood - Collapse Of The Human Race (2017) <= uploaded by VLADISLAV_V_K thanks!
Beatrik - Flames [demo] (2000)
Fluisteraars - Beringheim / demo / 2009 better quality and full demo?

Fluisteraars - 't Hondslog / demo / 2010 better quality?

Triumphant - Chant of Lost Souls / EP / 2015

Transilvania / Kafirun / Split / 2016

Chaostemple - The Taming of the Sea / EP / 2019

Doomentor - The Second Ceremony / EP / 2015

Doomentor - Dominus Omnes / Full Length / 2016

QUOTE(borg666 @ Dec 6 2019, 17:59:09) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Velehentor - Dyatlov Pass (2003)

In Mp3@320 or FLAC please!
QUOTE(atavist @ Dec 25 2019, 16:56:16) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Does anyone have:
Contempt (Slovakia) - "Blasphemy" 2009

Erytrosy (Slovakia) - "Disintegrating in Born Imagination" demo 1994

Can you also re-up:
Infernal - Of Weakness And Cowardice [single] (1991)

Schwartz - Blind People [demo] (1988) <-- reuploaded by o.s. Proteus_666 (eternal THANKS!!!)
Traumatic Voyage - Cogito Ergo Sum [re-issue 2008] (1996) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!!!)
Aggressor - Call From The Crypt [demo] (1990) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!!!)
Semper Dolens - Eeuwige Rouw [demo] (2006) <-- reuploaded by sundowning (thanks!!!)
Woodtemple - Sorrow Of The Wind (2008) <-- reuploaded by gorim (thanks!!)
Guru Of Darkness - Mater Meretrix (2009) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!!!)
Exsilium - Too Many Years Of Silence (2012) <-- reuploaded by Ingvar (thanks!)
Flac need

Funerary Bell - The Coven
Ride For Revenge - Disturbances 2001-2013
Ride For Revenge - Chapter Of Alchemy
Ride For Revenge - Ageless Powers Arise
Azaghal / Oath - Split
Azazel - Crucify The Jesus Christ Again
Anal Blasphemy - Satan Rapes God Since 2002
Anal Blasphemy / Epäkristus - Fornication Rites
Forgot - Doomed To Exile
Nawaharjan - Into The Void
Arkha Sva - Donusdogama: En Accrochant Le Mendiant Qui Tomba Du Trône De Dieu
Noenum - Noenum
Vornat - Vornat
Warloghe - Lucifer Ascends
Tomhet - Samblade Sotkvæden
Tomhet - Fulländad Sfäraförintning I En Onaturliger Skepneskrud Av Pestilenta Djwr
Lord Of Pagathorn - Msilihporcen (Invocation To West And Leviathan Edition)
Norns - Pazuzu
Förgjord - Ilmestykset
Förgjord - Syntiinlankeemus
Förgjord / Nekrokrist SS - Split
Nekrokrist SS - Neljän Käärmeen Veljeskunta
Phlegein - From The Land Of Death
Phlegein - Devotion
Nécropole - Nécropole
Nécropole - Solarité
Cénotaphe - Horizons / Azur
Cénotaphe - Empyrée
Circle Of Ouroborus - Unituli
Rundagor - Elements Of Warmonger
Rundagor - Stronghold Of Ruin
Sternatis - Ramming With Maelstorm Of Will
Мор - Murmanblick
Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture
Bölzer - Aura
Hämys - 14 kuuta
Malveillance - Insignifiance
Misanthropic Art - Oblivion Territory
Paara - Riitti
Sarastus - II Toinen Tuleminen
Sarastus – Enter The Necropolis
Moëvöt - Abgzvoryathre
Wotan Sølv - Сны Бальдра
Anguished - Cold
Mortifera - Sorgestadens Nycklar
Havukruunu - Havulinnaan
Havukruunu - Rautaa Ja Tulta
Vritra - Deinde Signum Mortifera
Verivala - Voittomme
Dead Reptile Shrine - A Journey Through The Darkest Of Forests
Dead Reptile Shrine - N.t.K.
Dead Reptile Shrine - Isth Narai Ja
Dead Reptile Shrine - Tales of the Unknown
Dead Reptile Shrine - The Jewel Throne
Masokismi - Haudattu Kunnia
Masokismi - Häpeällinen Siveysoppi
Masokismi - Eläminen Kohti Kuolemaa
Nidhoggr - Ravens Over The Road Of Kings
Black Beast - Nocturnal Bloodlust
Necroslut - Black Deceiver
Necroslut - The Envoy Of Satanic Decree
Uskonrauha - Tympeyden Ylistys
Vapaudenristi / Uskonrauha - Split
Hail Conjurer - Dreams Of Serpent
Hail Conjurer - Erotic Hell
Ceremonial Torture & Hail Conjurer - Split
Key - Crown Of Winter
Key - Silver Moon Slumber
Key - Birch Skeletons, Skin Lanters & Lake of Stars
Blood Red Fog - Thanatotic Supremacy
Cosmic Church / Circle Of Ouroborus - Split
Black Stench - Black Stench
Verhext - Dogma
Verge - Verge
Verge - Sex & Violence
Charnel Winds / Verge - Two Serpents
Mørketida - Panphage Mysticism
Various – Blazebirth Hall: Hammerkrieg
Tumult - Demo 1990 [demo] (1990) <--- reuploaded Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Tumult - Pallbearer [demo] (1992) <--- reuploaded by Pinhead666 (thanks!)
Procreation - Incantations Of Demonic Lust For Corpses Of The Fallen [best of/compilation] (2004) <--- reuploaded by Pinhead666 (thanks!)
Перезалейте, пожалуйста, вот этот альбом: Porta Inferi - Another World [demo] (2011)
Заранее спасибо!
Winter - Eternal Frost [ep] (1994)
Behemoth (Esp) - Satans Slave demo'94
Hormigon (Esp) - Hormigon demo'92
Cerebral Corrosion (Esp) - Cerebral Corrosion demo'93

Salem - Salem [demo] (1989) <-- reuploaded by Proteus_666 (thanks!)
Afriqve - Afriqve (2019) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
War Injun - Demo [demo] (2004) <--- reuploaded by Pinhead666 (thanks!!)
Signum Diabolicum - Poselství [demo] (1997) <--- reuploaded by Pinhead666 (thanks!!)
Grim Sorcerer - Goats Reign These Hills [demo] (2012) <--- reuploaded by Pinhead666 (thanks!!)
Krypts - Open The Crypt [demo] (2009) <--- reuploaded [lossless!!] by Pinhead666 (thanks!!)
QUOTE(thenecromancer @ Dec 7 2019, 00:10:15) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I finally found this rip. Same bitrate.

[ Hidden Text ]
Sabbat - History Of A Time To Come (1988)
QUOTE(Blasphemy93 @ Dec 19 2019, 22:38:13) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist 2018 Remaster. Anyone has this?

Thanks for all of your reuploads and uploads you shared on this site, so here you go !
got this today finally from a torrent.
Thanks to the uploader, and the original ripper GRAVEWISH.
I reuploaded onto a site I hope is ok for you.
[ Hidden Text ]
Nokturnal Mortum 1999 Nechrist-Remastered 2018-GRAVEWISH [vbr]
134 MB
1 hour 6 minutes 40 seconds
1. Nokturnal Mortum - The Funeral Wind Born in Oriana (6:35)
2. Nokturnal Mortum - Night Before the Fight (6:35)
3. Nokturnal Mortum - Black Raven (8:08)
4. Nokturnal Mortum - The Call of Aryan Spirit (5:56)
5. Nokturnal Mortum - The Child of Swamps and Full Moon (5:38)
6. Nokturnal Mortum - Death Damnation (5:35)
7. Nokturnal Mortum - In the Fire of the Wooden Churches (7:11)
8. Nokturnal Mortum - Jesus Blood (6:11)
9. Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist - The Dance of Swords (6:32)
10. Nokturnal Mortum - Perun's Celestial Silver (hidden track) (8:19)
QUOTE(Pinhead666 @ Dec 30 2019, 14:35:51) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanx but one track (8. The Destruction of the World) is missing...
Wraith - Oldwater [demo] (2010) pray.gif
Exsilium - Into The Exile [demo] (2007) pray.gif
Terra Tenebrae - Mask Of Deathly Joy [demo] (1996) <-- reuploaded by Ingvar (thanks!)
Stormbringer - Stealer Of Souls [demo] (1993) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Klamm - Frostfluss [demo] (2008) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Memory Garden - Demo 1993 [demo] (1993) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Memory Garden - Forever [ep] (1995) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Memory Garden - Tides (1996) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Memory Garden - Verdict Of Posterity (1998) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Memory Garden - Mirage (2001) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Memory Garden - Carnage Carnival (2008) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Evil Lucifera - Atrium Infernalis (2012) <-- reuploaded by Pinhead666 (thanks!!!)
Endaemona - Morning Light [promo] (2009) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!!)
Korgonthurus - Vuohen Siunaus (2016) flac please <= reuploaded by VLADISLAV_V_K (thanks!)
Wilczygniew Strzygoń
Voin Grim - Immerse Into Nocturnal Splendour (2013) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Voin Grim - Rites Of Full Wintermoon Grandeur (2016) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Voin Grim - Wachsenden Winterfrost [demo] (2012) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Voin Grim - Wachsenden Winterfrost (2012) <-- reuploaded by Borderline1991 (thanks!)
Voin Grim - Winter 2012 [demo] (2011)

Please re-up...
Messiah - Psychomorphia (1991)
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