Anyone have in 320 kbps :
Terror Oath - Terror Oath
Desolation Realm - Desolation Realm
Trup - Ecce Satanas
Impure Dectaration - No Paths, No Guide
Archaic Malign - Omnis Incursio Infernalis Adversarii
Archaic Malign - Maledictus Eri
Vulvacult - Creencias Siniestras de Afirmaciones Malditas
Hell's Coronation - Silver Knife Mysticism
Hell's Coronation - Unoholy Blades of Devil
Hell's Coronation - Morbid Spells
Nekkrofukk - Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebrationof the Blakk Goat
Demonic Temple - Through the Stars into the Abyss
Cadaveric Possession - The Malevolent Predestination
Cadaveric Possession - Sephirothic Desiccation
Goathrone - The Black
Goathrone - Sodom & Gomorrah