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Lehm / Guyođ - Alluvial Soil (2022 Split)
I can't post, so here:
Ossuary - Forsaken Offerings (EP) [FLAC]

[ Hidden Text ]
ЦИТАТА(Biomechanik @ 17th June 2023 - 11:19:29) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Naked City - Grand Guignol (1992)

Karnataka - Requiem for a dream
QUOTE(valgalder @ Jun 30 2023, 20:48:50) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't post, so here:

Ossuary - Forsaken Offerings (EP) [FLAC]

Download links MUST BE HIDDEN redp.gif
ЦИТАТА(thenecromancer @ Jun 30 2023, 00:02:03) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Люди добрые, нет ли у кого нового альбома Eternal Rot?
ЦИТАТА(Ash_1980 @ Jul 1 2023, 20:01:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Люди добрые, нет ли у кого нового альбома Eternal Rot?

2023 - Moribound
Release date: July 24th, 2023
может, у кого-нить завалялось? поделитесь пжалста!! pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif
Gae Bolg - Aucassin Et Nicolette (2005)
Adrian Benegas - Diamonds In The Dark(EP) (2021)
FLAC + MP3 (Tracks)
[ Hidden Text ]
ЦИТАТА(LadyElvina @ Jul 2 2023, 14:01:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
может, у кого-нить завалялось? поделитесь пжалста!! pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif
Gae Bolg - Aucassin Et Nicolette (2005)

Обновите ссылки, ПЛИЗ!!!

Mortal Agony - Insanity (2011)

Mortal Agony - In Cold (2011)
Whispers - Passions
Арктида - Музыка Ветра, Земли И Огня (2023) Dead Links <--- re-uploaded by Veggr (thanks!!)

Marco Garau's Magic Opera - Battle Of Ice (2023) Dead Links <--- re-uploaded by Veggr (thanks!!)

Frozen Crown - Call Of The North (2023) Dead Links <--- re-uploaded by Veggr (thanks!!)

Adrian Benegas - Arcanvm - El Mantra Secreto De Los Espíritus (2023) Dead Links <--- re-uploaded by Veggr (thanks!!)

Ashrain - Requiem Reloaded (2023) Dead Links <--- re-uploaded by Veggr (thanks!!)
ЦИТАТА(LadyElvina @ Jul 2 2023, 14:01:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
может, у кого-нить завалялось? поделитесь пжалста!! pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif
Gae Bolg - Aucassin Et Nicolette (2005)

На рутрекере вся диска есть.

Korades - Acoustic Warfare (2006)
Dozer - Drifting In The Endless Void (2023) Dead Links

Bog Monkey - Hollow (2023) Dead Links

Razgate - Countdown To The End [ep] (2014) Dead Links

Razgate - Feral Evolution (2017) Dead Links

¡que no sean de CloudMail, por favor! / не-CloudMail, пожалуйста! / non-CloudMail please! pray.gif
Alexis The Best
Wóddréa Mylenstede - Wóddréa Mylenstede [demo] (2011)
please re-up
With great thanks and applause I request the ultimate re-up:

Scorpions - Bad For Good: The Very Best Of Scorpions [best of/compilation] (2002)

ЦИТАТА(Grzechu @ Jul 6 2023, 18:16:05) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

...сидеть и расшифровывать твои ссылки? Трудно написать Группа - альбом - год?
Ищу три самых крайних полноформатных альбома бельгийцев AGATHOCLES во FLAC, APE, WAV или любом другом lossless-формате.

Вот эти альбомы:

01 - "Commence To Mince" (2016)
02 - "We Just Don't Fit" (2018)
03 - "Baltimore Mince Massacre" (2020)

Буду искренне благодарен, если кто-нибудь ими поделится или поможет найти.
Revenant - Distant Eyes / Exalted Being
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Jul 6 2023, 16:28:30) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CD Reissue 2013 Remastered...Eastside – ESCD 097

You have misunderstood...
have to write the name of the band and the title of the release, because to click on a URL is only a waste of time! Just do exactly like any other user also do here, with its own requests...
QUOTE(metaljosue @ Jul 4 2023, 20:34:27) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dozer - Drifting In The Endless Void (2023) Dead Links

Bog Monkey - Hollow (2023) Dead Links

Razgate - Countdown To The End [ep] (2014) Dead Links

Razgate - Feral Evolution (2017) Dead Links
¡que no sean de CloudMail, por favor! / не-CloudMail, пожалуйста! / non-CloudMail please! pray.gif

Demon Wizard - Holding On To Something... Best Left To Decay (2023) Dead Links
Перезалейте, пожалуйста:
Hermit Age - Sinnocence (2005)
Someone could reup 320 this one?
Ugly Kid Joe - As Ugly As They Wanna Be [ep]

thanks in advance
Bloodline - Viva Corruption (2022)
Krew - The Apocalyptic Reich
Moontower - Infernal Revelation
VA - "Satanic Skinhead: Declaration Of Anti-Semetic Terror" [Compilation] discogs pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif
QUOTE(goatkvlt @ Jul 9 2023, 01:13:21) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
VA - "Satanic Skinhead: Declaration Of Anti-Semetic Terror" [Compilation] discogs pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif

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ЦИТАТА(Grzechu @ Jul 9 2023, 16:51:23) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Christian Death - Born Again Anti Christian (2000)

[ Hidden Text ]
Spell Forest - Candelarum [ep] (2015) [post #1908594] <--- reuploaded by Veggr (thanks!)
Infection Code - Alea Iacta Est (2022) <--- reuploaded by Veggr (thanks!)
Bašmu - Infernal Circles Of The Sabbat (2018) <--- looking for the FLAC version <--- reuploaded by Veggr (thanks!)
Grand Belial's Key - On A Mule Rides The Swindler [ep] (2005)
Grand Belial's Key & Chemin De Haine - Hobo Of Aramaic Tongues/Le Royaume Maudit [split] (2003)
<--- both G.B.K. releases
re-uploaded by Veggr (thanks!!)
Bleeding Art ‎– Moja Dusza/In The Eternal Garden Of Death - 2023
ЦИТАТА(thenecromancer @ Jul 10 2023, 18:23:45) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Spell Forest - Candelarum [ep] (2015)
Dozer - Drifting In The Endless Void (2023) Dead Links

Bog Monkey - Hollow (2023) Dead Links

Razgate - Countdown To The End [ep] (2014) Dead Links

Razgate - Feral Evolution (2017) Dead Links

Demon Wizard - Holding On To Something... Best Left To Decay (2023) Dead Links

Vendetta & Sabbat - A Cautionary Tale / And The Brave Man Fails [split] (1988) Dead Links

Struck/Down - To Witches (2023)

The Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom - Summoning the Gatekeepers (2023)

Caratucay - Nocturnes Of The Incarcerated (2023) Dead links

¡que no sean de CloudMail, por favor! / не-CloudMail, пожалуйста! / non-CloudMail please! pray.gif
Ritual Necromancy & Fossilization - Ritual Necromancy/Fossilization [split] (2022)
Буду очень признателен!
ЦИТАТА(Ash_1980 @ Jul 10 2023, 20:51:26) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

дам тоже заявку на неформат, да ещё какой.
Geeta Dutt - Oi Sur Bhara Dur Nilimai 1959 (?)
Geeta Dutt - Golden Era 2011
Geeta Dutt - The Legendary Nightingale 2014
Geeta Dutt - Magical Voice: Geeta Dutt 2015
Geeta Dutt - Awara Shehzadi 2018
ниже 320 или флак или m4a я бы не хотел.на большинстве этих фонограмм срез звука низкого качества.
Я пожалуй сделаю загрузку одной из других вещей. я скачал в slsk это моно звук .[ Hidden Text ]
Вот это можно обновить? Спасибо большое заранее!

Witchtower - Witchtower (2014)
Ironsword - Servants Of Steel (2020)
Ironsword - Overlords Of Chaos (2008)
Ironsword - Ironsword (2002)
Ironsword - Return Of The Warrior (2004)
Dracena (Swe) – Demo '97

QUOTE(metaljosue @ Jul 10 2023, 10:52:00) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dozer - Drifting In The Endless Void (2023) Dead Links

Bog Monkey - Hollow (2023) Dead Links

Razgate - Countdown To The End [ep] (2014) Dead Links

Razgate - Feral Evolution (2017) Dead Links

Demon Wizard - Holding On To Something... Best Left To Decay (2023) Dead Links

Vendetta & Sabbat - A Cautionary Tale / And The Brave Man Fails [split] (1988) Dead Links

Struck/Down - To Witches (2023)

The Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom - Summoning the Gatekeepers (2023)

Caratucay - Nocturnes Of The Incarcerated (2023) Dead links

¡que no sean de CloudMail, por favor! / не-CloudMail, пожалуйста! / non-CloudMail please! pray.gif

Apodemus - Atlas (2023)

Emphasis - Lazaret (2023) Dead Links

Inherus - Beholden (2023) Dead Links

The Anchoret - It All Began With Loneliness (2023) Dead Link
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