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Salute - Above The Law (2007) <--- reuploaded by GorAtheist (thanks!)
Lewiatan - Lewiatan (1989), please.
Maskim & Stygian - Unified Evil [split] (2002)
QUOTE(Grzechu @ Dec 11 2021, 12:57:12) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Because it is sliced into pieces 1,2,3,4,5...
I need one video from the beginning to the end

AFAIK, such a version does not exist. Make the internet better and create one yourself, if needed.
QUOTE(nnnmmm @ Dec 12 2021, 17:14:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AFAIK, such a version does not exist. Make the internet better and create one yourself, if needed.

That will never happen.
Look at the profile.
Releases: 0
On Forums: 6 years 5 months
Neige Éternelle - Neige Éternelle (2013) <--- reuploaded by kefka (thanks!!)
Hyalithe - As If Sunlight Could Warm The Deceased (2019)
QUOTE(canadaspaceman @ Dec 12 2021, 20:39:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That will never happen.
Look at the profile.
Releases: 0
On Forums: 6 years 5 months

When we all give the power
We all give the best

Every minute of an hour
Don't think about a rest

Then you all get the power
You all get the best

When everyone gives everything
And every song everybody sings

Then it's life
Live is life
QUOTE(Carcharoth @ Dec 13 2021, 15:17:18) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

found on web, I don't know the bitrates, i am downloading something else, and you can only download one file at a time from ulotzo.
[ Hidden Text ]

QUOTE(canadaspaceman @ Dec 13 2021, 19:11:21) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
found on web, I don't know the bitrates

all in 320CBR! smile1.gif thank you. 9.gif
QUOTE(Occultas @ Dec 12 2021, 12:38:18) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Belphegor - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan (Re-recorded) (Single) 2020, any bitrate

Belphegor - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan 2020
Seid - The Woods (2016)
QUOTE(carla667 @ Dec 13 2021, 20:20:50) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Seid - The Woods (2016) [post #2635941]
or Bandcamp for lossless versions (free / name your price) --->
Saturnal Ascension - Eon Anti-Gnosis Cosmic lp
Heidentor - Liberation / Rebirth split 2018
Heidentor 5 split Sigefolc / Hadak Ura / Heidentor / Wolves Eyes / Panzerjager 2020
Massenvernichtung & Occult Crypt - Die Synagoge Satans split
Massenvernichtung - Magna Europa est Patria Nostra split
Massenvernichtung - Los von Rom demo
Massenvernichtung - Live im Atombunker - Jugendsünden
Wintergewitter - Final Solution demo
Wintergewitter - promo 2008

Thx for your help 9.gif bye.gif bye.gif
Depraved - Raped Innocence (2020)
Auld Ridge - Consanguineous Hymns of Faith and Famine (2021) please please
Rare stuff, anyone have it plz le me know cheers 9.gif

Cynical Hatred - Arrival of the Dark Saint Demo 2007
Cynical Hatred - Black Light Undiscovered Demo 2008
Cynical Hatred - Pandemonic Demo 2009
Cynical Hatred - Zoanthropic Prevail Demo 2010

Also after reseed of this one

Ektoplasma - Satanic Propaganda [ep] (2014)
Can someone upload Tannöd - In dunkler Stunde please?
[url=]Wintaar - Winter's Curse (2018), Atmospheric Black Metal/url]
please reupload
Done! Thank you

Embryonic Devourment - Vivid Interpretations Of The Void (2010)

Possible CD FLAC Please?

Someone have this : Warmonger - Marching On The Warpath [demo] (2002) ?.???
Morgue Fetus & Lividity - Split Demo 1995 [split] (1995) <--- reuploaded by Lanceatum (thanks!)
Sacrilege - Demo II [demo] (1985) <--- reuploaded by canadaspaceman (thanks!!) pleased.gif
Whip - Digitus Impudicus (2013) <--- reuploaded by GorAtheist (thanks!)
Vomit The Soul - Cold (2021)
has anybody "Hämatom - Die Liebe ist tot?"
Please upload here. pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif
Hey guys does anybody have any Path of Golconda albums? they are already on the site but everyone of them is a dead link now. I'd appreciate them all reuploaded but I'll take any if you only have one or two of them, thanks in advance!
ЦИТАТА(Kodel @ 16th December 2021 - 22:10:08) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mentality - The Inexperienced Butcher [demo] (1996)

QUOTE(Fenrirsson @ Dec 17 2021, 08:14:13) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

320Kbps 128Kbps 23.gif
The Man-Eating Tree - In The Absence Of Light (2015)
Pactum - M.O.D.L. [demo] (1989) <--- reuploaded by kefka (thanks!!!) pleased.gif
Tophet - Demo (2004) <--- reuploaded by GorAtheist (thanks!)
Gonkulator - The Summoning [demo] (1995) <--- reuploaded by GorAtheist (thanks!)
Borya_Tvorogov у кого есть? Спасибо ребята!

CorpseVomit - Gathering Chemical Children [demo] (1994)
Pustos - Soton (2021)

Niflungar - Rebirth of Salem (2021)

Thanks in advance smile1.gif
Deathslayer - Cry Of The Swords [demo] (1984) <--- reuploaded by canadaspaceman (thanks!)
Nirvana 2002 - Recordings 89-91 [best of/compilation] (2009) <--- reuploaded by spazm and INDARKNESS
ЦИТАТА(Veggr @ Dec 18 2021, 17:25:24) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Térsivel - For One Pagan Brotherhood (2011)
320 / FLAC есть у кого в наличии? Поделитесь?

TNX thenecromancer

Hi guys, DarkRise (Switzerland) albums?

I would appreciate if possible to download 3 of them in Lossless (Cd Flac or Bandcamp Flac or Tidal Flac),
if any of you have only one or two of them, thanks in advance!

DarkRise - Massive Retaliation (2003)

DarkRise - Built (2009)

DarkRise - Circles of Failure (2019)
Enevelde - Gravgang bandcamp version 320kbps anyone? pray.gif
Может есть у кого вот это в 192k хотя бы? На мьюзифае лежит апковерт128>192....
Malicious Dream - Soil (2012)>>Reuploaded by INDARKNESS. Thanks a lot!!!
QUOTE(Exhorder121121 @ Dec 17 2021, 16:51:16) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Pactum - M.O.D.L. [demo] (1989)
ЦИТАТА(thenecromancer @ Dec 18 2021, 21:09:43) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Nirvana 2002 - Recordings 89-91 [best of/compilation] (2009)

Térsivel - For One Pagan Brotherhood (2011) - upconvert
QUOTE(Veggr @ Dec 19 2021, 09:41:20) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Térsivel - For One Pagan Brotherhood (2011) - upconvert

smile2.gif ...sorry, I didn't know it was a loosy upconversion
ЦИТАТА(thenecromancer @ Dec 19 2021, 18:08:47) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
smile2.gif ...sorry, I didn't know it was a loosy upconversion

Everything is fine. I found it in 320 and filled in the discography on the rutracker.
QUOTE(Carcharoth @ Dec 20 2021, 00:24:54) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I THOUGHT I had this tape, it was bothering me for such a long time, because I remember ordering it from a distro.
It appeared yesterday on my CD shelf.

Fucking demons/gremlins, hiding my shit again, thinking they are funny.

They used to do that to me and my Dad when we were working in the garage.
We would put down a hammer or wrench on the work bench and then it disappeared a minute later.
Then maybe 10 minutes later it would appear where we left it.

My father told me what happened, it was demons/spirits, but didn't really believe him
But after he died and it kept happening to me, I know it wasn't him playing a joke on me when I was a child

Anyways, i will rip this tape as I have to rip some other tapes too this week.

Trauma - Comedy Is Over (1996)
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