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  1. Protokult - Feed Your Demons [single] (2020) (0 replies)
  2. Dead River Runs Dry - The Quiet Life Of A Comet [single] (2020) (0 replies)
  3. Pale Divine - Thunder Perfect Mind (2001) (5 replies)
  4. Angantyr - Svig (2010) (50 replies)
  5. Vidsyn - On Frostbitten Path Beneath [demo] (2004) (18 replies)
  6. Calhoun Conquer - Lost In Oneself (1989) (19 replies)
  7. Razor - Armed And Dangerous - 35Th Anniversary Edition [ep] (2019) (6 replies)
  8. Tombs - The Grand Annihilation (2017) (7 replies)
  9. Pathless Land - Emanations From The Aether [ep] (2020) (1 reply)
  10. Sadistic Intent - Resurrection Of The Ancient Black Earth [best of/compilation] (2000) (23 replies)
  11. Cenobite - Soul Torn Apart [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  12. Like Drone Razors Through Flesh Sphere - Ex Nihilo Nihil, Ad Nihilum Nihil Posse Reverti [best of/compilation] (2007) (8 replies)
  13. Prophecy - Foreseen Scriptures (2019) (4 replies)
  14. Mulla - الرمال تقبلك [single] (2020) (1 reply)
  15. Neolith - Igne Natura Renovabitur Integra (1998) (14 replies)
  16. Warskull - The Dream I Dreamt [single] (2020) (0 replies)
  17. Korp - Demon - Reborn (1999) (12 replies)
  18. Ithaqua - The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse [ep] (2016) (5 replies)
  19. Sons Of Kyuss(pre-Kyuss) - Sons Of Kyuss (1990) (4 replies)
  20. Slavia - Strength And Vision (2007) (9 replies)
  21. Powerdise - Shadowland [ep] (1999) (2 replies)
  22. Melechesh - As Jerusalem'intisar (1996) (25 replies)
  23. Coffin Lust - Manifestation Of Inner Darkness (2016) (14 replies)
  24. Nekroí Theoí - Dead Gods (2019) (4 replies)
  25. Baalsebub - The Sickness Of The Holy Inquisition (2016) (13 replies)
  26. Wintereve - This Winter Will Never End (2017) (4 replies)
  27. Wintereve - Première Danse Macabre [demo] (2014) (4 replies)
  28. Xentrix - Bury The Pain (2019) (43 replies)
  29. Metallica - Beyond The Wall Of Sound [bootleg] (1987) (2 replies)
  30. October Falls - Marras (Eight Hymns For Scheol And Nature) (2005) (12 replies)
  31. Sycronomica - Sycroscope (2009) (23 replies)
  32. Sycronomica - Gate (2006) (24 replies)
  33. Unreqvited - Empathica (2020) (9 replies)
  34. Black Circle - Behold My Visions And Wisdom (2004) (20 replies)
  35. Brigantia - Midnight [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  36. Haatstrijd - Cacodaemony (2006) (19 replies)
  37. Nephylim - Severance Of Serenity (2020) (15 replies)
  38. Whelm - A Gaze Blank And Pitiless As The Sun (2013) (8 replies)
  39. Ævangelist - Enthrall To The Void Of Bliss (2015) (9 replies)
  40. Vermis Mysteriis - Церемония Времен / Rex Noctis (2006) (7 replies)
  41. Take Offense - Cause & Effect [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  42. Screaming Forest - Black Kingdom Of Lust (2009) (9 replies)
  43. Condemned - A Dying Art (2010) (13 replies)
  44. Condemned - Somebody Stop [ep] (2001) (3 replies)
  45. Royal Hunt - Paradox (1997) (12 replies)
  46. Behemoth - Antichristian Phenomenon (2001) (16 replies)
  47. Ancient Existence - Death Fucking Metal (2008) (9 replies)
  48. Sacrosanctum - Fragments (2003) (9 replies)
  49. Complex - Humana Involución (2020) (0 replies)
  50. Cauldron Black Ram - Slubberdegullion (2010) (5 replies)
  51. Cauldron Black Ram - Stalagmire (2014) (6 replies)
  52. Holy Death - Sodomy Of Megido [best of/compilation] (1997) (6 replies)
  53. Kasvoton - Silvotut Kasvot [ep] (2016) (1 reply)
  54. Stargazer - The Scream That Tore the Sky (2005) (18 replies)
  55. Destruction - Live Without Sense [live] (1989) (14 replies)
  56. Woe Betide - Throne Of Spines (2020) (0 replies)
  57. Antedeum - Summer Solstice Mmiii [live] (2020) (1 reply)
  58. Heiden - Tinne (2005) (10 replies)
  59. Asenblut - Legenden [ep] (2018) (4 replies)
  60. The Order - Supreme Hypocrisy (2020) (1 reply)
  61. Mystical Gate - In Sadness Gloom... (2004) (37 replies)
  62. Wormridden - Festering Glorification [demo] (2014) (9 replies)
  63. Naillung - Prologue [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  64. Orgas - Enslaved By Fear [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  65. Midnattsol - The Aftermath (2018) (8 replies)
  66. Midnattsol - Nordlys (2008) (42 replies)
  67. Bottomfeeder - Bottomfeeder [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  68. Mindless Sinner - Poltergeist (2020) (5 replies)
  69. Helrunar & Árstíðir Lífsins - Fragments - A Mythological Excavation [split] (2013) (9 replies)
  70. Emergency Gate - Infected (2014) (9 replies)
  71. Railsplitter - Still Sleeping On The Floor [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  72. Auvernia - Towards Eternity (2008) (21 replies)
  73. Signum Regis - The Seal Of A New World (2019) (3 replies)
  74. Death Du Jour - Fragments Of Perdition (2004) (6 replies)
  75. Taetre - Divine Misanthropic Madness (2002) (11 replies)
  76. Fellwarden - Oathbearer (2017) (10 replies)
  77. Deadlock - The Re-Arrival (2014) (15 replies)
  78. Obtest - Auka Seniems Dievams (2001) (14 replies)
  79. Bogmonster - Bogmonster [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  80. Haiku Funeral - Nightmare Painting (2012) (4 replies)
  81. Binary Code - Memento Mori (2020) (2 replies)
  82. Endless Swarm & Tools Of The Trade - Endless Swarm​/​tools Of The Trade [split] (2017) (1 reply)
  83. Alien Conspiracy - Omnipotent [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  84. Obstetra & Mutilated Judge - Obstetra/Mutilated Judge [split] (2020) (0 replies)
  85. Countenance - Enrapturing Pulse [ep] (2020) (1 reply)
  86. Desultory - Swallow The Snake (1996) (11 replies)
  87. Citranomicon - Translemonexpress [ep] (2020) (1 reply)
  88. Grausamkeit - Christenschmähung (2000) (2 replies)
  89. Formless Master & Bayht Lahm - No Chords Barred [split] (2020) (0 replies)
  90. Warskull - The King Has Lost His Crown [ep] (2018) (1 reply)
  91. Albert Works - Euphorbia Pulcherrima [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  92. Albert Works - Nothing Gold Can Stay [ep] (2018) (0 replies)
  93. Albert Works - L³ (2017) (0 replies)
  94. Kayleth - 2020 Back To Earth (2020) (0 replies)
  95. Cyhyraeth - Wrapped In Branches [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  96. Forgotten Tomb - Love's Burial Ground (2004) (23 replies)
  97. Fanttasma - Sailing [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  98. Teitanblood - Black Putrescence Of Evil [compilation] (2009) (14 replies)
  99. Caradhras - Aicassë [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  100. Deadlock - The Arsonist (2013) (48 replies)
  101. Deadlock - Hybris (2016) (9 replies)
  102. Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet (1995) (57 replies)
  103. Pest - Nekrolog [compilation] (2014) (6 replies)
  104. Black Solstice - First Rays Of Loneliness [demo] (2019) (0 replies)
  105. Freshcut - Frame Of Death [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  106. Situs Magus - Le Grand Oeuvre (2013) (39 replies)
  107. Burnt By The Sun - The Perfect Is The Enemy Of The Good (2003) (2 replies)
  108. Beerwolf - Planetfall (2017) (3 replies)
  109. Old Funeral - Our Condolences (1988 - 1992) [best of/compilation] (2013) (7 replies)
  110. Aborted - The Necrotic Manifesto (2014) (117 replies)
  111. Ocquityn - Alibi In June (1999) (19 replies)
  112. Woslom - Time To Rise (2010) (20 replies)
  113. Orpheus - Bleed The Way (2011) (38 replies)
  114. Exoto - Carnival Of Souls (1994) (6 replies)
  115. Veil - Dolor (2005) (40 replies)
  116. Lux Noctis - Nigra Cathedra [demo] (2020) (1 reply)
  117. Destruction - Born To Thrash [live] (2020) (4 replies)
  118. Ammotrack - Ammotrack (2008) (6 replies)
  119. Utuk-Xul - The Goat Of The Black Possession (2003) (9 replies)
  120. Malist - To Mantle The Rising Sun (2020) (2 replies)
  121. Torture Squad - The Unholy Spell (2001) (10 replies)
  122. Cranial Osteotomy - Victim Of Wicked Sickness (2011) (9 replies)
  123. Impure Faith - Revelation Of Exodus (2018) (3 replies)
  124. Dead Congregation - Sombre Doom [ep] (2016) (7 replies)
  125. My Dying Bride - Trinity [best Of/compilation] (1995) (19 replies)
  126. Oathbreaker - Ease Me & 4 Interpretations [ep] (2020) (2 replies)
  127. ...And Oceans - A.M. G.O.D. (2001) (22 replies)
  128. Putrid Defecation - Fecal Matter Regurgitation [single] (2020) (0 replies)
  129. Erythrite Throne - Thirst For Vampyric Purity (2019) (2 replies)
  130. The Wretched End - Inroads (2012) (25 replies)
  131. The Wretched End - Ominous (2010) (36 replies)
  132. Retribution - Corpus Antichristi Y3K (2014) (9 replies)
  133. Gospel Of The Horns - The Satanist's Dream [demo] (1994) (7 replies)
  134. Tartavara - Fetters Of Winter [ep] (2014) (1 reply)
  135. Tartavara - Вольнае Паветра [ep] (2014) (1 reply)
  136. Mystifier - Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia (2019) (18 replies)
  137. Paingod - Paingod (1997) (7 replies)
  138. Imprecation - Theurgia Summa Goetia [compilation] (1995) (21 replies)
  139. Tervingi - Gotensaga (2013) (19 replies)
  140. Skyclad - Folkemon (2000) (22 replies)
  141. Noothgrush & Coffins - Noothgrush/Coffins [split] (2013) (5 replies)
  142. Magnus - I Was Watching My Death (1992) (11 replies)
  143. Black Blood Invocation - Black Blood Invocation [demo] (2017) (4 replies)
  144. Vampirecunt - Wigganometry (2020) (0 replies)
  145. Hemotoxin - Biological Enslavement (2016) (28 replies)
  146. Annihilation Hammer - Apocalypse Wolves [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  147. Warschach - Beyond The Fog [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  148. Månegarm - Vargstenen (2007) (48 replies)
  149. Batwizard - Voidfiend [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  150. Bastardi - Bastardi [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
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