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  1. Necrofagore - Macabre Finding (2013) (2 replies)
  2. Vesperian Sorrow - Stormwinds Of Ages (2012) (14 replies)
  3. Mavorim - Der König Ist Tot [ep] (2018) (2 replies)
  4. Cercenatory - Swallowed By The Apocalypse (2016) (2 replies)
  5. Sepsis - Interdimensional Decay (2019) (5 replies)
  6. Ifrinn - Ifrinn [ep] (2016) (6 replies)
  7. Cronos - Rock 'n' Roll Disease (1993) (4 replies)
  8. Mortalized - Deathville (2007) (11 replies)
  9. Gigan - The Order Of The False Eye (2008) (18 replies)
  10. Garden Of Grief - Novembernebel (2010) (4 replies)
  11. Garden Of Grief - Endstation (2014) (7 replies)
  12. Necrofagore - Into The Gloom Of The Buried Valley (2020) (2 replies)
  13. Volcandra - Into The Azure (2020) (4 replies)
  14. Uerberos - Tormented By Faith (2017) (4 replies)
  15. Rex Devs - Ser De Seres (2007) (21 replies)
  16. Screamer - Hell Machine (2017) (7 replies)
  17. Sapaudia - Furvus Spiritus Ancellus (2015) (5 replies)
  18. Antestor - The Defeat Of Satan [compilation] (2003) (8 replies)
  19. Deranged - Morgue Orgy [ep] (2013) (10 replies)
  20. Rasta - Meridium [single] (2007) (37 replies)
  21. Master's Hammer - Vracejte Konve Na Místo (2012) (68 replies)
  22. Master's Hammer - Mantras (2009) (64 replies)
  23. Master's Hammer - Fascinator (2018) (23 replies)
  24. Maniac Butcher - Krvestreb (1997) (11 replies)
  25. Maniac Butcher - Cerna Krev (1998) (10 replies)
  26. Maniac Butcher - Lucan - Antikrist (1996) (15 replies)
  27. Mortuary Drape - Tolling 13 Knell (2000) (7 replies)
  28. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland (2017) (21 replies)
  29. Equinox - Auf Wiedersehen (1989) (7 replies)
  30. Shadecrown - Riven (2019) (7 replies)
  31. Red Harvest - Nomindsland (1992) (5 replies)
  32. Thyrane & The Dead Beginners - Black Harmony|The Dead Beginners [split] (2000) (7 replies)
  33. Cronos - Venom [best of/compilation] (1995) (3 replies)
  34. Aschehagel - Mormegil [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  35. Beneath The Massacre - Evidence Of Inequity [ep] (2005) (28 replies)
  36. Beneath The Massacre - Dystopia (2008) (50 replies)
  37. Barren Earth - Curse Of The Red River (2010) (48 replies)
  38. Barren Earth - Our Twilight [ep] (2009) (33 replies)
  39. Grievance - Pilar, Pedra E Faca (2017) (7 replies)
  40. Krypt - Preludes To Death (2008) (12 replies)
  41. The Meads Of Asphodel - Damascus Steel (2005) (16 replies)
  42. Urfeind - Swartaz Dagana (2018) (4 replies)
  43. Hexenmeister - ...And Life In Insomnia (2010) (23 replies)
  44. Equinox - Xerox Success (1991) (8 replies)
  45. Equinox - The Way To Go (1990) (14 replies)
  46. Shining - In The Kingdom Of Kitsch You Will Be A Monster (2005) (17 replies)
  47. Hollenthon - Domus Mundi (1999) (27 replies)
  48. Hollenthon - With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell (2001) (28 replies)
  49. Hollenthon - Tyrants And Wraiths [ep] (2009) (39 replies)
  50. The Exalted Piledriver - Metal Manifesto (2008) (8 replies)
  51. Virulent Blessing - As Creativity Turns Into Lunacy (2007) (13 replies)
  52. Spina Bifida - Atmosphera Mortis (2000) (14 replies)
  53. Death Angel - Humanicide (2019) (16 replies)
  54. Trivial Act - Mindscape (1997) (14 replies)
  55. Grave Upheaval - Untitled (2018) (14 replies)
  56. Saturnian Tempel - Opus II (2016) (1 reply)
  57. Weeping Sores - False Confession (2019) (8 replies)
  58. Ek - Ek (2005) (9 replies)
  59. John Frum - A Stirring In The Noos (2017) (5 replies)
  60. Death Kult - Beyond The Flesh (2011) (4 replies)
  61. Blood Flag Ritual - Ancient Proclamation Of Warfare (2019) (2 replies)
  62. Lugubrum - Albino De Congo (2008) (16 replies)
  63. Lugubrum - Wakar Cartel (2017) (19 replies)
  64. Lugubrum - Herval (2015) (35 replies)
  65. Lugubrum - Bruyne Troon (2001) (11 replies)
  66. Lugubrum - De Vette Cuecken (2004) (21 replies)
  67. Lugubrum - De Totem (1999) (12 replies)
  68. Lugubrum - De Ware Hond (2007) (17 replies)
  69. Lugubrum - Face Lion Face Oignon (2011) (61 replies)
  70. Lugubrum - Heilige Dwazen (2005) (8 replies)
  71. Lugubrum - Winterstones (1995) (11 replies)
  72. Thalarion - Tunes Of Despondency (2002) (12 replies)
  73. Oxiplegatz - Sidereal Journey (1998) (4 replies)
  74. Necromicon - Realm Of Silence (1997) (4 replies)
  75. Profetus - ...To Open The Passages In Dusk (2012) (18 replies)
  76. Intracranial Parasite - Deviations Period Of Inhumane (2016) (7 replies)
  77. Hekseri - Hekseri (2010) (10 replies)
  78. Dragonslayer - Dragonslayer (2008) (11 replies)
  79. Cold Moon - Carnivorous Lunar Activities (2001) (4 replies)
  80. Big|Brave - Ardor (2017) (9 replies)
  81. Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory And Injury (2013) (53 replies)
  82. Altar Of Plagues - Mammal (2011) (30 replies)
  83. White Wolf - Victim Of The Spotlight (2007) (7 replies)
  84. Anal Cunt - The Early Years 1988-1991 [best of/compilation] (2000) (3 replies)
  85. Anal Cunt - It Just Gets Worse (1999) (9 replies)
  86. Konvent - Demo [demo] (2017) (5 replies)
  87. Anal Cunt - Wearing Out Our Welcome (2011) (16 replies)
  88. Noisedrome - December'S In Bloom (2006) (8 replies)
  89. Гниль - Конец Света (End Of The World) [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  90. Гниль - 1995 Demo [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  91. Lugubrum & Finsternis - Al Ghemist/Finsternis [split] (2002) (6 replies)
  92. Morgain - Frostbitten Nakedness (1998) (4 replies)
  93. Marblebog - Kietlen (2019) (4 replies)
  94. Nyogthaeblisz - Apex Satanist [best of/compilation] (2016) (8 replies)
  95. Eminenz - The Blackest Dimension (2000) (2 replies)
  96. Eminenz - Anti-genesis (on The 8th Day I Destroy Godcreation) (1998) (11 replies)
  97. Barbatos - Rocking Metal Motherfucker (2003) (6 replies)
  98. Daedeloth - Terra Levis Sit [ep] (2009) (4 replies)
  99. Auspex - Heliopause (2010) (5 replies)
  100. Auspex - Resolutio (2007) (5 replies)
  101. Morgue - The Process To Define The Shape Of Self Loathing (2002) (23 replies)
  102. Retribution - Made In Hell (2006) (5 replies)
  103. Sepsism - Severe Carnal Butchery [best of/compilation] (2001) (5 replies)
  104. Acerbitas - Urkaosets Svarta Vredesdom [ep] (2011) (19 replies)
  105. Spasticus - Fuck Me Before I Die [demo] (2020) (1 reply)
  106. Impetigo - Giallo/Antefatto [best of/compilation] (2000) (11 replies)
  107. Impetigo - Faceless [ep] (1991) (8 replies)
  108. Blood - O Agios Pethane (1993) (20 replies)
  109. Shape Of Despair - Written In My Scars [ep] (2010) (69 replies)
  110. Nehëmah - Shadows From The Past... (2003) (13 replies)
  111. Anhedonist - Netherwards (2012) (20 replies)
  112. Testament - The Formation Of Damnation (2008) (74 replies)
  113. Old Man's Child - Revelation 666 - The Curse Of Damnation (2000) (22 replies)
  114. Old Man's Child - Vermin (2005) (24 replies)
  115. Old Man's Child - Slaves Of The World (2009) (140 replies)
  116. Old Man's Child - Ill Natured Spiritual Invasion (1998) (13 replies)
  117. Sammath - Godless Arrogance (2014) (9 replies)
  118. Cult Of Erinyes - Veneer [ep] (2018) (6 replies)
  119. Feldgrau - Mechanized Misanthropy (2005) (6 replies)
  120. Head Of The Demon - Sathanas Trismegistos (2016) (5 replies)
  121. Decrepit Birth - Axis Mundi (2017) (46 replies)
  122. Orloff - Apparitions Among The Graveyard Skies (2012) (4 replies)
  123. Gamma Sector - Nex Omne (2017) (2 replies)
  124. Darkthrone - Sempiternal Past: The Darkthrone Demos [best of/compilation] (2012) (37 replies)
  125. Towards Darkness - Empire [ep] (2012) (7 replies)
  126. Burning Caskets - To Burn A False Prophet (2011) (6 replies)
  127. Arkadia - Sinking [demo] (2001) (0 replies)
  128. Shards Of Humanity - Fractured Frequencies (2014) (8 replies)
  129. Oathbreaker - Mælstrøm (2011) (1 reply)
  130. Oathbreaker - Eros|Anteros (2013) (1 reply)
  131. Legenda Aurea - Sedna (2007) (32 replies)
  132. Oathbreaker - Oathbreaker [ep] (2008) (1 reply)
  133. Oathbreaker - Rheia (2016) (10 replies)
  134. Legenda Aurea - Ellipsis (2009) (24 replies)
  135. Wiegedood - De Doden Hebben Het Goed (2015) (12 replies)
  136. Desecration - Reincarnation Of Eternal Suffering [best of/compilation] (2013) (6 replies)
  137. The Mentors - Rock Bible (1990) (4 replies)
  138. Wacht - Indigen (2013) (12 replies)
  139. Laster - De Verste Verte Is Hier (2014) (5 replies)
  140. Nusquama - Horizon Ontheemt (2019) (3 replies)
  141. Turia - Dede Kondre (2017) (5 replies)
  142. Verthebral - Regeneration (2017) (13 replies)
  143. Stormlord - Far (2019) (16 replies)
  144. Stormlord - Hesperia (2013) (24 replies)
  145. Stormlord - The Curse Of Medusa [ep] (2001) (11 replies)
  146. Stormlord - Supreme Art Of War (1999) (11 replies)
  147. Stormlord - Under The Sign Of The Sword [ep] (1997) (8 replies)
  148. Stormlord - The Legacy Of Medusa – 17 Years Of Extreme Epic Metal [best of/compilation] (2008) (9 replies)
  149. Wulkanaz - HaglaNaudizEisaz (2012) (13 replies)
  150. Overkill - Triumph Of The Will (1985) (12 replies)
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