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  1. Alvenrad - Habitat (2014) (5 replies)
  2. Aosoth - IV/Appendixes [compilation] (2016) (9 replies)
  3. Inquisitor - Dark Ages Of Witchery [ep] (2012) (9 replies)
  4. Macbeth - Zeit Der Zeiten (1985-1989) [compilation] (2006) (1 reply)
  5. Hiroshima - Taste Of Death (1984) (4 replies)
  6. Grave Upheaval - Grave Upheaval [demo] (2010) (12 replies)
  7. Vile Manner - Vile Manner [ep] (2015) (1 reply)
  8. Magec - Ethereal Link [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  9. Wyrd - The Ghost Album (2006) (22 replies)
  10. Deathspell Omega - Kénôse [ep] (2005) (26 replies)
  11. Pestilence - Reflections Of The Mind [best of/compilation] (2016) (14 replies)
  12. Ashen Epitaph - Sunshine Above The Grave (2012) (4 replies)
  13. Absolute Darkness - Disaster Awaits (2018) (5 replies)
  14. Vicious Crusade - The Unbroken (2000) (25 replies)
  15. Vicious Crusade - Freedom Comes (2009) (49 replies)
  16. Whitechapel - Recorrupted [ep] (2011) (5 replies)
  17. Carnifex - Carnifex [demo] (2005) (1 reply)
  18. Carnifex - Bury Me In Blasphemy [ep] (2018) (31 replies)
  19. Sadness - Danteferno (1995) (17 replies)
  20. Beyond Description & Kontrovers - Do You Really Want A Nuclear Future? I Won't Pay The Consequences!/Untitled [split] (2000) (2 replies)
  21. Beyond Description & Absconded - Japan Meets Holland [split] (1995) (2 replies)
  22. Boot Down The Door & Beyond Description - Untitled/No Ove Can Pollute It [split] (1996) (2 replies)
  23. Déhà - A Fleur De Peau – III – A Fire That Does Not Burn (2020) (0 replies)
  24. Deterior - An Offering (2020) (0 replies)
  25. Iōhannēs - In Mourning Past (2020) (0 replies)
  26. Skinless - Savagery (2018) (24 replies)
  27. Pestilence - Mind Reflections [best of/compilation] (1994) (9 replies)
  28. Njiqahdda - Njiijn Vortii - Codex I [ep] (2009) (11 replies)
  29. Njiqahdda - Alkas Nortii Maane Solbaartu - Aski (2009) (4 replies)
  30. Art Of The Black Blood - The Woodcut Demonstration (2014) (1 reply)
  31. Lifeless - Godconstruct (2013) (11 replies)
  32. Heresiarch - Obsecrating The Global Holocaust [demo] (2011) (9 replies)
  33. Exoto - A Thousand Dreams Ago (1995) (12 replies)
  34. Dire Omen - Formless Fire Embodied [ep] (2018) (3 replies)
  35. Death Fetishist - Clandestine Sacrament (2016) (7 replies)
  36. Njiqahdda - Nji. Njiijn. Njiiijn. (2008) (19 replies)
  37. Sorhin - I Det Glimrande Mörkrets Djup (1997) (13 replies)
  38. Enslaved - Hordanes Land [ep] (1993) (18 replies)
  39. Njiqahdda - The Path Of Liberation From Birth And Death (2011) (21 replies)
  40. Vomit - Invoker Of The Past (2019) (5 replies)
  41. Soulfallen - The Promise Of Hell (2012) (20 replies)
  42. Soulfallen - Dark Remains [demo] (2004) (4 replies)
  43. Väki - Kuolleen Maan Omaksi (2020) (4 replies)
  44. Beneath The Massacre - Mechanics Of Dysfunction (2007) (26 replies)
  45. Chernobog - Vlidoxfato (1999) (7 replies)
  46. Gorified - It's Not Fear That Tears You'll Apart... It's Us [compilation] (2020) (2 replies)
  47. Revel In Flesh - Death Kult Legions (2014) (16 replies)
  48. Sovereign - The Wolf (2002) (6 replies)
  49. Torture Rack - Malefic Humiliation (2018) (4 replies)
  50. Nightly Gale - Imprint (2008) (22 replies)
  51. Nightly Gale - Illusion Of Evil (2005) (16 replies)
  52. Majestic - Trinity Overture (2000) (6 replies)
  53. Majestic - Abstract Symphony (1999) (8 replies)
  54. Im Nebel - Vitriol (2008) (26 replies)
  55. Eternal Tear - ...inside (2002) (12 replies)
  56. Bewitched - Hibernum In Perpetuum (1996) (11 replies)
  57. Diabolica Hymnis - Crux Satanas (2017) (6 replies)
  58. Emyn Muil - Elenion Ancalima (2017) (6 replies)
  59. Chapel Of Disease - The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art (2015) (8 replies)
  60. Celestial Conjuration - Demo Ii [demo] (2020) (3 replies)
  61. Burial Invocation - Rituals Of The Grotesque [ep] (2010) (20 replies)
  62. Chainbreaker - Lethal Desire (2019) (3 replies)
  63. Assumption - The Three Appearances [ep] (2014) (3 replies)
  64. Dystopia A.D. - Rise Of The Merciless [ep] (2020) (1 reply)
  65. Rupture Christ - Molesting The Entrails Of The Disemboweled (2003) (4 replies)
  66. Urban Nightmare - Urban Nightmare [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  67. Wolftomb - Autumn Of Our Lives (2018) (6 replies)
  68. Avzhia - In My Domains (2010) (26 replies)
  69. Ian Gillan & Tony Iommi - Who Cares [best of/compilation] (2012) (13 replies)
  70. Iommi - The 1996 DEP Sessions (2004) (12 replies)
  71. Anatomy Of I - Substratum (2011) (24 replies)
  72. High Fighter - Scars & Crosses (2016) (2 replies)
  73. Blood Feast - Kill For Pleasure (1987) (10 replies)
  74. Wormlust - The Wormlust Collective [best of/compilation] (2012) (13 replies)
  75. Korrigan - Thy Art,Lament (2010) (10 replies)
  76. Wulfgar - Midgardian Metal (2010) (15 replies)
  77. Grailight - Sic Luceat Lux​!​!​! (2019) (10 replies)
  78. Ramesses - Take The Curse (2010) (10 replies)
  79. Ramesses - Possessed By The Rise Of Magik (2011) (8 replies)
  80. Purgatory - Necromantaeon (2011) (29 replies)
  81. Resurgency - False Enlightenment (2012) (14 replies)
  82. Various Artists - Black Metal Medallo [best of/compilation] (2012) (5 replies)
  83. Sparzanza - Into The Sewers (2003) (4 replies)
  84. Avatar Of Hate - Legions Of The Red Flag [ep] (2020) (3 replies)
  85. Redrum - Power Corrupts (1989) (11 replies)
  86. Kerbenok - Der Erde Entwachsen (Gewollte Wunden) [ep] (2007) (6 replies)
  87. Warp Chamber - Implements Of Excruciation (2020) (7 replies)
  88. Drouth - Knives, Labyrinths, Mirrors (2017) (5 replies)
  89. Drouth - Vast, Loathsome [ep] (2015) (5 replies)
  90. Mistweaver - Nocturnal Bloodshed (2014) (9 replies)
  91. Christ Agony - Unholyunion (1993) (12 replies)
  92. Drastisch - Let Your Life Pass You By (2012) (4 replies)
  93. Drastique - Pleasureligion (2003) (19 replies)
  94. Drastic - Thieves Of Kisses (1998) (23 replies)
  95. Diadema Tristis - Alone With Nature (2012) (5 replies)
  96. Diadema Tristis - Ways Of Relief (2005) (20 replies)
  97. Temple Of Baal - Mysterium (2015) (17 replies)
  98. Venenum - Venenum [ep] (2011) (13 replies)
  99. Valkyrie - Shadows (2015) (2 replies)
  100. Wrvth - No Rising Sun (2019) (4 replies)
  101. Assatur - Nameless Rites [ep] (2015) (5 replies)
  102. Trepalium - XIII (2009) (32 replies)
  103. Trepalium - H.N.P. (2012) (18 replies)
  104. Memory Driven - Relative Obscurity (2009) (4 replies)
  105. Dark Moor - Tarot (2007) (21 replies)
  106. Dark Moor - Beyond The Sea (2005) (20 replies)
  107. Dark Moor - Ars Musica (2013) (51 replies)
  108. Barghest & Thou - I Hate Thou B/W Eyehatethou [split] (2016) (4 replies)
  109. Dark Lunacy - Weaver Of Forgotten (2010) (77 replies)
  110. Deathspell Omega - The Synarchy Of Molten Bones (2016) (88 replies)
  111. Eternal Mourning - Delusion & Dementia (2001) (12 replies)
  112. Eternal Mourning - The Resident Sadness (2003) (4 replies)
  113. Eternal Grieve - Mourning (2003) (5 replies)
  114. Deathcrown - Jackals [ep] (2020) (2 replies)
  115. Arcturus - Disguised Masters [compilation] (1999) (11 replies)
  116. Rebirth Of Nefast - Tabernaculum (2017) (36 replies)
  117. Ephel Duath - Rephormula (2002) (18 replies)
  118. Thrudvangar - Durch Blut Und Eis (2010) (41 replies)
  119. Within Tears - Moments Of Life Chapter 1 (2001) (10 replies)
  120. Thrudvangar - Zwischen Asgard Und Midgard (2007) (20 replies)
  121. MyGrain - MyGrain (2011) (67 replies)
  122. Fistula - The Process Of Opting Out (2020) (6 replies)
  123. Windhand - Eternal Return (2018) (10 replies)
  124. Yxxan - Inverterat Korståg [demo] (2019) (3 replies)
  125. Angry Nation - Embracing The Collapse (2018) (2 replies)
  126. Angizia - Kissarna [demo] (1995) (4 replies)
  127. Cranial Carnage - Crown Of Impiety (2020) (1 reply)
  128. Sickening Horror - When Landscapes Bled Backwards (2007) (9 replies)
  129. Lunar Aurora - Elixir Of Sorrow (2004) (23 replies)
  130. Coldworld - Nostalgia [ep] (2018) (22 replies)
  131. Duel Of Fate - Don't Leave This World (2006) (17 replies)
  132. Dryados - L'amour N'enleve Pas Vraiment La Depression (2004) (9 replies)
  133. Northern Oak - Into The Attic, 28th July 2009 [demo] (2009) (8 replies)
  134. Gutter Instinct - Age Of The Fanatics (2016) (4 replies)
  135. Wolfsburg - Ein Verlorener, Vergessener, Grausamer Werwolf [compilation] (2018) (5 replies)
  136. In Silentio Noctis - Through Fragments Of Christianity (2010) (17 replies)
  137. In Silentio Noctis - Disenchant The Hypocrites [ep] (2013) (4 replies)
  138. Across The Shade - Hope (2019) (3 replies)
  139. Bloodfiend - Damnation From The Deep (2017) (6 replies)
  140. Kassad - London Orbital (2020) (4 replies)
  141. Satyricon - Megiddo [ep] (1997) (7 replies)
  142. Satyricon & Enslaved - The Forest Is My Throne & Yggdrasil [split] (1995) (24 replies)
  143. Eblis - ...And Our Time Announces Black (1997) (15 replies)
  144. Murder Made God - Endless Return (2019) (4 replies)
  145. Hypocrisy - Penetralia (1991) (68 replies)
  146. Diabolical Masquerade - Ravendusk In My Heart (1995) (18 replies)
  147. Misteltein - Rape In Rapture (2000) (13 replies)
  148. Azeroth - Live In Polygon [live] (2000) (7 replies)
  149. Azeroth - Doctrine Of Dark Forest (1998) (14 replies)
  150. Necrovore - Divus De Mortuus [demo] (1987) (17 replies)
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