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  1. Burst - Lazarus Bird (2008) (9 replies)
  2. Mortification - Mortification (1991) (4 replies)
  3. Mykorrhiza - Shattered Dreams (2003) (3 replies)
  4. Merciless - Unbound (1994) (27 replies)
  5. Merciless - Merciless (2003) (16 replies)
  6. Virtues Of The Beast - Pray For My Soul To Be Missed [ep] (2008) (1 reply)
  7. Decayed - Hymns To Satan [ep] (2002) (4 replies)
  8. IV Luna - ...Libera Mente... [demo] (2000) (2 replies)
  9. Eternal Helcaraxe - Palest Kingdom [demo] (2008) (8 replies)
  10. Distaste - Of Abyss-Hearts And Falsity... (2008) (1 reply)
  11. Distaste - Todt [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  12. Carryon - Negative Approach [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  13. Carryon - Cultural Cleansing [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  14. Tymah - The Past Is Alive (2014) (64 replies)
  15. Hackneyed - Burn After Reaping (2009) (50 replies)
  16. Incognitum - Discolor [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  17. Indecency - Demo 2016 [demo] (2016) (1 reply)
  18. In Snakes I Bathe - In Snakes I Bathe [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  19. Absurd Existence - Angelwings (1994) (12 replies)
  20. I Am I - Event Horizon (2012) (10 replies)
  21. Hail - Bestial Storms Of The Abyssic Pit [demo] (2015) (1 reply)
  22. Dying Fetus - Stop At Nothing (2003) (27 replies)
  23. Sovereign - Demoniac Pride (2005) (7 replies)
  24. Yukon - No Risk No Fun (1997) (0 replies)
  25. Capitollium - Seraphim’s Lair (2004) (7 replies)
  26. Capitollium - Engraved Fear (2006) (17 replies)
  27. Obtest - Amžina Aušra [single] (2011) (3 replies)
  28. Aegrotum - Hostimentum [compilation] (2012) (8 replies)
  29. Tracheal Coccidiodomycosis - Demo 1 [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  30. Annihilator - All For You (2004) (21 replies)
  31. Baphomet's Throne - Spiritual Evil (2003) (12 replies)
  32. Edguy - Fucking With F*** [live] (2009) (6 replies)
  33. Psycroptic - Symbols Of Failure (2006) (18 replies)
  34. Lacrimosa - Sehnsucht (2009) (116 replies)
  35. Abused Majesty - Serpenthrone (2004) (18 replies)
  36. Infrahumano - Thousand Eyes [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  37. Infirmity - Depths Of Regression [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  38. Incongruous - Demo MMXVI [demo] (2016) (1 reply)
  39. Quo Vadis - Forever ... (1996) (23 replies)
  40. Aanal Beehemoth - The Forest Paranoid (2008) (28 replies)
  41. Kylesa - Static Tensions (2009) (10 replies)
  42. Various Artists - Primitive Finland [compilation] (2003) (6 replies)
  43. Lost Century - Natural Process Of Progression [ep] (1993) (8 replies)
  44. Drekavac - Drekavac [demo] (2010) (3 replies)
  45. Spiralsea - Essence (1993) (4 replies)
  46. Wretch - Bastards Born [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  47. Malefic Order - Siddet-Nefret-Yikim [demo] (2006) (8 replies)
  48. Goatwhore - Carving Out The Eyes Of God (2009) (16 replies)
  49. Thou Shalt Suffer & Mayhem & Zemial - The True Black [bootleg] (1993) (14 replies)
  50. Pavor - Pavor [demo] (1993) (5 replies)
  51. Hooded Menace - Never Cross The Dead (2010) (27 replies)
  52. Inferno - Nikdy Nepokrteni (2006) (9 replies)
  53. In Darkest Dreams - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [single] (2016) (4 replies)
  54. Imprisoned By Flesh - E.P. 2017 [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  55. In Flames - 8 Songs [ep] (2011) (13 replies)
  56. Immortal Shadow - Death Now Has A Partner [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  57. Ares Kingdom - Incendiary (2010) (13 replies)
  58. Deceitful End - Anew [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  59. Catalepsy - Fruitcakes We Have Known (1993) (17 replies)
  60. Illusions Dead - Chains Of A Martyred Soul [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  61. Trieb - Hotel California [single] (2017) (0 replies)
  62. Immolated Moth - This Broken Mind [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  63. Dramatic Lunacy - Sides (2017) (0 replies)
  64. Ominous Shrine - Ο Δρόμος Της Αποθε ώσεως (2017) (5 replies)
  65. Hyperomm - ...Death [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  66. Crystal Gates - Shadowborn [single] (2017) (0 replies)
  67. Galdr - Valdyrhugr [demo] (2009) (6 replies)
  68. Urinal Whore - Live At Beerland [live] (2017) (0 replies)
  69. Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin (2001) (33 replies)
  70. Make Them Suffer - Lord Of Woe [ep] (2010) (21 replies)
  71. Wolves In The Throne Room - Celestial Lineage (2011) (113 replies)
  72. ShitStench - Pneumonas Gangrena [ep] (2016) (1 reply)
  73. Swarost - Oblicze Kultu Cieni [demo] (2005) (5 replies)
  74. Mount Depression & Southamerican Werewolf - When The Light Goes Out​.​.​. [split] (2017) (0 replies)
  75. Electric Wizard - Radio 1 Session 1/05 [live] (2006) (1 reply)
  76. Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes (2009) (97 replies)
  77. Cannabis Corpse - Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise (2011) (40 replies)
  78. Malign Entity - Self Titled Demo Re Release [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  79. Hideous Creep - 2nd Demo [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  80. Captain Three Leg & Guro - A Safe Distance From Sickness/Necropolis [split] (2017) (1 reply)
  81. Bewitched - Encyclopedia Of Evil [ep] (1996) (3 replies)
  82. Fleischwald & Holy Co$t - Fleischwald/Holy Co$t [split] (2009) (2 replies)
  83. Fleischwald & Sadoplague & Blenorrhagical Spermatocystitis - Fleischwald/Sadoplague/Blenorrhagical Spermatocystitis [split] (2010) (1 reply)
  84. Agamenon Project & Fleischwald - Agamenon Project/Fleischwald [split] (2009) (1 reply)
  85. Fleischwald - Grindology [best of/compilation] (2009) (1 reply)
  86. Insanity Excursion & Fleischwald & Frackanus & Satsugai & Ebanath & Explosive Bowel Syndrome - Sickz Ways To Incorrect Gynecology [split] (2007) (3 replies)
  87. Lactovaginal & Fleischwald - Lactovaginal/Fleischwald [split] (2009) (2 replies)
  88. Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather (1987) (15 replies)
  89. Marblebog & Vorkuta - Wanderings [split] (2008) (10 replies)
  90. Drifter - Reality Turns To Dust (1988) (7 replies)
  91. Atrox - Orgasm (2003) (15 replies)
  92. Harvester - Blood On The Cutting Room Floor [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  93. Intruder - Escape From Pain [ep] (1990) (9 replies)
  94. Bestially Raped Till Dismembered & Rotten Rectum - Split [split] (2006) (4 replies)
  95. Gutspawn - Cenotaph Of Humanity [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  96. Sculptured - The Spear Of The Lily Is Aureoled (1998) (5 replies)
  97. Grey Skies Over Rapture - VII [single] (2017) (0 replies)
  98. Grey Lethal - 余波鋭鋒 '17 [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  99. Kultleder - Skygger [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  100. Mourning Souls - Covers Compilação [compilation] (2017) (0 replies)
  101. Bellzlleb - Section II (1990) (4 replies)
  102. Bellzlleb - Bellzlleb (1989) (9 replies)
  103. Apathos & Enchained Wolf - Enchained Wolf/Apathos [split] (2017) (0 replies)
  104. Yanomamö - Discharge Of Conformity [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  105. Frostveil - Antediluvian Majesty [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  106. Gorezone - Control Us [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  107. Golgothan - Gore Dungeon [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  108. Nattsmyg - Född Att Härska (2007) (3 replies)
  109. Decomposed Carcasses - Decomposed Carcasses [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  110. Gateway - Unhallowed Ruins/Rites [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  111. Gastric Ulcer - Altered Course [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  112. Blood Red Fog & Musta Kappeli - Wandering Towards... [split] (2007) (9 replies)
  113. FunerAll - MMXVI [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  114. From Flesh - Putrefaction [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  115. From Below - Undying [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  116. Fosforos - D​.​E​.​M​.​I​.​S​.​E. [ep] (2017) (0 replies)
  117. Forward To Eden - The First Jihad: Liberation Of The Heart [best of/compilation] (2016) (0 replies)
  118. Facegrinder - Cosmic Background [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  119. Eye Of The Destroyer - Self Mutilated [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  120. Extinctionist - Demo 2016 [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  121. Battle Dagorath - II - Frozen Light Of Eternal Darkness (2017) (13 replies)
  122. Pantheon Of Blood & Creatura - Lapis Philosophurum [split] (2015) (1 reply)
  123. Father Befouled - Profano Ad Regnum [ep] (2008) (4 replies)
  124. Eutanasia - Advance 2017 [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  125. Euphoric Defilement - Promo 2016 [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  126. Ethereal - Demo II [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  127. Eric Pellegrini - Classical Metal I [compilation] (2017) (0 replies)
  128. Empyrean Throne - Ov Fire And The Void [single] (2016) (0 replies)
  129. Embryonic Decay - Entrail Masturbation [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  130. Eldritch - Crafting A Portal To The Unspeakable Realm [ep] (2017) (1 reply)
  131. Edain - Skies Upside Down [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  132. Atrox - Terrestrials (2002) (8 replies)
  133. Atrox - Contentum (2000) (6 replies)
  134. Mellow - Ditto Demos: Mania/Sheep [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  135. Osiris - Forgotten Stones Of Time [single] (2017) (1 reply)
  136. Echoes Of The Fallen - The Nameless Ones - 2017 [single] (2017) (0 replies)
  137. Septuagint - Negative Void Trinity [ep] (2014) (3 replies)
  138. Sad - A Curse In Disguise (2007) (14 replies)
  139. Lethal Incendiary - Demo 2017 [demo] (2017) (0 replies)
  140. Disfigurement Of Flesh & Parasitic Ejaculation - Intracellular Impious Metamorphosis [split] (2016) (0 replies)
  141. Diseased Earth - Dirty South Demo [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  142. Diminished - Depraved By Time - Demo 2016 [demo] (2016) (0 replies)
  143. Diligence - Endlessly Restless [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  144. Gospel Of The Future - Gospel Of The Future (2007) (4 replies)
  145. Dwoom - Pale Mare Demo MMXVII [demo] (2017) (1 reply)
  146. Dark Infinity - Promo [ep] (2017) (4 replies)
  147. Church Of Lies - No Gods​.​.​. No Manners (2015) (1 reply)
  148. Extreme - Pornograffiti (1990) (5 replies)
  149. Depravity - New World Order [ep] (2016) (0 replies)
  150. Imindain - And The Living Shall Envy The Dead... (2007) (34 replies)
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