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  1. Nachtzeit - Sagor I Natten [ep] (2016) (2 replies)
  2. Temple Of Brutality - Lethal Agenda (2005) (7 replies)
  3. Sevenchurch - Bleak Insight (1993) (12 replies)
  4. Memoria - The Timelessness (2003) (6 replies)
  5. Naevus - Sun Meditation (1998) (6 replies)
  6. Aeteratoma - Inebriated Brain Blistering Grindgore [demo] (2018) (0 replies)
  7. Naetu - Fire Storms (2016) (1 reply)
  8. Nachtvorst - Silence (2012) (15 replies)
  9. Nachtvorst - Stills (2009) (28 replies)
  10. Nachtzeit - Där Föddes En Längtan [ep] (2015) (4 replies)
  11. TesseracT - One (2011) (29 replies)
  12. Jack Slater - Blut/Macht/Frei (2008) (13 replies)
  13. Machinae Supremacy - Redeemer (2006) (17 replies)
  14. Machinae Supremacy - Deus Ex Machinae (2004) (18 replies)
  15. Nachtreich - Retrospektive [compilation] (2015) (5 replies)
  16. Nachtreich & Spectral Lore - The Quivering Lights [split] (2014) (6 replies)
  17. Sorgeldom - Innerlig Förmörkelse (2009) (18 replies)
  18. Niklas Kvarforth - Fifteen Years Of Absolute Darkness [best of/compilation] (2011) (85 replies)
  19. Nachtfalke - Following The Wanderers Path (2007) (14 replies)
  20. Nachtfalke - As The Wolves Died (2005) (4 replies)
  21. Shining Abyss - Sacrifice-Reh-96 [ep] (2008) (2 replies)
  22. Nachtfalke - Doomed To Die (2002) (13 replies)
  23. Fate - I [demo] (2019) (1 reply)
  24. Satanic Slaughter - Afterlife Kingdom (2000) (9 replies)
  25. Nacht - The Cold Eerie Moon [ep] (2011) (1 reply)
  26. Malcuidant - Et Les Cieux s'assombrirent… (2011) (15 replies)
  27. Malcuidant - Et La Terre Brûla... (2015) (2 replies)
  28. Malcuidant - L'Hymne De La Ghilde (2005) (6 replies)
  29. Majesty Of Silence - Lichtstille (2006) (20 replies)
  30. Neurosplit Prophet - Encrypted Future Contingency (2009) (15 replies)
  31. Ataraxie - Slow Transcending Agony (2005) (23 replies)
  32. Goliardeath - Geologic Madness [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  33. Domine - Ancent Spirit Rising (2007) (3 replies)
  34. Bloodred Hourglass - Heal (2017) (13 replies)
  35. Vesania - Deus Ex Machina (2014) (14 replies)
  36. Vesania - Firefrost Arcanum (2003) (16 replies)
  37. Majesty Of Silence - But There's A Light (2003) (6 replies)
  38. Luca Turilli - Prophet Of The Last Eclipse (2002) (9 replies)
  39. King - Reclaim The Darkness (2016) (6 replies)
  40. Devil Beheaded - Hex Breaker [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  41. Satyricon - My Skin Is Cold [ep] (2008) (93 replies)
  42. Funeris Nocturnum - Code 666: Religion Syndrome Deceased (2002) (9 replies)
  43. Funeris Nocturnum - Pure Satanic Blasphemy (2000) (12 replies)
  44. Ages Of Night - К 8 Марта 2019 [single] (2019) (1 reply)
  45. LatroDectus - Altered Flesh (2003) (7 replies)
  46. Farscape - Killers On The Loose (2006) (9 replies)
  47. Wederganger & Laster - Wederganger/Laster [split] (2016) (4 replies)
  48. Laster - Wijsgeer & Narreman [demo] (2012) (5 replies)
  49. Lascowiec - Winds Of Victory (2014) (9 replies)
  50. Lascowiec - Survival (2014) (2 replies)
  51. Lascowiec - Isolation (2014) (4 replies)
  52. Lascowiec - A Warcry Rises Above The Frozen Lands (2014) (2 replies)
  53. Lantern - II: Morphosis (2017) (6 replies)
  54. Lantern - Doom-scrawls [demo] (2010) (4 replies)
  55. Landscape - Grey Empire - Shadowsoul [demo] (1995) (3 replies)
  56. Foul Body Autopsy - The Unquiet Dead (2019) (0 replies)
  57. Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor (2002) (22 replies)
  58. Ire Wolves - Reign Of Seasons [ep] (2018) (1 reply)
  59. Various Artists - Castle Of Solitude N°4 [compilation] (1995) (2 replies)
  60. Various Artists - A Black Mark Tribute [compilation] (1997) (4 replies)
  61. Mortum & Nuklearenpest - Daylight Hearkens For The Whisper Of The End [split] (2011) (2 replies)
  62. The Mystic Forest - Was This Really The Place Where You Wanted To Belong? [single] (2019) (0 replies)
  63. Satánicos Marihuanos - Inmerso En El Ande (Pre-Mix) [single] (2019) (0 replies)
  64. Pestilential Shadows - Depths (2011) (39 replies)
  65. Astarium - Wyrm Of Melancholy (2012) (7 replies)
  66. Joe Stump - Speed Metal Messiah (2004) (12 replies)
  67. Goathammer - Ceremony Of Morbid Destruction (2018) (4 replies)
  68. Nothgard - Malady X (2018) (9 replies)
  69. Labyrinth Of Abyss - The Cult Of Turul Pride (2004) (7 replies)
  70. Offensor - Experiencias En El Vicio Supremo [demo] (2013) (2 replies)
  71. Kapein - Aeon Of Rust (2007) (6 replies)
  72. Kaos Sacramentum - Förneka Den Fysiska Lekamen [compilation] (2010) (7 replies)
  73. Kaos Sacramentum - Scars Of Revelation (2010) (2 replies)
  74. Kaos Sacramentum - Bloodcurse Stigmata (2010) (3 replies)
  75. Kampfar - Norse [ep] (1998) (8 replies)
  76. Queensrÿche - American Soldier (2009) (61 replies)
  77. Devil Doll - The Girl Who Was... Death (1989) (11 replies)
  78. Sheogorath - Demo 2012 [demo] (2012) (2 replies)
  79. Kafirun - Death Worship [ep] (2014) (3 replies)
  80. Kadotus - Vaienneet Temppelit (2011) (21 replies)
  81. Alttari & Kadotus - Alttari/Kadotus [split] (2007) (5 replies)
  82. Aetherian - The Untamed Wilderness (2017) (13 replies)
  83. Assamalla & Kalm - Taamalt Tõustet Toonetarmu/Lõputu [split] (2008) (5 replies)
  84. Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram (2018) (78 replies)
  85. De Douăsprezece Statui Ale Stărilor De Umbră Ale Sufletului - Disperarea [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  86. Ildjarn-Nidhogg - Svartfråd [ep] (1996) (5 replies)
  87. Ildjarn - Ildjarn (1995) (18 replies)
  88. Ildjarn - Det Frysende Nordariket [compilation] (1995) (8 replies)
  89. Ildjarn - Son Of The Northstar [ep] (2001) (3 replies)
  90. Ildjarn - Forest Poetry (1996) (25 replies)
  91. Ildjarn - Nocturnal Visions [ep] (2004) (12 replies)
  92. Ildjarn - Ildjarn Is Dead [compilation] (2005) (39 replies)
  93. Jex Thoth - Jex Thoth (2008) (25 replies)
  94. Weltmacht - The Call To Battle (2001) (8 replies)
  95. Crifotoure Satanarda - Still Alive The Desecration [ep] (2012) (15 replies)
  96. Golden Dawn & Apeiron - Split Demo 95 [split] (1995) (1 reply)
  97. Caesarius - Dreamland [ep] (2018) (0 replies)
  98. Terrorist - Left In Desolation (2018) (6 replies)
  99. Wolfslair - Odin (2005) (9 replies)
  100. Various Artists - Thrash Sells... But Who's Buying? [compilation] (2013) (1 reply)
  101. Seeking Eternity - Seeking Eternity [ep] (2019) (0 replies)
  102. Divine Souls - Embodiment (2001) (14 replies)
  103. Diabolical - Deserts Of Desolation [ep] (2000) (3 replies)
  104. Abysmal Grief - Reveal Nothing... [compilation] (2016) (1 reply)
  105. Abysmal Grief - We Lead The Procession [compilation] (2014) (6 replies)
  106. Abysmal Grief - Strange Rites Of Evil (2015) (9 replies)
  107. Abysmal Grief - Misfortune (2009) (9 replies)
  108. Abysmal Grief - Abysmal Grief (2007) (27 replies)
  109. Azagatel - XV Years Of Pagan Chants [compilation] (2011) (4 replies)
  110. Jumalhämärä - Resignaatio (2010) (24 replies)
  111. Jumalhämärä - Slaughter The Messanger [ep] (2007) (7 replies)
  112. Carcharoth - Desolated Battlefields (2008) (5 replies)
  113. Misotheist - Gone [single] (2019) (0 replies)
  114. Joyless - Wisdom & Arrogance (2000) (10 replies)
  115. Joyless - Unlimited Hate (1996) (19 replies)
  116. Jordablod - Upon My Cremation Pyre (2017) (4 replies)
  117. Jex Thoth - Witness [ep] (2010) (4 replies)
  118. Wulkanaz - Paralys (2017) (19 replies)
  119. Jassa - Dark Years Of Dearth (2012) (5 replies)
  120. Jarnvidr - Förqwäwd (2016) (7 replies)
  121. Janvs - Vega (2008) (32 replies)
  122. Janvs - Fvlgvres (2007) (5 replies)
  123. Beto Vazquez Infinity - Beto Vazquez Infinity (2001) (17 replies)
  124. Virvum - Illuminance (2016) (15 replies)
  125. Ildra - Eðelland (2011) (34 replies)
  126. Ikuinen Kaamos - The Forlorn (2006) (11 replies)
  127. Ignis Uranium - Azimuth Nuctemeron Frequency (2009) (17 replies)
  128. Ignis Gehenna - Baleful Scarlet Star (2017) (5 replies)
  129. Conniption - A Method To Madness (2008) (19 replies)
  130. Necronomicon - The Sacred Medicines (2003) (16 replies)
  131. The Faceless - Planetary Duality (2008) (96 replies)
  132. Fear Of God - Within The Veil (1991) (17 replies)
  133. Pollution & Deadly Mosh - Deadly Pollution [split] (2008) (3 replies)
  134. Rudra - The Aryan Crusade (2002) (14 replies)
  135. Idisenfluch & Anachoret - Idisenfluch/Anachoret [split] (2015) (4 replies)
  136. Idisenfluch - Vergänglichkeit (2012) (8 replies)
  137. Idisenfluch - Trostlos: Gefangen In Der Leere [demo] (2009) (11 replies)
  138. 1349 - Beyond The Apocalypse (2004) (27 replies)
  139. Drukne & The Sons Of Dead Druids - Elder Runes [split] (2013) (3 replies)
  140. Rompeprop - Menstrual Stomphulk (2002) (12 replies)
  141. Rusted Brain - High Voltage Thrash (2013) (18 replies)
  142. Mad Maze - Frames Of Alienation (2012) (16 replies)
  143. Abazagorath - The Satanic Verses (2014) (12 replies)
  144. Ichneutic - Ichneutic [ep] (2012) (5 replies)
  145. IC Rex - Tulen Jumalat (2017) (8 replies)
  146. Saturnian Mist & IC Rex - Liber Saturni: Apochryphon Of Saturnian Rex [split] (2015) (15 replies)
  147. IC Rex - Vedenjakaja (2009) (15 replies)
  148. Ic Rex - Sielun Kadotuksen Sinfonia (2005) (30 replies)
  149. Deadly Mosh - Hellsound (2012) (16 replies)
  150. Nattefrost - Blood & Vomit (2004) (19 replies)
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