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  1. Moontower - To The Dark Aeon [ep] (2008) (7 replies)
  2. Moontower - Black Metal Terror [best of/compilation] (2004) (7 replies)
  3. Vreid - Milorg (2009) (76 replies)
  4. Tzun Tzu - The Forbidden City [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  5. Children Of Bodom - Relentless Reckless Forever (2011) (210 replies)
  6. Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire Of Apocalypse (2008) (24 replies)
  7. Cult Of Luna & The Old Wind - Råångest [split] (2016) (6 replies)
  8. Black Countess - Feetish (2007) (64 replies)
  9. Svarttjern - Misanthropic Path Of Madness (2009) (39 replies)
  10. Outcast - Self-Injected Reality (2008) (16 replies)
  11. Sarkom - Doomsday Elite (2013) (32 replies)
  12. Enid - Seelenspiegel (2002) (24 replies)
  13. Enid - Abschiedsreigen (2000) (8 replies)
  14. Orphanage - Driven (2004) (13 replies)
  15. Enid - Gradwanderer (2004) (14 replies)
  16. Orphanage - At The Mountains Of Madness [single] (1997) (3 replies)
  17. Enid - Munsalvaesche (2011) (11 replies)
  18. Hypnos - Heretic Commando - Rise Of The New Antikrist (2012) (21 replies)
  19. Hypnos - In Blood We Trust (2000) (21 replies)
  20. Der Weg Einer Freiheit - Stellar (2015) (21 replies)
  21. Drone - Head-On Collision (2007) (6 replies)
  22. Lychgate - Lychgate (2013) (19 replies)
  23. Indecent Excision - Aberration (2015) (4 replies)
  24. Stravaganzza - Raíces (2010) (2 replies)
  25. Stravaganzza - Réquiem (2007) (23 replies)
  26. Stravaganzza - Sentimientos (2005) (8 replies)
  27. Stravaganzza - Primer Acto (2004) (3 replies)
  28. Stravaganzza - Hijo Del Miedo [ep] (2006) (5 replies)
  29. Worm Ouroboros - What Graceless Dawn (2016) (6 replies)
  30. W.E.B. - Tartarus (2017) (7 replies)
  31. W.E.B. - For Bidens (2014) (14 replies)
  32. Golden Dawn - Return To Provenance (2012) (12 replies)
  33. Golden Dawn - Masquerade (2003) (16 replies)
  34. Flagellation - Incinerate Disintegrate [ep] (2007) (7 replies)
  35. Crosswrecker - Black Flame Divination [ep] (2010) (8 replies)
  36. Knokkelklang - Avgrunnens Klangverk [demo] (2013) (11 replies)
  37. Loudblast - Fragments (1998) (12 replies)
  38. Foscor - Les Irreals Visions (2017) (8 replies)
  39. Magnitude 9 - Chaos To Control (1998) (4 replies)
  40. Katsu Ohta - Eternal And External (2009) (4 replies)
  41. Fleshgod Apocalypse - Mafia [ep] (2010) (56 replies)
  42. Windfaerer - Solar [ep] (2012) (13 replies)
  43. Fleshgod Apocalypse - King (2016) (123 replies)
  44. Hæresiarchs Of Dis - In Obsecration Of The Seven Darks (2011) (8 replies)
  45. Fiend - Before My Eyes (2011) (13 replies)
  46. Fiend - The Blooming Tremble (2009) (35 replies)
  47. Immolator - Ars Moriendi [demo] (2020) (0 replies)
  48. Crack Jaw - Branded (2016) (10 replies)
  49. Temperance - Limitless (2015) (18 replies)
  50. Temperance - Of Jupiter And Moons (2018) (13 replies)
  51. Hovert - Больше Ничего (2013) (9 replies)
  52. Armory - World Peace... Cosmic War (2016) (7 replies)
  53. Anihilated - Created In Hate (1988) (12 replies)
  54. Spectral Void - Abomination [single] (2020) (0 replies)
  55. Unearth - Extinction(s) (2018) (16 replies)
  56. Witherscape - The New Tomorrow [ep] (2014) (12 replies)
  57. Windfaerer - Tenebrosum (2015) (10 replies)
  58. Dawn - The Eternal Forest (1994) (2 replies)
  59. En-Garde - Comedia De L'Arte (1996) (9 replies)
  60. Balrog - Miserable Frame (2012) (3 replies)
  61. Cemetery - Omnipotent Pyramid Poem [ep] (2014) (4 replies)
  62. Balrog - Bestial Satanic Terror (2006) (7 replies)
  63. Balrog - Ars Talionis The Art Of Retaliation (2007) (16 replies)
  64. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell - Keep It Greasy! (2016) (2 replies)
  65. Crown Of Asteria - Sol (2014) (4 replies)
  66. Soulfly - Prophecy (2004) (22 replies)
  67. Flames Of Apocalypse - Mental Awakening (2018) (0 replies)
  68. Six Brew Bantha - Demo 2009 [demo] (2009) (1 reply)
  69. Slaughter - Nocturnal Hell [ep] (1986) (3 replies)
  70. Fabula Rasa - Through The Molten Eye [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  71. Decline Of The I - Inhibition (2012) (14 replies)
  72. Miscarriagicidal Ejaculating Upheaval - Eternally Cursed Flesh [demo] (2019) (2 replies)
  73. Praise The Flame - Manifest Rebellion (2015) (8 replies)
  74. Dynfari - The Four Doors Of The Mind (2017) (4 replies)
  75. K.F.R - Ad Manifestationem Diaboli (2018) (2 replies)
  76. Distaste - Deibel (2019) (4 replies)
  77. Warhorse - As Heaven Turns To Ash (2001) (23 replies)
  78. Feeble Minded - The Perfect Suicidal Act (2015) (4 replies)
  79. Deranged - Rated X (1995) (5 replies)
  80. Bloody Hammers - Bloody Hammers (2012) (19 replies)
  81. Immemoreal - Temple of Retribution (2001) (14 replies)
  82. Backyard Cannibalism - Scriptures Of The Damned [ep] (2019) (1 reply)
  83. Balflare - Downpour (2012) (16 replies)
  84. Balflare - Sleeping Hollow (2008) (13 replies)
  85. Diapsiquir - Pacta Daemoniarum/Crasse [best of/compilation] (2008) (20 replies)
  86. Biesy - Noc Lekkich Obyczajów (2017) (7 replies)
  87. Akhenaton - Divine Symphonies (1995) (22 replies)
  88. Love Lies Bleeding - S.i.n. (2001) (15 replies)
  89. Love Lies Bleeding - Ex Nihilo (2002) (12 replies)
  90. Love Lies Bleeding - Behold My Vain Sacrifice (2000) (11 replies)
  91. Decline Of The I - Rebellion (2015) (9 replies)
  92. Cold Northern Vengeance - Trial By Ice 2002-2010 [best of/compilation] (2010) (2 replies)
  93. Aes Dana - Formors (2005) (15 replies)
  94. Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - II (2003) (6 replies)
  95. Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - Inventory Of Fixtures (2007) (26 replies)
  96. Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition (2001) (8 replies)
  97. Wyrd - Vargtimmen Pt. I: The Inmost Night (2003) (11 replies)
  98. Aes Dana - Promo CD [demo] (2000) (3 replies)
  99. Apocalyptica - Apocalyptica (2005) (24 replies)
  100. Mindless Sinner - The New Messiah (2015) (4 replies)
  101. Marduk - Winged Death 1993 [ep] (2019) (3 replies)
  102. Fanisk - Die And Become (2002) (29 replies)
  103. Ömheten - Själv (2015) (8 replies)
  104. Embrionic Death - Regurgitated Stream Of Rot [best of/compilation] (2011) (7 replies)
  105. Satanic Slaughter - Banished To The Underworld (2002) (6 replies)
  106. Saltus - Symbols Of Forefathers/Inexploratus Saltus [best of/compilation] (2006) (4 replies)
  107. Death Penalty - Death Penalty (2014) (3 replies)
  108. Dead Kosmonaut - Expect Nothing (2017) (10 replies)
  109. Dawn Of Decay - Into The Realms Of Dreams [ep] (1995) (4 replies)
  110. Siebenbürgen - Delictum (2000) (14 replies)
  111. Nightfall - Astron Black And The Thirty Tyrants (2010) (59 replies)
  112. Nightfall - Lyssa-rural Gods And Astonishing Punishments (2004) (8 replies)
  113. Nightfall - Electronegative [ep] (1999) (4 replies)
  114. Nightfall - Lesbian Show (1997) (21 replies)
  115. Nightfall - Eons Aura [ep] (1995) (7 replies)
  116. Nightfall - Parade Into Centuries (1992) (14 replies)
  117. Baise Ma Hache - Vive La Mort! [ep] (2017) (5 replies)
  118. Satanic Slaughter - Land Of The Unholy Souls (1996) (4 replies)
  119. Summon - Parazv Il Zilittv (2018) (7 replies)
  120. Witchcraft - Nucleus (2016) (8 replies)
  121. Witchcraft - The Alchemist (2007) (11 replies)
  122. Stormy Atmosphere - Pent Letters (2015) (7 replies)
  123. Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Inspiration [best Of/compilation] (1996) (21 replies)
  124. Witchcult 71 - Blessings In Black [ep] (2018) (3 replies)
  125. Possessed - Revelations Of Oblivion (2019) (126 replies)
  126. The Howling Void - The Triumph Of Ruin (2016) (23 replies)
  127. Gratzug - Offenbarung (2014) (5 replies)
  128. Lost Breed - Wino Daze [mini-cd] (1989) (2 replies)
  129. Various Artists - Escuadrón Metálico - Proyecto Dos [compilation] (1987) (2 replies)
  130. Foscor - Els Sepulcres Blancs (2019) (5 replies)
  131. Excommunion - Thronosis [ep] (2017) (5 replies)
  132. Unanimated - Annihilation [ep] (2018) (10 replies)
  133. Sutekh Hexen - Sutekh Hexen (2019) (2 replies)
  134. Untruth - Act 2: All Things In Perspectivе [ep] (2013) (3 replies)
  135. Beorn's Hall - High Command [single] (2019) (0 replies)
  136. Ildjarn - Strength And Anger (1996) (18 replies)
  137. Black Tar Prophet - Sentenced [ep] (2020) (0 replies)
  138. Aglarond - The Last Season (2016) (5 replies)
  139. Snorlax & Drugoth - The Spirit Of Darkness [split] (2019) (2 replies)
  140. Lunar Mantra - Drolṃā [single] (2017) (2 replies)
  141. Cult Of Flesh - Parca [single] (2020) (0 replies)
  142. Svartsyn & Arckanum - Kaos Svarta Mar/skinning The Lambs [split] (2004) (6 replies)
  143. Heressiah - Expletis [ep] (2017) (2 replies)
  144. Snowblind - Lord Of My Fate (2003) (7 replies)
  145. Dephosphorus - Impossible Orbits (2017) (2 replies)
  146. Anal Vomit - Depravation (2007) (21 replies)
  147. Dragged Into Sunlight - Widowmaker (2012) (6 replies)
  148. Beaten Back To Pure - The Burning South (2004) (3 replies)
  149. Morte Incandescente - ...Relembrando Um Túmulo Esquecido (2010) (17 replies)
  150. Krieg & Morte Incandescente - Death Glorification [split] (2004) (11 replies)
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