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  1. SATANATH RECORDS (603 replies)
  2. HOLY MOUNTAINS MUSIC (3 replies)
  3. KOURISTUS new CD out now! Grindcore/ Hardcore punk from Finland (0 replies)
  4. ГУЛ | (799 replies)
  5. SYMBOL OF DOMINATION (159 replies)
  6. GLAUKOM SYNOD - Vampires and gorgeous throats (5 replies)
  7. GRIMMDISTRIBUTION (93 replies)
  8. Werewolves Records (9 replies)
  9. LIVING TEMPLE RECORDS (33 replies)
  10. FUNERE (22 replies)
  11. NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST Webzine (30 replies)
  12. New Modern Authentic (0 replies)
  13. Новый музыкальный стиль - Upyachkacore. Psihe gorade - 2009 - Гнев Онотоле [EP] (10 replies)
  14. VAYRON (Fra) Demo 2022 tape out now! (Death metal inversion) (0 replies)
  15. Old School Music (8 replies)
  17. YOU NEED OLD DEMOS ? (1 reply)
  18. CARELESS RECORDS (11 replies)
  19. Музыкальный Музей (0 replies)
  21. Metal Race Records (11 replies)
  22. Rawrorr (42 replies)
  23. Xipe Totec sixth album noe available (0 replies)
  24. FOG MUSIC SHOP (345 replies)
  25. Violent Omen (7 replies)
  26. BandBond 2.0 (1 reply)
  27. Pestis Insaniae Rec (55 replies)
  28. LIQUID FLESH - “Chair liquide”... Death metal/ Death'n roll for fans of mid old CARCASS, OBITUARY... (0 replies)
  29. CASUS BELLI MUSICA (425 replies)
  30. Собака Павлова - Еда и Патроны (134 replies)
  31. Stay Heavy Fanzine (2 replies)
  32. HellVinter zine (17 replies)
  33. GLAUKOM SYNOD - Macabre remixes Out now! (1 reply)
  34. GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) Ectoplasmic revelations Out now! (Industrial/ Death metal) (1 reply)
  35. BLACK BLEEDING: "A Bright Future" Tape out now! Black death (8 replies)
  36. OLD VHS TAPES ON YOUTUBE (7 replies)
  37. Скверна - Из Глубин Восстань... (2009) (9 replies)
  38. Death Knell Prod. (29 replies)
  39. A R C H A Ω S I F E R (15 replies)
  40. CONFESSOR A.D. - MCD out now! (Death metal/ Black metal) (2 replies)
  41. Mangod - Back from the Dead Rehearsal is up! (0 replies)
  42. DELLIRIVM NOKTVRNVM (2 replies)
  43. DARKTHRONE IS DEAD noisecore (4 replies)
  44. ARCHAIC SOUND (308 replies)
  45. MUSICAL HALL/ ORIANA MUSIC (Харьков, Украина) (64 replies)
  46. Winters Bite Records (0 replies)
  47. EXCORIATE (Chile) ... Of the ghastly stench Tape out now! Death metal (0 replies)
  48. ARCHIVIST RECORDS (10 replies)
  49. Arcanum. Underground Music Store. (15 replies)
  50. Myrkr | :Vegvisir music: | Чёрная Земля (78 replies)
  51. BLACK BLEEDING - The awakening MCD out now! Death black (4 replies)
  52. ТЕХНИКА БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ (2 replies)
  53. Stavropol Nekrodivizion (12 replies)
  54. Heard of The Metalhead Box? (0 replies)
  55. помощь ARBITRATOR (0 replies)
  56. "Invasion" Split CD by FUMIGATION / PATH TO R'LYEH (0 replies)
  57. Eerie Torture (25 replies)
  58. Filth Pig - Youthful Nihilism (1 reply)
  59. Nerve Abscess (76 replies)
  60. Tridroid Records (1 reply)
  61. Kunsthauch label and distro news (90 replies)
  62. SEKT OV GNOZIS (13 replies)
  63. Assavlt Rex (154 replies)
  64. ГИМНЫ АПОКАЛИПCИСА/COLD BREATH OF SILENCE: новости дистрибьюции (86 replies)
  66. Illuminate The Silence – Silverhoney (1 reply)
  67. DEAD SHOP (35 replies)
  68. Necrogod - Initiation | Pactum Satanicum (3 replies)
  70. OSSUAIRE - Le troubadour necrophageophile MCD out now/ Death metal/ Obscure death (1 reply)
  71. BESTIAL DEFORM ...Ad Leones OUT NOW on Satanath Records (0 replies)
  72. OSSUAIRE (France) Tape out now! Old school death (12 replies)
  73. DOOMORDER (0 replies)
  74. Stoned Steel Records (1 reply)
  75. Former Abbath guitarist and Vredehammer vocalist/guitarist Per Valla launches new project! VALLA and releases new track entitled "Oceans" (0 replies)
  77. Gardarika Musikk (34 replies)
  78. = Deathly Worship = Ukraine Center of Independent Distribution (74 replies)
  79. INFECTION (Peru) - 12" Vinyl to be released (0 replies)
  80. Light Of Nova - White Window [mini-album] (2007) (20 replies)
  81. MUCUS - New demo out now! Grindcore/ Belgium (1 reply)
  82. BEHATED (1 reply)
  83. OUT NOW -Split 7" Coffins / Butcher ABC- (0 replies)
  84. GLAUKOM SYNOD - Covered in semen and slime. Out now! (4 replies)
  85. ЯРЬ productions (1 reply)
  86. Bones Brigade Records Label's News / Pre Order + Distro. (0 replies)
  87. CYHYRAETH- Servant To The Fire OUT NOW! (1 reply)
  88. APOCRYFAL - Aberration of Mind OUT NOW! Finnish Death Metal! (1 reply)
  89. Emperor Of Myself ''Built In Distrust'' new album (0 replies)
  90. DREAMGRAVE - Presentiment Out Now! (0 replies)
  91. ATAVISMA (Fra) Where wolves once dwelled. Demo tape out now! (5 replies)
  92. Emperor Of Myself New single from upcoming new album (0 replies)
  93. Premieres New CUFF Track "Spastic Craniotomy" (1 reply)
  94. "Experiments" (0 replies)
  95. Emperor Of Myself NEW SONG (2 replies)
  96. Distro News: ACxDC, Fuck I'm Dead, Drop Dead, Extortion, etc (0 replies)
  97. Cthulhu Rise (36 replies)
  98. Korean Black Metal 'Skyggen' (0 replies)
  99. Shop on Line News: Cannabis Corpse, Rotten Sound, Isis… (0 replies)
  100. News: WEEKEND NACHOS, JESUS CROST, LDOH. + 2nd Hand Dept. (0 replies)
  101. KATAPLASM - Maxxximized Centrifuse Blower Demo. Out now! (2 replies)
  102. Hræsvelgr Production (1 reply)
  103. PHOBIATIC - Fragments of Flagrancy - Technical Death Metal (0 replies)
  104. UBUREN - Withered Roots New Album - Viking Black Metal (1 reply)
  105. ANCIENT NATION (15 replies)
  106. BJARM - Imminence OUT NOW (1 reply)
  107. New JESUS CROST 12"LP "1986" OUT NOW (0 replies)
  108. $5 CD'S - Death Metal. Black Metal. Thrash. Doom. Grind. Sludge. Heavy. Old. New. (0 replies)
  109. H5N1 - A Time Of No Tomorrows - Brutal Death Metal (0 replies)
  110. WRITHING(Us)/ AD PATRES(Fra) Split tape out now! Death metal (7 replies)
  111. CRUDA SORTE - Innozenz (0 replies)
  112. Weekend Nachos / Insect Warfare / Yacopsae etc... NEWS! (0 replies)
  113. Cool price CD, News for your collection: LDOH, Yacopsae... (0 replies)
  114. Scars of Eternity (1 reply)
  115. BERSERK REVOLT (Украина) (8 replies)
  116. Berserk Revolt - Theomachist [EP] 2014 (0 replies)
  117. NEW LIST: New price! (0 replies)
  118. SOUL COLLECTOR (0 replies)
  119. Nuclear Altar "Blessed Ruins" (1 reply)
  120. TORMENT - Where dwells a mortal torment Demo out now (Death) (3 replies)
  121. REVONTULET 2014 Hear Me (1 reply)
  122. FORBIDDEN SHAPE. Роман "Gungrind": Меня вообще нереально прёт от работы в студии! (0 replies)
  123. NYCTICORAX 2013 Treatise of Death (0 replies)
  124. ATMOSFEAR magazine (4 replies)
  125. Бельф: «Поддерживайте ИЗМОРОЗЬ, и добрая Чупакабра обязательно вам поможет!» (2 replies)
  126. STAHLBAR Vol. 2013 Artificial Sun PRESENTS (0 replies)
  127. Черные дороги судьбы, или LUGER, VOCIFERIAN и другие ... (1 reply)
  128. PENTSIGN. “Какой к черту кризис?!... Black Metal начал умирать в день своего рождения» (0 replies)
  129. Hydra Division V — 2013 Ostracized (0 replies)
  130. KaaK 2013 - Pro Love - ArtSunCD #011 (0 replies)
  131. ELECTRIC RESISTANCE 2013 S-Боеустойчивость - Artificial Sun (2 replies)
  132. TYPE V BLOOD 2013 Beastkiller (0 replies)
  133. Distorted World 2013 Personal Necropolis (2 replies)
  134. ULFDIS 2013 All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity (0 replies)
  135. DARGONOMEL: Не забывайте подкармливать ваших внутренних демонов (1 reply)
  136. New Sanctophoby 7" EP - OUT NOW! (3 replies)
  137. S.N.D. Production (5 replies)
  138. EPITIMIA (0 replies)
  139. Mahakalaratri Productions (2 replies)
  140. Moonlight Dominion webzine (4 replies)
  141. (Echo) – Devoid Of Illusions (1 reply)
  142. TRENCHROT (Usa) Dragged down to hell Demo tape out now! Old school death (5 replies)
  143. SAUROCTONOS (17 replies)
  144. ASHEN PRODUCTIONS Mailorder - ! SUMMER SALE 2010 ! (49 replies)
  145. Sea Of Despair - Covered with Ice: Музыка и время (0 replies)
  146. ALTARS / HEAVING EARTH: Split tape out now! (Death metal) (10 replies)
  147. Raxa-Starchildren (0 replies)
  148. TOTAL DEATH FANZINE (0 replies)
  149. SOLOTHUS (Fin) Ritual of the Horned Skull. Demo tape out now! Death doom. (5 replies)
  150. A Hill To Die Upon new single! (0 replies)
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