В очередном раунде борьбы с бессонницей обнаружил тот факт, что новый До Скону доступен уже на стримингах, в частности на Spotify и в Deezer.
Dec 14 2020, 14:29:33
After 16 years of deathlike slumber, Hate Forest is back with a new album called "Hour Of the Centaur" created and recorded in few days of April 2020. You will not find anything trendy or new here - band's same unpenetrable dark wall of sound and bottomless maelstrom exclusively. This is laconic and honest black metal crafted on Old Europe's eastern frontier, full of disgust to modern pseudo-intellectual, selfie/ Instagram "black metal".
full of disgust to pseudo-intellectual, selfie/ Instagram "black metal".
обожаю такие предъявы, у самого друдкх и на фэйсбуке и на твиттере (что лично в моих глазах дыра еще хуже чем инстаграм), но по[мат->бан]еть все горазды
Dec 14 2020, 18:23:49
The Sinister Flame is proud to announce the signing of BEYOND MAN.
Beyond Man hails from Nidaros, Norway, and has lain dormant for a decade, having risen from the ashes of what was once known as VORDRINN. After numerous line-up changes and unreleased demos behind them, they have taken form again with renewed determination to give old and new material a worthy treatment and release. The song that is presented on their Bandcamp was recorded back in 2008 and intended for a 7” inch release, and it represents the pinnacle of their achievement at that point, before other bands like ONE TAIL, ONE HEAD, MARE, SALIGIA - among others - demanded all focus from the different members.
The band has spent the last 6 months working on what will become their debut album, and they have now entered the studio to record it.
The album will be released by The Sinister Flame in 2021.
обожаю такие предъявы, у самого друдкх и на фэйсбуке и на твиттере (что лично в моих глазах дыра еще хуже чем инстаграм), но по[мат->бан]еть все горазды
Их лейбл ведет. Это помимо того, что, очевидно, это не предъява любой группе, у которой есть инстаграмм. Ваш капитан.
Dec 14 2020, 21:12:06
Black Cat, Да и пресс-релиз писал скорее Osmose, нежели бы Роман так палил с двух рук.
Dec 15 2020, 16:27:08
Dec 15 2020, 16:56:20
FUATH - II (Album Teaser)
Translated as “hatred” in Gaelic, FUATH is the atmospheric black metal offshoot of SAOR’s Andy Marshall. Taking inspiration from arguably black metal’s most fertile and explosive period — the early to mid-1990s — the music channels unrelenting tenor and iciness. Early 2021 will see the release of the band’s second album, II, via Season of Mist’s Underground Activists sub-label.
Dec 16 2020, 22:16:48
Dec 17 2020, 17:32:19
Атмосферщики с Украины SVRM анонсировали выход нового альбома на 2021 "Розпад"
Премьерный трек
Dec 17 2020, 19:26:42
Норвеги Valdaudr анонсировали на 2021 выход своего дебютного альбома 'Drapsdalen'.
Премьерный трек
Dec 17 2020, 20:48:59
Dec 18 2020, 13:26:09
Dec 18 2020, 18:02:56
Dec 18 2020, 18:09:35
Dec 18 2020, 19:53:06
ODIUM RECORDS proudly announces signing a contract with Vincent Crowley Band for the release of the debut album “Beyond Acheron”!
After 30 years of fronting Black / Death Metal underground legends Acheron, lead vocalist Vincent Crowley put the group to the rest to pursue a solo career with the VINCENT CROWLEY BAND. Back from the blacked Abyss, this new musical entity veers to a different dark path from his past work. Instead, the material is influenced by all kinds of metal music and is hard to be automatically lumped into any certain genre. Along with their macabre music, a visual stage - show of horror is planned for live performances.
Lyrically, “Beyond Acheron” is conceptional album. It climbs the rungs of the latter of death. From beginning to end it takes the listener on a ghastly journey with somber tales of doom, casting a Poe-esque shadow.
Album is going to be released 28th of May as a digi pack cd, limited Wooden Box, Lp and on all digital platforms together with a cult Norwegian Vulture Lord which back after 17 years with a new album “Desecration Rites”.
Dec 19 2020, 03:47:25
Venefices new black/death metal project from Poland with Desolator - Drums (Medico Peste, Bestial Raids) and Sadist - Vocals, Guitars, Bass (Doombringer, Bestial Raids, ex-Cultes des Ghoules)
"Succubacy" demo tape EU release date: January 2021 (pro tape limited to 150 copies)
Dec 19 2020, 17:47:08
Blood Magic - Medieval Dark Arts (Demo 2020)
Pissmoon - Demo III - As I Await My Final Winter... (Demo 2020)
We can FINALLY announce that we finished our third album!
'Sworn to Profound Heresy' will be unleashed early next year via Purity-Through-Fire
This album is a great homage to our great master, and eternal leader SATAN!
Design and Layout executed by the great Misanthropic-Art
The Album will come as CD/A5 Digi and LP.
Tape version will be released via Worship Tapes
1. Intro 2. Sworn to Profound Heresy 3. Lair of Cursed Remains 4. Ablazing Ritual Torches 5. The Chosen Ones of Satan (feat. Nocturnal Depression Official) 6. Conjuring the Profane Fury 7. Destroyer of the Sun (feat. CURSE UPON A PRAYER) 8. The Beast Reborn 9. A Whisper From Forgotten Coffins (feat. AntimateriA)
Щедрый ты человек. Около-понравившийся релиз сразу брать, когда деньги можно потратить на куда более интересные вещи, чем "воздушный" релиз это в наше развращенное доступным музлом время очень дорогого стоит, респект
Dec 24 2020, 10:58:04
vosmidesijatye, Я дослушал. Перспектива не обманула. S. конечно немного подзадолбал тем, что почти никакого развития в свою музыку не завозит, но он все ещё крепкий музыкант, кто свое дело знает на все 100.
Dec 24 2020, 14:33:05
Новый (старый) проект с участием Вагнера:
Hær Old project started early 2000/2001 with Olof, who writes everything. Lazarus from Mystruin on drums. I play bass. This track and the rest recorded in several sessions 2018/2019/2020. 12" release early next year.
Things are moving slowly but surely. The recordings for the new album are almost completed. In the first sighs of the new year we bring this all to an end to put this piece into this dark world. We are also stunned to unveil that Mr. Marco Kehren (Deinonychus, Nihil Novi Sub Sole, ex-Bethlehem...) will feature one of the new songs. Besides that, some more facts for those who are interested: - This will be a limited vinyl-only release with a download option resp. in digital format through the band's Bandcamp page (officialanti.bandcamp.com) - Final Mix and Master will be done at the Echolux Studio in Leipzig - Release date is still unknown, but it's targeted to the first quarter of 2021 - Merchandise... yeah, probably