Graveland Newsletter April 2011
Heilsa !
Some news from Graveland and Lord Wind
Lord Wind "Ales Stenar"
At the moment I am working on new
Lord Wind album "
Ales Stenar".
When I finish this work, I will go back to work on Graveland album "
Thunderbolts of the Gods".
Not much is to be done: only bass, vocal and mix.
Lord Wind album "Ales Stenar" probably will be released during summer 2011, Graveland "Thunderbolts of the Gods" in autumn 2011.
No Colours Records gave me a proposition to release Graveland album as LP digi book with my pages.
Probably we will release this digi book in 2012. The working title is "
From Darkness to Light".

News about T-shirts:
Hammerbolt Prod. will release three new t-shirts of Graveland : "In the Glare...", "Celtic Winter", "Thousand Swords" and Lord Wind "Forgotten Songs"
Wolftyr Prod. will release longsleeve of Lord Wind and F
orever Plagued Rec two new t-shirts of Graveland "In the Glare..." (burning church) and "Celtic Winter" (cd cover).
New split cd
Graveland / Bialy Vitez will include intro + two songs of Graveland in Polish vocal version! Split cd will be released by
Eastside Rec. (PL)
Fragments of
Lord Wind new tracks for album "
Ales Stenar" you can listen on this link:

Darkland Rec. prepares "
Wotan Mit Mir" mini-cd version (new mix 2010 plus bonus track).
Bonus track: "Blood Faithful to Soil" (new mix 2010) track is from "Eastern Hammer" vol.1 4-way split CD
Cold Winter Blades"
Mini-cd 2010 now available on tape version released by Werewolf Prom.

Tape includes bonus tracks:
1. Spear of Wotan (taken from compilation "Night and Fog vol.3)
2. Blood Faithful to Soil (taken from 4-way split cd "Eastern Hammer" vol.1)
3. King of Aquilonia (taken from split ep7' "Tribute to King of Aquilonia")
The Wolves of Avalon ‘Carrion Crows over Camlam’ cd available!
The Pagan Metal project of Metatron from
Meads of Asphodel. The Wolves of Avalon is an embodiment of ancient British spirit and pride and not to be confused with any modern interpretation of things long since buried by time and dust. By drafting in JM to create the music and traditional instrumentalist from other bands, Metatron s vision has finally come to life.
The Wolves of Avalon feature - , Rob Darken [Graveland], Verst [Instinct], Roibéard Ó Bogail [Mael-Mordha], Magnus O. Wohlfart [Yggdrasil], Petra Jadrná [ Cruadalach], Arvid Vermote [Krigavar], and Rob Wakefield [Aurora-Project]
The music can be termed, Celtic Pagan Metal that simmers in a doleful, almost tragic atmosphere with sporadic up tempo sections to shed light on the Dark Age tale that writhes within.
1. Intro / This Mighty Isle
2, The Wolves of Avalon
3. Enchanted spirits of wariors slain [instro]
4, Lost gods we call upon you
5. British tribes unite
6. The War song of Beli Mawr
7. The siege of Badon Hill
8. The last druid
9. Carrion Crows over Camlan (Rob Darken on vocal)
10,Britain Is fallen
11.Ravens over Dumonia [instro]
12.Song of the Graves
Godreah Records
From left:
Ihasan (not from Emperor! ),
Nergal, Darken (30 04 2011).
For the first time after so many years we had an opportunity to meet face to face.
Nergal made me a big surprise visiting me at my home. In autumn 2010 we decided to finish long lasting mutual aversion.
Nergal gave me a proposition to write down memories from the times when we cooperated together. It will be a part of a book about
Behemoth which will be released in autumn 2011
Forgotten Path Magazine #3
is released!
Include English version of 14 sides interview with
Graveland from German mag. Jut De Asken (Band 5)
After almost two years of silence, the new issue of “Forgotten Path Magazine” has been unleashed. This time it offers 120 b/w professionally printed and designed pages of the blackest art from all corners of the world. The magazine includes different reports from Metal events/festivals, as well as more than 200 critical reviews on various albums/demos, and of course – interviews with the following acts/parties:
SHINING [Swe], LOITS [Est], BESTIAL RAIDS [Pol], “Antichrist/Dead Center Prods.” [Ukr], ENSLAVED [Nor], LUCTUS [Ltu], KEEP OF KALESSIN [Nor],
GRAVELAND [Pol], CODE [Gbr/Nor], “Supremacy Through Intolerance” [Ger], EMPTY [Esp], STRIX [Ita], ANIMUS MORTIS [Chi], TELOCH [Fin], LEBENSESSENZ [Bra].
The magazine can be ordered through email forgotten.path.mag@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The price for one copy – 6 Euros + shipping.
We offer absolutely flexible prices for the wholesalers. Ask through email.
Our website will be updated with the newest info in upcoming days. As for now, get in contact through email: forgotten.path.mag@gmail.
Graveland patches from Seance Rec.
"In the Glare of Burning Churches" and "Carpathian Wolves"

Available in Seance Rec (Australia) big buttons!

and still available: