Helrunar - Niederkunfft27.02.2015
1. Niederkunfft
2. Der Endchrist
3. Totentanz
4. Devils Devils Everywhere!
5. Magdeburg brennt
6. Grimmig Tod
7. Die Kirch ist umbgekehret
8. The Hiebner Prophecy
Bonus CD (only book edition):
1. Landsknecht
2. 1683
Negura Bunget - Tau27.02.2015
1. Nametenie
2. Izbucul Galbenei
3. La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi
4. Curgerea Muntelui
5. Tarim Vilhovnicesc
6. Impodobeala Timpului
7. Picur Viu Foc
8. Schimniceste
Bonus CD (only artbook)
1. La Hotaru Cu Cinci Culmi (alternate version)
2. Impodobeala Timpului (alternate version)
A Forest of Stars - Beware The Sword You Cannot See27.02.2015
1. Drawing Down The Rain
2. Hive Mindless
3. A Blaze of Hammers
4. Virtus Sola Invicta
5. Proboscis Master Versus The Powdered Seraphs Pawn on the Universal Chessboard
6. Part I: Mindslide
7. Part II: Have You Got A Light, Boy?
8. Part III: Perdurabo
9. Part IV: An Automaton Adrift
10. Part V: Lowly Worm
11. Part VI: Let There Be No Light
Bonus CD "Valley Of Desolation EP" (only box):
1. Gestation
2. Catafalque Caravan Quandary
3. Plastic Patriarch Lynch Squad (Enduring December)
For the curious, a few more words to add regarding the themes of our new album:
For our fourth long playing wax cylinder, we have elected to slip down the rabbit hole of death. Cliche notwithstanding, the overarching concepts here are embroiled in the stumbling off of this mortal coil and the pleasures that go with said activity.
Premature grave population, enclosed spaces, panic, worms, maggots, creeping crawling things. Alongside these happy thoughts, we explore rot, mould, feotor, decay and dilapidation. The crumbling of minds, cities and epochs. Mental collapse.
In order to keep with the programme, we also stick our hobnailed boots into organised religion. Physically abusing angels and delousing the house of god.
The vast majority of the lyrics to this album were written whilst Curse was in a state of near physical collapse; coming to terms with long-term irreparable damage to his body, and feeling somewhat like a sentient soul trapped in a worn-out meat prison. As always, the old bastard has attempted to maintain his ability to laugh in the face of adversity, and to maintain a sardonic smile whilst unavoidably crumbling to dust and worse, providing a pustulent playground for all night crawlers along the way.