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VHORTHAX - "Nether Darkness" 12" MLP на Iron BoneHead Productions, 5 января 2018.

Today, Iron Bonehead Productions sets January 5th, 2018 as the international release date for the striking debut EP of Vhorthax, Nether Darkness, on 12" MLP and CD formats.
Hailing from Russia, Vhorthax was formed by members of the band Abyssfire - Morkh (voices & psalms - also Sickrites and Serpentrance), Nicholas-N.A.-I.I. (drums), and M.P. (guitars & bass) - in 2016 during a night of black candle mass meditations in their rehearsal bunker. There's no other goal but the channeling of primitive and cavernous chants of the Devil in the rough form of morbid BLACK/DEATH echoing with the sounds of the altars of worship. After several gigs, Vhorthax locked themselves in the bunker and crafted the four foul songs branded as Nether Darkness.
Now bookended by a suitably haunting intro and outro, Nether Darkness indeed evokes its title: a plunge into the deepest, darkest recesses of the eternal abyss. Muscular yet atmospheric and travelling across all sorts of diabolical terrain, Vhorthax craft a sound that's both patient and potent, simmering with sinister energies before winding up and into a fiery fury. Moments of ritualism become full conflagrations, and the slipstreaming momentum becomes too much to bare. Truly, this is Nether Darkness, and Vhorthax are leading the way downward with torch in hand.
Release with guest appearance of T. Kaos of LVCIFYRE, Laura Elisa Corrales of Thornspawn (Official Site), Ludo Lejeune of Melek-Tha & Spirito Destitutus of Ill Omened. Cover art by Artem Grigoryev.
Треклист:I. Altar I - The Mass
II. The Levitating Tomb
III. Stabat Mater
IV. Thy Foul Graal
V. Crushing The Vessels Of Trinity
VI. Altar II - The Descent Of The Martyr