Esoctrilihum - Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh - 17 // 06 // 22
1. Spiritüs Flesh 05:17
2. Thertrh 05:14
3. Shohih 06:59
4. Tharseîdhon 04:20
5. Scaricide 06:27
6. Sydtg 05:28
7. Aath 07:04
Hats Barn - Y.a.HW.e.H - 24 // 06 // 22
1. Opening - Ten Psalms Of Death And Khaos 02:37
2. BAAL-ZEBUB 04:53
3. Y.H.W.H 02:10
4. In Nomine Leprosy 04:06
5. Under The Pillars Of Daath 04:09
6. Total Death Kult 05:47
7. L'Enfant Doit Mourir 03:13
8. Walpurgis Of Seth 03:12
9. Absence Of Faith 04:36
10. Que Le Sang Coule Dans Les Fleuves 04:16
11. The Man Returns To Dust 06:44
Veter Daemonaz - Muse of the Damned - 24 // 06 // 22
1. Muse of the Damned Part I 04:33
2. Under the Banners of Night 06:12
3. The Conqueror's Crown 06:36
4. Twilight 04:08
5. Moon Sorcery 05:50
6. The Sun Into the Kingdom of the Blind 04:25
7. The Thread 05:29
8. Muse of the Damned Part II 05:14
Black Cilice - Esoteric Atavism - 01 // 07 // 22
1. Beyond the Veil 07:27
2. Channelling Old Power 05:41
3. Spiritual Poisoning 05:03
4. Atavistic Reconnection 04:44
5. Triumph over Eternity 07:24
6. Towards Transcendence 05:26
Isengard - Vandreren (Demo) - 29 // 07 // 22
1. Vinterskugge 05:15
2. Gjennom skogen til blaafjellene 05:51
3. Ut i vannets dyp hvor mørket hviler 04:19
4. Dommedagssalme 05:06
5. In the Halls and Chambers of Stardust the Crystallic Heavens Open 02:33
6. Fanden lokker til stupet (Nytrad.) 02:43
7. Naglfar 05:29