Exclusive stream of the track "De Profondis Clamavi" from the upcoming MORTIFERA new album 'V - Ecclesiae Mortii', coming out October 31st
Oct 15 2021, 19:56:47
Nocturnal Graves - An Outlaw's Stand - 07 // 01 // 22
1. Death to Pigs 05:30 2. Command For Conflict 04:32 3. Ruthless Fight 03:46 4. Across the Acheron 04:05 5. No Mercy For Weakness 04:01 6. Law of the Blade 05:13 7. Beyond the Flesh 04:56 8. An Outlaw’s Stand 04:28
Oct 16 2021, 06:58:06
Bonus track from the re-release of 'Widrstand' (Demo, originally released in 2012), out November 19th, 2021 as remastered edition. Совсем недавно открыл для себя эту красоту. Хорошая штука, красивая музыка. Переиздание демки кстати. Надо будет переслушать и если что заиметь себе на носителе. Отличная банда как по мне.
Oct 16 2021, 13:28:53
Канадцы CANTIQUE LÉPREUX анонсировали выход новой епишки Sectes
Премьерный трек
Oct 17 2021, 11:19:00
Förgjord - Ruumissaarna pt. 2 released October 4, 2021
1. The Seed 09:12 2. The Humming Mountain 04:46 3. The Dwell 05:01 4. Awakening Remains – Before Leaving 07:18 5. The Sleep 03:00
Cân Bardd - Devoured by the Oak - 12 // 11 // 21
1. Echoes of the Moss 2. Une Couronne de Branches 3. Devoured by the Oak Pt.I 4. Devoured by the Oak Pt.II 5. Crépuscule 6. Spleen by the Pond 7. Autumn Shore 8. Blomsterkransen
Darkestrah - Chong Aryk - 05 // 12 // 21
1. Gift of Mud and Venom 2. The Warrior Poet 3. Broken Wheel
1. Dreamblack: Drowning in Anhedonia 2. Midnight: An Illusive Vision into the Boundless Sky of Mourning Stars with Prominent Eyes 3. Astral Transfixion: My Heart Devoid of Any Entity 4. Pareidolia: The Bringer of Poison & Toxic Passion 5. Vermilion Apparitions: Five Hundred Sleepless Nights... Drained by Distress, All I See is Red... 6. The Vampyric Condition: Romanticism & Mystique Masked by an Empty Face... to Never be Seen Again...
Oct 17 2021, 21:00:58
Earthly Form - Screaming Winds
Oct 18 2021, 15:29:34
Oct 19 2021, 10:06:14
Англичане Pale Mist анонсировали выход нового альбома "Through the Labyrinth and into Connectivity" - CD out soon by Werewolf Promotion.
Премьерный трек
Oct 19 2021, 12:07:32
Канадцы Ifernach анонсировали выход нового альбома "Capitulation of All Life"
Насколько я помню, он был не в восторге от той работы, поэтому скорее он сейчас собирается в экспедицию на Алголь, чем трудится в горсовете.
Oct 19 2021, 18:27:45
Vampirska - Astral Transfixion: My Heart Devoid of Any Entity (single, 2021)
Oct 20 2021, 12:16:30
Devourer - Visions From Megiddo (Studio Report August 2021)
Vocal recording session for the song "Visions From Megiddo" by Devourer. The song will be part of Devourer's fourth full-length album that is planned for release in late 2021.
Oct 20 2021, 17:34:05
Doedsvangr - Serpents ov Old (Full Album Premiere)
Oct 22 2021, 21:37:10
Oct 24 2021, 09:31:53
Ещё один премьерный трек от финнов ARCHGOAT с предстоящего альбома
Oct 24 2021, 13:04:21
Немцы Mavorim анонсировали выход нового альбома "Non Omnis Moriar"
Премьерный трек
Oct 24 2021, 15:36:29
KIRKEBRANN - "Døden Byr Opp Til Dans"
Song taken from the upcoming split with VISEGARD - "Kirkegard"
Oct 27 2021, 20:54:42
Oct 28 2021, 10:27:45
Oct 28 2021, 13:17:15
Oct 28 2021, 19:16:50
Dominum Inferum soon All art and music by R. Forster (Conqueror, Death Worship, Blasphemy). releases November 15, 2021
Oct 29 2021, 20:52:08
New album Käärmekristus - "Louhi"
Oct 29 2021, 20:58:10
Oct 30 2021, 12:27:34
Не знаю было или нет, но на дискогсе новый ЕПи Avsolutized... – Så Som Ovan, Så Är Svärtan от Those Opposed Records
Oct 31 2021, 16:13:52
Финны Sacrificium Carmen анонсировали выход нового альбома “Nekrognosis - Avain Varjoihin”
Премьерный трек
Oct 31 2021, 23:47:27
The seventh album of Watain is completed.
Nov 1 2021, 11:46:55
Немного монотонно, но здесь в тему. Ждем альбом November 5th, 2021
Nov 1 2021, 13:21:24
Греки DIABLERY анонсировали выход нового альбома "Candles"
Премьерный трек
Nov 1 2021, 13:55:02
Northern Heritage анонсировал новый альбом WARLOGHE ”Three Angled Void”
Gauntlet Ring - May the Skies Rain Blood Upon the Earth
Nov 3 2021, 17:05:13
Nov 4 2021, 13:00:04
Nov 4 2021, 15:58:25
Nov 4 2021, 16:38:17
Тут такое через неделю выходит...
Ребята из Dødheimsgard Dold Vorde Ens Navn - Mørkere November 12th, 2021
Nov 4 2021, 20:09:06
Nov 4 2021, 20:21:02
Black Death actually
Nov 5 2021, 15:43:43
Hell Militia
French underground black metal band Hell Militia will return with a new album after nearly 10 years of silence! The band's previous release 'Jacob's Ladder' was released in 2012 and the new record will be released via Season of Mist Underground Activists in the first half of 2022.
The band comments: "Hell Militia is back! The new album is a bitter reflection of the years that have passed since the release of Jacob’s Ladder. Always the same, but spiralling out of control into more extreme situations. The new album is the result of bitter days,an even more bitter aftertaste, fanatic unshakable religious faith and urban filth resulting in a toxic cocktail. Fuck your world and everything in it. Gospel of the Pig 2021." #Staytuned
Nov 5 2021, 18:38:43
Спустя 2 года после анонса новый Kaevum таки материализовался..
French underground black metal band Hell Militia will return with a new album after nearly 10 years of silence! The band's previous release 'Jacob's Ladder' was released in 2012 and the new record will be released via Season of Mist Underground Activists in the first half of 2022.
The band comments: "Hell Militia is back! The new album is a bitter reflection of the years that have passed since the release of Jacob’s Ladder. Always the same, but spiralling out of control into more extreme situations. The new album is the result of bitter days,an even more bitter aftertaste, fanatic unshakable religious faith and urban filth resulting in a toxic cocktail. Fuck your world and everything in it. Gospel of the Pig 2021." #Staytuned
French underground black metal band Hell Militia will return with a new album after nearly 10 years of silence! The band's previous release 'Jacob's Ladder' was released in 2012 and the new record will be released via Season of Mist Underground Activists in the first half of 2022.
The band comments: "Hell Militia is back! The new album is a bitter reflection of the years that have passed since the release of Jacob’s Ladder. Always the same, but spiralling out of control into more extreme situations. The new album is the result of bitter days,an even more bitter aftertaste, fanatic unshakable religious faith and urban filth resulting in a toxic cocktail. Fuck your world and everything in it. Gospel of the Pig 2021." #Staytuned
Вот уж действительно новость. С мейнахом адская милиция это почти что классика (за исключением последнего альбома, который ни о чём). Лишь бы не скатились в какой-нибудь Sektemtum
Nov 7 2021, 19:16:09
Pensées Nocturnes - Douce Fange - 21 // 01 // 22
1. Viens tâter d’mon Carrousel 03:56 2. Quel sale Bourreau 07:25 3. PN mais Costaud ! 06:38 4. Saignant et à Poing 06:12 5. Charmant Charnier 01:45 6. Le Tango du Vieuloniste 04:56 7. Fin Défunt 05:59 8. La Semaine Sanglante 07:33 9. Gnole, Torgnoles et Roubignoles 05:25
Nov 8 2021, 11:23:24
Dark Funeral - We Are The Apocalypse - 18 // 03 // 22
New Studio Album.
Nov 8 2021, 18:31:53
Немецкие ветераны Eminenz тут выкатили трек с грядущего альбома. Начиная с вступления и далее аж бальзамом на душу легло, как будто из середины/конца 90 песня звучит. Симфонично, мелодично, немного агрессивно и дико атмосферно. Альбом жду!
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