В ближайших планах Виндсваля из
Blut aus Nord сплит с
Rebirth of Nefast. Кроме этого - новый эмбиетно-электронный проект
777, не связанный с одноименной трилогией, и еще много чего: "I’m already working on new songs for a split with Rebirth Of Nefast. I’m also working on a new project called 777 (the project, not the trilogy), entirely electronic/ambient music, a very dark and strange experience, like a new emanation of Blut Aus Nord. I have a ton of new ideas, projects, and a ton of things to compose and record. I can’t take a break with music, just because music doesn’t want to take a break with me!"
LinkProfound Lore Records в обращении к фэнам на Фэйсбуке, помимо прочего, обещают новый
Leviathan в недавно наступившем году: "So for a quick abstract overview for 2013, you can expect new releases from MAN'S GIN, the face melding debut from VHЦL (which exceeded our expectations), ALTAR OF PLAGUES, SUBROSA, AVICHI, LEVIATHAN, A.M.S.G., VASAELETH, MORNE, and CASTEVET. Just to name a few off the top of our head".